Argus-Leader from Sioux Falls, South Dakota (2024)

thelr term, but the total amount of such expenses of foreclosurt, will be far- Sioux Falls Argus-Leader child support and possession of household goods. The' defendant fialiif o( Ike Oaij Todays 1400 block on S. Minnesota Avenue. Lonney H. Sangl, 535 W.

26th $40, and Harold C. Skinner, 1507 S. Grange $125, at 26th and Grange. Thefts Billfold from Jeffrey Larson, 921 S. Euclid Ave.

Taken from YMCA locker. Darlene Jenson, 219 S. Jef lliiii additional interest may not exceed $2,780. No rata or combination of rates appli cable to any bond for any portion of its term may txceed 5 per cent per annum. Principal and interest will be made payable at any suifaoio banking institution designated bv the successful bid der, sublect to approval by the Board of Trustees, and the District will pay reasonable and customary paying agency charqes.

Within 40 days alter award of sale the District will furnish and deliver printed and executed bonds, the customary no-litigation certificate, and the unqualified approving opinion of Messrs. Dorsey, Owen, Marquart Windhorst West of Minneapolis, Minnesota. The bonds will be delivered to the purchaser at the expense of the District anywhere in South Dakota or In Minneapolis or St Paul, Minnesota; delivery elsewhere will be at the expense of the purchaser. Sealed bids marked "bid for $139,000 general obligation Sewer Bonds' may be mailed or delivered to tha undersigned, but must be received prior to the time of said meeting. Each bid must be unconditional except as to legality, which mav be conditioned uoon the approving opinion specified above.

Each bid other man a dio from a soum uaxota atme Agency must be accompanied by cashier's or certified check or bank draft in the amount of $2,780 payable to the District, to be forfeited as liquidated damages in case the bid is accepted ana the bidder fails to comply therewith. Bids will be compared on the basis of net interest cost (total interest to stated maturities, less any cash premium), oral oio, nor any oio or less man par and accrued Interest from date of issue until maturity for all bonds will be con- ciriftrH- imI th Riurri redrve.t the riant to waive anv informality in any bid and to reiect any ana an oios. Dated DecemDer 16. ivm. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Warren E.


AND ROBERT BERKHOF, HEIRS, DEVISEES AND LEGATEES OF BERENDINA BERKHOF DELEA5ED, AND TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Notice is hereby given that Friday, the 20th dav of January 1967, at two ciock r.N. ot said oay, aT tne. courr-room of said Court, at Sioux Falls, County of Minnehaha, has been appointed as the time and olace for orovina the Foreign Will of Berendina BerkhoC de ceased, and for hearing the petition ot Bastieaan Berkhof, for the Issuance of Letters of Administration with me Will Annexed to Gertrude Rippentrop of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, when and where any person Interested may appear and contest the same. The names of the heirs, devisees and legatees of said deceased as shown by said petition are as above stated. The petition on file as aforesaid is referred to for further particulars.

All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified to file the same with the Clerk of the above Court within four months from the date of the first publication of said notice or be forever barred. Dated at Sioux Falls, south Dakota, this 28th day of December 1966. BY IHt LUUKt: WILLIAM HEUERMANN Judae ATTEST: M. J. SCHNEIDER Clerk (SEAL) May, Boe at Johnson Attorneys for Petitioner (Dec.

30, Jan. 6, 13) NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Default having accrued In the failure to pay principal and interest when due which the power of sale fherein contained on tne following Mortgage cy reason ot has become operative, and the mortgage having elected pursuant to the option therein contained to declare the entire indebtedness thereby secured due and payable, and no action or proceeding having been instituted at law to recover the debt remaining secured by such Mortgage or any part thereof, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to such power of sale and the statutes in such case made and pro vided, said Mortgage executed and delivered by Jerrould J. Green and Faye M. T. Green, mortgagors, to The Prudential Insurance Company of America, mortgagee, mortgaging Lot Ten In Block Three of Tabberts Addition to the City of Sioux Falls, Minnehaha County, South Dakota, dated November IS, 1962, and recorded November 15, 1942, in Book 394 of Mortgages on Pages 144-149 thereof, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Minnehaha County, South Dakota, in order to realize tne amount claimed to be due thereon at the data of this Notice, to-wlt: The sum of $14,182.30 principal, $12.07 taxes advanced, and $395.20 interest, amounting In the act-gregata to $14,589.57, together with Stat- utory attorneys' fees, interest, costs and NOTICE OF HEARING PETITION FOR SUMMARY ADMINISTRATION, STATE OF SOUTH SS COUNTY OF MINNEHAHA.


