Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California (2024)

.1970 22 OiUub2i7rltD8( Rites for Moore, Ex-Mayor R. G. Murra Qf pjedmont, Dies Monday Funeral KWces will be Md TueNiiy fur Laurence K. Woman Dies as Train Hits Car UWiliiOtX Mix khm Jiof Xrj'X ii er-jlno of Ki.trfr itml ta Hay. a rX Ulr4 jt-stfnJjr kr ter ttOomtJUie lirjti by ftnarri lrii the TmifM Hood crvwufj.

Tria, creiHi jliJ Mrt Smith. of 71 Lincola Ave. Inermort. ppeftd to the ihfs her car luftbfd front of lh train, -sbr ti thrtmti out of the drmuLahrd rtr and 4 en route to the hospital, hhe vat the car. Man Killed By Ice Truck At Refinery RICHMOND An Ice trunk crushed a mu to death at the Standard 04 rtfuiery hem jevterdjy, tbarlev Louis Sjneone, it.

of 2C4 ODonncI Dr, Sia Pablo, was lulled instantly when a wheel of the truth ran over i head. Driver of the trutl. Billy CeneJEairkk, 55. of 119 Diane Cl. Apt 10.

Concord, said he looked the rear view mirrors but could are no one, and started backing up. Adam A. Babos, 57, of 40T( Sacramento St, Concord, who was with Stmeone, said the truth suddenly backed into them and knocked them down. Then it surged forward suddenly and ran over Sunroof, he added. Police Mid the accident, which occurred at Division Street and RPM Road, ts Mill under investigation.

Kuncral tmkn os I) be ht'4 Mandiy fur Charlet C. Murra. OaUand builder, ho ed Thursday at the age of 71. Mr. Murra, a tuthe of Jy, a is a contra rtur here for SO year.

He vat a member of Rodtndge Lodge 4d FLAM of 0 a I a a 4, Oakland SoottMi lot Bodlet and Aahmet Temple Shrme. Survivor tin. lude hi widow, Gofdwater Secretary US VEGAS, be. (ITT)- tighten. Mrs.

John Peter Ws 1 UWRCNCI F. MOORE Ea -Piedmont mayor Moore, furmer mayor of ivd-mofil and maw itt of the Chapel of the Chimes since lSlI. wha dd Thursday at the age of SI Mr. Moore served on the Piedmont City Council from 1911 to IJjO and tu mayor from 1339 lo He was also prenidimt of the Oakland Advertising Club and the Ea-4-bay Salety Council He invented the Moore ere retort, which is Used worldwide, was a founder and pa-4 president of the CTema-lioo AsHocuiioa of Amenca and a member of the Interment Association of California and the. Westers Cemetery Al-liance.

He managed the Chapel of the Ctumes until 19C5, when he became senior vice president and director, a position he retired from earlier this year. Mr. Moore was a member of the City Commons Hub of Berkeley, the Oakland Rotary Club, the Businessmen's Garden Club, Orinda Lodge S3I FA Oakland Scottish Kite Bodies and Aahmes Temple Shrine. Survivors include his widow, Marcdite, of Piedmont; a daughter, Mrs. Frank Heath, of Placemllc; four grandchildren, and four greatgrandchildren.

Friends may call at Grant Miller Mortuaries, 20 Telegraph until 10 a.m. Tuesday. Services will be at noon at the Chapel of the Chimes. (-199 Piedmont Oakland. bob of Oakland.

Mrs. William Harrwgton of Walnut Creek, Mrs. John McCaffery of Ortn-da and Mrs. RuUrt Callaghan of Santa Clara; three ustcn; aeven grandchildren and one. greatgrandchild.

Services wdl be at 11 am. at Grant M.fler Mortuaries, 360 Te legraph As e. A irphew of the late JYrsi-dmt Dwight D. Eisenhower and the pcrwul werrury to Sen. iliny M.

Golduater. It will be married today. llirt Eisenhower and Judy Rooney, secret ary to the Arizona senator for IS jear. were Khcduled lo be married in ciwl ceremony performed by a Justice of the prate at the Tropicana JlotrL Funeral Notices Mrs. Agnes A.