TIMOTHY NIE WALD, DONNA SARGENT, ROBERT HALL, JERRY HALL. JUL HALL SHARON NIEWLO SMITH, RICHARD NIEWALD, DIANNE NIEWALD, GAIL NIEWALD and CHERYLE NIEWALD, heirs, heirs at law, legatees, devisees, and known creditors of EMMA M. NIE WALD, deceased and to all persona Interested in said estate: NOTICE Is hereby olven that HAROLD V. NIEWALD, whose postoffice address is Hartford, south Dakota, and DORD THY L. HALL and HARVEY R.

NIE WALD, both of whose postoffice address Is Sioux Falls, South Dakota have fi.ed with the Judge of this Court a petition Qraymq ror summary administration the estate of EMMA M. NIEWALD. de ceased, whose postoffice address was Hartford, South Dakota, and who died on the eth day of December, 1946, and that Wednesday, the 18th day of January, IW at 9:30 o'clock A. M. Of Slid day, at the office of the County Judge in the Minnehaha County Cou thouse, in Tne tny ot Sioux t-aiis, south Dakota, has been set for hearlnq said petition, When and where any heir, heir at law, legatees, devisee, creditor, or person in-lerester In said estate may appear and asserr any rignt to sucn estate, and, If he desires, show cause why petition ahould not be granted.

r'OTICE is further giver) that upon Such hearinq the Court will determine whether such estate is to be distributed forthwith and, if so, to whom the same Is to be so distributed! and if such dis tribution Is made, the claim of any creditor not presented at such hearing Win be barred. The total value of decedent's estate set forth in the petition Is Jl.12i.00 Included in which amount Is the homestead left by the decedent valued at ai.iuu.uu. Dated at Sioux Falls, South Dakota, this 21st day of December, 19M. BY THE COURT: WILLIAM H. HEUERMANN Judge GENE E.

PRUITT ueji M. J. SCHNEIDER Clerk WILLY, PRUITT MATTHEWS ui national Bank ot south Dakota Bidg. Sioux Falls. South Dakota Attorney for Petitioners Dec.

30, Jan. 13 NftTtrp np cai 1139,000 General Obligation Sewer Bonds tsranoon sanitary District Minnehaha County, South Dakota NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Trustees of Brandon Sanitary District, Minnehaha County, South Dakota, a governmental subdivision duiy created and estabished by authority of Chapter 45.38, I960 Supplement to the aouin uakota code ot 1939, as amended, will meet at the United National Bank of Brandon Bidg. in Brandon, South Dakota, i ociock p.m., C.S.T., on Janu ry 12, 1967, for the purpose of recaivina. opening, and considering sealed bids far, and awarding the sale of, (139,000 negotiable coupon, general obligation Sewer Bonds of the District to be Issued for the purpose or financing construction ot a wer collection system. The bonds will be dated as of January 1, 1967, and will be In bearer form, numbered consecu tively, in tne denomination of $1,000, maturing In order of serial numbers On January I in the following years nd amounts: S5.000 In each of the years 1970 and 1971, $4,000 in each of tie years 1972 throuoh 1975.

$7,000 in each of the years 1976 and 1977, $8,000 in eotn or in. years iyb inrougn ivao, (9,000 in each of the years 1981 through 1983 and $10,000 In each of the years 1984 through 1987. Bonds maturing In the Years 1980 through 1987 will each be subject to redemption and prepayment at the option of the District and in in verse order of serial numbers on January 1, 1979, and any Interest payment fjt. thereafter, at par and accrued. In terest plus a premium ot $15 iiach bond to redeemed.

The bonds will bear Interest at the ra.e or rates specified by the successful bidder payable July 1, 1968, and semiannually thereafter on each January 1 nd July 1. All bonds maturing on the same dates must bear interest from date ot issue to maturity at the same basic rate. Not more than four such basic rates may be specified, applicable to consecutively maturing bonds, and the basic rate applicable to later maturing bonds, If more than one basic rate is specified, mus be higher than the basic rate applicable to earlier maturing bonds. Bids may provide that some or II of the bonds shall bear additional Interest, represented by supplemental or coupons coming due on regular In- terest payment dates, for part or all of i retains a 1958 Ford. flenine Michael seeks separ ate maintenance from Glen Michael.

They were married July 20, 1957, at Pipestone, Minn. She seeks custody or three children and support; Marv Eisenbraun has been awarded a divorce from Ken neth Eisenbraun. They were married Oct. 19. 1962, at Lu verne, Minn.

She receives custody of one child. $20 weekly child support, $10 weekly ali- monv which will be increased to $20 weekly in 18 months and possession of housenoia eoods. The defendant must maintain insurance policies. Zoto Division of Sales Affil iates Inc. seeks $5,621 from Bahr's Inc.

as the amount al legedly due on merchandise. Sales Affiliates Inc. seeks $3,884 from Dan and Bessie Ot- ten as the amount allegedly due on merchandise. David Halde seeks $10,000 for auto damages, injuries, medical exDenses. pain and suffer ing and lost wages allegedly resulting from a traffic mis -hap Sept.

9, 1966, at Russell Avenue and Cherokee Street. The suit is against the other driver, Ivan Abbadusky. Bankers in Iowa Favor Higher Interest Rate DES MOINES (AP) State Treasurer Paul Franzenburg said apparently Iowa bankers favor removal of the ceiling on interest that banks may pay on deposited public funds. He said he will ask the 1967 legislature to consider this proposal. Currently, the ceiling is 4 per cent, and Franzenburg has switched some $200 million of state funds to federal bonds and notes at higher interest.

Franzenburg, who met with about 45 bankers here to field suggestions on ways to deposit the money in state banks at no net loss to taxpayers, said earlier he leaned toward putting about $60 million in Iowa banks if they can pay interest within .2 per cent of that available else where. Although there are indications that some bankers would oppose removing the ceiling, Franzenburg said he felt he had the support of the bankers gathered here. Dr. R. W.

Eqert OPTOMETRIST hon. 338-6891 416 Boye Greeley Bidg. Sioux Fall the ferson reported theft of diamond ring and money from purse. Loss $130. Tachometer from Jerry Sjon-eling, 409 S.

Walts Ave. Loss $50. Vandalism Christmas light damaged at Samuel W. Hasten residence, 908 E. 5th St.

Damage $50. ENLISTMENTS ARMY MINNESOTA: Wayne R. Babco*ck, Amiret; Robert A. Widman, Brewster. WYOMING: Jerry J.

Prell and Clarence W. Young. both of Sundance. NORTH DAKOTA: Max W. Erhelt, Ellendale.

SOUTH DAKOTA: James M. Steinfeld, Letcher; Melroy D. Hoff, Eureka; James L. Ander son, Britton; Leonard W. Jones, McLaughlin; David J.

Thompson, Wessington Springs; Harold H. Klunder, Lewis F. Weinberg, and Robert J. Mun- hofen, all of Elk Point; Rich ard C. Goldhammer and David A.

Gwlach, both of Mitchell; David L. Buller, Parker; Thomas E. Putnam, Canton; Walter D. Elmore, Buffalo Gap; James W. McElhone and Galen L.

Swanson, both of Aberdeen; Leonard E. Reiter, Jerry A. Larson, Robert F. Peterson, and Philip W. Schaefer, all of Sioux Falls; Alan F.

Johnson, Canova; Orville L. Pickerd and Walter A. Schueth, both of Pierre; Danial M. Lanthoff, Beresford; Rodney R. Green, Ellsworth AFB; Jerry J.

Fisher, White River; Robert S. Fou-sek, Whitewood; Everett A. Weston, Corson; Keith D. Mar shall, Timber Lake; Kenneth J. Bietz, Tripp, Bruce D.

Oldham, Wayne D. King, Benjamin H. Cummings, Orville J. Kallwne- yn, and Robert L. Steele, all of Rapid City; William J.

Boucher, Raymond C. Peterson, and Donald R. Warren, all of Huron; Allen R. Slagle, Utica; Dennis A. Hegarty, Madison; Elwyn D.

Karges and James A. Angerhofer, both of Milbank; Robert Jensen, Bruce; L. Morehouse, Canisteta; Roger D. Highland, Volin; Terry M. Erickson, Garretson; Robert J.

Two Crow, Kylei; Robert J. Rasmussen, Clare-mont and Leon M. Hackbart and Terrance A. Lien, both of Watertown. CIRCUIT COURT Judge Francis Dunn has re turned default judgments in favor of AAA Collections.

Intc. against Jerry Pruitt, also MUNICIPAL COL'RT A preliminary hearing resulted in Andrew J. Wright, Sioux City, being bound over to Circuit Court on charges of third degree burglary and grand lar ceny. He is charged with break into into a station wagon owned by Raymond L. Loftesness and taking three radio sets and numerous games.

Witnesses called by State's Attorney Roger Schiager were Loftesness; Jerry Pruitt, 414 S. Willow and Gene Abdallah, deputy sheriff. Wright's bond was continued at llOO. For public intoxication: James W. McDowell, 413 S.

Sherman and Jack O. Larson, Rentier, each 10 days in jail; Dorothy Johnson, 520 W. 9th $25 fine. Henry J. Aesoph, Milbank, failing to yield right of way, $25 fine.

Robert H. Payne, Sioux Falls, issuing insufficient-fund check, case passed to 9:30 a.m. Friday. Fined $15 for overtime parking. Robert E.

Hardy, 3112 S. Walts careless driving, $25 fine, $5 suspended on attending driver school. Harold C. Skinner, 1507 S. Grange proceeding without safe passage, $20 fine.

Gus B. Garman, Marshall, and Sharon H. Swenson, Luverne, each forfeited a $25 bond for nonappearance on careless driving charge. Speeding fines: Roger L. Tiahrt, Bridgewater, and Larry R.

Werdin, 618 W. 11th each $20 and $9 costs; James E. Struss, 301 S. Conklin and Arthur J. Wipf, 1401 E.

7th each $20; Victoria R. Adrian, 4401 Apple Road, $25, with $5 suspended on attending driver school; Carol A. Murray, 304 S. Jefferson $20, with $5 suspended on attending driver institute. For failing to stop for stop sign or signal: Frank B.

King, 1003 N. Main $20 George L. Bogdos, 1117, S. 3rd $15; Peggy L. Johnston, 601 E.

26th $15, with $5 suspended on attending driver class. POLICE CALLS Accidents Henry J. Aesoph, Milbank, $950; Tamara J. Aadland, 413 S. Summit $800, and Hy-ram Mennenga, 1401 W.

12th $200, at 12th and Duluth. Mrs. John L. Bresser, 3209 N. 10th $300, and Richard M.

Faris, 718 W. 13th $150, in You Pamela Jane Hill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hill, 1301 Jolict is one year old.

known as Gerald Pruitt, and Janice Pruitt, for $139; Orlin Jones, $520, and Holiday Pool $109. Carol Breen seeks $35,000 from Simon Peter Heeren for alleged injuries, medical ex -penses and lost wages resulting from a traffic mishap at 6th Street and Indiana Avenue on Feb. 13. She was riding in a car which collided with Heer-en's car. Oscar Austad seeks $3,390 from Wolverine Insurance Co.

as the amount he claims is due under a profit-sharing plan. Loretta Ritter seeks $7,500 from Oliver Wigdahl for alleged injuries, medical expenses, lost wages and pain and suffering resulting from a traffic acci dent Feb. 14, 1965, at E. 10th Street and Highway 229. She was a passenger in a car which collided with the Wigdahl vehicle.

Alvin Stibral seeks $10,000 for injuries suffered by his wife, Eslie, in a May 11, 1963, traf fic mishap. Plaintiff claims he has bean deprived of normal companionship. He contends it has been impossible for Mrs. Stibral to perform normal duties as a housewife. Plaintiff claims his wife was riding a car which was struck from the rear by a truck.

The suit is against the truck driver, Dow Osborn and owner, Allan Him-mel, doing business as Luke's Moving Storage Co. Karen Nesting has been awarded a divorce from Wil liam Nesting. They were mar ried March 24, 1963, in Sioux Falls. Her former name of Karen Wilson has been restored. She was awarded house hold goods.

Barbara Thompson has been awarded a divorce from Mel -vin Thompson. Tbey were mar ried Sept. 17, 1963, at Pipe stone, Minn. She receives cus tody of one child, $50 monthly closed by salt of said mortgaged premises at public auction to tha highest bidder for cash sublect to unpaid taxes by the Sheriff of said County at the front door the Minnehaha County courthouse in Sioux Fans, south Dakota at 11:00 o'clock A.M. on tha 16th day of January, 1947.

Dated December 23, 1944. THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA Barney A. Boos Sheriff of Minnehaha County South DaOtJa, By: Woods, Fuller, a Shuitz 8, Smith Its Attorneys Mortgagee oec. 23, Mr jan. 13 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the Board of Trustees of the Brandon Sanitary District; Brandon, South Dakota at the Brandon Valley Independent School in said sanitary uisttict until ciock P.M.

on the 18th day of January, 1947 and will then be oubiiclv ooened and read. Such bids shall cover the furnishing or an iaDor, materials, and equipment for the construction of a Wastewater collection system Treatment Facilities. Plans and Specifications covarinq the foregoing are on file In the office of the Clerk of said Sanitary District and copies thereof together with bid blanks may oe ootained trom senmitz, Kalda and Associates, Engineers and Land Surveyors, 260 Bovce-Greelev Bulldini. Sioux Falls, South Dakota upon oavment ot a deposit of $25.00 wmcn shall be refunded providing said Plans and Soeci-ficatlons are returned in good condition within ten (10) days after the date set for opening of bids. All bids shall be made on bid blanks furnished by said Scbmltz, Kalda and Associates.

Partial payments will be made monthly on estimates prepared and aoproved by the Engineer for work satisfactorily executed. A resident bidder is allowed a prefer ence as against the bid of any bidder from any other State enforcing or having a preference for resident bidders, equal to such preference. Each Proposal must be wnvnnanbrf by a certified check, cashier's check or aroTr maoe payaDie to the Brandon Sanitary District Brandon, South Dakota, In an amount equal to five (5) per cent of the amount of the bid, uch check to be certified or Issued by either a State of Nationa' Bank domiciled within the State of South Dakota; or in lieu thereof a bid bond made payable to the City of Brandon, South Dakota, -In an amount equal tn twenty nr rpnt of the tota amount of the bid. such oono to oe issues oy a surety authorized to do business In the State of South Dakota. This sum is a auarant that if the proposal is accepted, a contract will be entered Into and Its performance properly secured.

Bidders on this work will be reouired to comply with the President's Executive Order No. 11114 and the provisions of Executive Order No. 10925 as Included therein. The requirements for bidders and contractors under this order are explained in the specifications. the said Brandon Sanitary District reserves the riaht to refect any or all bids.

Warren Dirks, Clerk Brandon Sanitary District Brandon, South Dakota Dec. 23, 30, Jan. 6 ADVERTIsem*nT FOR BIDS Sealed bids for 1. General School Siin- plies 2. Repair of Books will be received by the Board of Education of the Sioux Falls Independent School District No.

1 of Minnehaha Co'inty, South Dakota at the Business Office In the Instructional Plannlna renter. 901 Ft 38th Street, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, up until 7:30 o'clock P.M. on Monday, January 9, 1967, and said bids will be publicly opened, read aloud and passed upon at 7:30 o'clock P.M. of said day in Room 57 of said Instructional Planning Center. 201 East 38th Street, Sioux raus, Dakota.

If vou mat vour bid otease address to A. L. Hoehl Business Manager Clerk, Business Office, 201 East 38th Street, Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Full responsibility for the delivery of mailed bids prior to the deadline for receiving bids rests with the bidder. All bids shall be made in accordance with Specifications which may be obtained at the Business Office In the Instructional Planning Center, 201 East 38th Street, Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

Each bid In excess of $1,500 must be accompanied by a certified check, cashier's check or draft in an amount of not less than five per cent (5 per cent) of the total amount of the bid. such check or draft to be certified or Issued by a state or national bank. Said check or draft guarantees the execution of a contract and shall be held by the School District until said contract Is executed. Bid bonds will not be accepted In lieu of certified check, cashier's check or draft. The Board of Education reserves the right to reiect any and all bids or parts thereof and to waive any Irreguiarities.

By virtue of statutory authority preference will be given to labor, materials, products and supplies found or produced within the State of South Dakota. A resident bidder is allowed a prefer ence as against the bid of any bidder from any other state or having BIRTHS SIOUX VALLEY HOSPITAL A sod to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Peters, 412 S. Western Thursday.

A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. James D. Hanson, 824 E. 26th Thursday.

A daughter to Mr. and Mrs Richard Huizenga, 225 W. 39th Friday. McKENNAN HOSPITAL A son to Mr. and Mrs.

Rowan Doom, Lennox, Thursday. A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Vince Hanisch, Montrose, Fri day. MARRIAGE LICENSES Lowell Johnke, Centerville; Maxine Thomas, Beresford.

FEDERAL COURT Arthur George Campbell, 2000 E. 30th North, has filed for bankruptcy with Roy E. Willy, referee in bankruptcy, listing debts of $4,250.61 and exempt assets of $3,190. The action of Arlene G. Gar rison against Bing Yiu Yip, San Diego, has been dis missed upon its merits without costs.

Plaintiff had charged that she was driving an automobile 4 miles west Wall Sept. 15 1964, when reckless and negli gent driving by the defendant caused an accident in which she was permanently and seriously injured. Plaintiff had asked judgment of $50,000. a preference for resident bidders, equal to such preference. Board or toucanon Sioux Falls Independent School District No.

1 of Minnehaha County, South Dakota By: Arrnur L. tioeni Business Manager 8, Clerk Dec. 23, 30, Jan. 6 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA, County of Minnehaha, ss. IN COUNTY COURT IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM R.

HARTMANN, Deceased. Whereas, and order ot the county Court of Minnehaha County, South Da kota, was made on the 14th day ot October, 1946, directing The National Bank of South Dakota, Sioux Falls as the Administrator of tha estate of the above named William R. Hartmann, deceased to sell at private sale certain real estate the property of said deceased; Now, therefore, in pursuance of said order of sale, the undersigned will on or after the 19th day of January, 1967, sen at private sale to Tne nignesr oio-der the real estate in said order of sale described, to-wit: One Quarter inter est in the Northwest Quarter (NW'i) and all that part of the southwest Quarter an dot the West Half of the Southeast Quarter (WVj SE'i) lying North of the rlght-of-wav of the Illinois Central Railroad all In Section 32, Township 101 North, Range 47 West of the 5th p.m., Minnenana -ouniy, aoum ua kota. The terms uoon which said property will be sold are as follows: All of the purchase price thereof payable in cash. Said real estate will be offered for sale at the Trust Department of The National Bank of south Dakota, sioux Falls In the City of Sioux Falls in said county, and bids In writing received at said place.

Dated mis aisr oay ot ucrooer, iyoo. Tha National Bank of South Dakota, Sioux Falls By JAMES T. BRICK Its Trust Officer Administrator of the Estate of William R. Hartmann Deceased May, Boe Johnson Attorneys tor me estate. Jan.

1130) or write and are cordially invited to attend PLANNING A WINTER VACATION? OF OUR NEW LARGER OFFICES AT PHILLIPS 8TH TODAY AN. 6 7 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Both Days REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED Heading 'for big country and some leisure horsin' around? Before you leave, make sure your Argus-Leader is following --v V. Jit'.

CURRENT DIVIDEND 4V2 Compounded Quarterly CURRENT DIVIDEND Compounded Quarterly There's nothing to it Just call our circulation department (336 we'll arrange to send the paper to your vacation address. FREE! FREE! 35,000 GREEN STAMPS TO BE GIVEN AWAY Just Register HAVE A GOOD TIME GREEN I STAMPS NO OBLIGATION As an added BONUS during our SAVINGS DAYS THRU JAN. 15th, you can open a new account and receive a 100 STAMP BONUS, plus Green Stamps for every dollar deposited or for making an addition to your present account you receive double Green Stamps to a maximum of 850 stamps per transaction. Sioux Falls ARGUS-LEADER A Newspaper for the Home REMEMBER you can get spending it. DAKOTA We're the only place in Sioux Falls where Green Stamps for saving money not SAVINGS LOAN ASSOCIATION.

Argus-Leader from Sioux Falls, South Dakota (2024)


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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.