Waters Funeral services will be held Monday for Mrs. Agnes A. Waters, who died Thursday. She was 101 on March I. A native of Indiana, she moved to Walnut City, Kansas, where she recalled going to a dirt floored school with sod and wood alls.

She became a school teacher there at age 16, based primarily on her reputation as "the best speller in the county." Widow of the late John B. Waters. Mrs. Waters had been an Oakland resident since 1913. She was a member of the Baptist Church and was a past president, secretary and chaplain of the Jennie Logan Tent of the Daughters, of the Union Veterans of the Civil War.

She Is survived two daughters, Mrs. Jessica Ward and Mrs. Virginia Thomas, and a son, Fred L. Waters, all of Oakland. Services will be Monday at 1:30 p.m.

at Cooper Chapel. 1580 Fruit vale Ave. Mr Marguerita Nelson Funeral services will be In-Id here Monday for Mrs. Marguerite Nebon, a former deacon of Hillside Prtsbvlenan Church, who died Thursday in San Leandro Memortal Hospital at the age ol 70. Mrs.

Mel-on was a native of Utah and lived in Oakland for IS years. S) is survived by her husband, Vein; two aons, Mel-vem of San Leandro and Bryve uf San Lorenzo, and live grandchildren. A memorial service will be held at 7:30 p.m. Monday al H.Rside Presbyterian Church, 2708 Ritchie St, with Rev. ilbam Copeland officiating.

Friends may call at the Clarence N. Cooper Mortuary, 1590 Fruilvale Ave, until 6 p.m. Monday. The family prefers donations to the Memorial Fund of HilLside Presbyterian Church. slfi Puppets and pretty girls are featured in 'The Sparrow AAaiden a re-creation of a Jopanese folk tale beginning a seven-week run today at Children's Fairyland in Oakland's Lakeside Park.

Introducing the characters in the Kabuki-sfyle presentation are (from left) Carrie and Wendy Oto and Stacey Morikowa. Mill. Ia4aa O. 4a aia-aua, I4W, M-r-AA A4 A IA AoA (WV4 lA, IAAIMI HA-y I'AnA. 9HtA.

A-4 14AM HaIiA. A Ifi fat aa, MIA AA feaiyt J' AAA Aa-o H-HAatA. A HAltvA A4 A AMAAA1 AAAA fjflA a HPIAVCM AKeAiAAv, MAATA Ji A m. ia L-aaa- IhiIE i OAU. AGa.4 cd I.

I Oa A A-IMMl Ihmm Ckuka 4 Aiaynwl Mail AMI Va MaIaA II I in atIa. IA- Af f-A aMnr Vmh 4 cm, nirmAA4 Ha, VAHyktyf caaa-aiaiv. VihHka Koyr, hkni m. SAN4'N. iAAA O.

Hi OaViaaA. MaaiIi IF a. VAAAA A-4, IAa1AA N. AA. l-'i-A A 4rviA fBdA a I Ham I A -A V-MH A4 OaxaiiA.

Ia-AAOthtr A4 m. aoA m. t. OHtmrv ol RAOmAnd, WMna4Ai. tov-V-A IAr a Hrt.

A. Rye A 4M-A AfV Rive LhiHhi a4 VaaHIa. A IMivA 4 AHaiia. O-AAoa. A At Cm.

MAMA UMOlAr I4A C4UM4A4I HmA statistics AnA l-yy A. fcAOAn; AIM lAAvAt HvA KJrAa. A AAACAH a4 RiA VllllMAA a i rni m.r -cAM ha wihtma tiwci. Mr hhhm Alameda County Co O0A4 A4 fA HACV If Nan Rawmj ihav caN n-A COO HE MOAfyAAv, CAfitfAi Aa a4 hyiM Chapel. 1s RfyovAiA Aa.

OaH wv AiAfnAA hmIi Am. MaaAat. 14 Mwu ihimM Hi I mffl MARRIASS UCRN1SI MMsrsja lAKd RATIO. JamaR A. In OaVUix).

Match 2t. IHTO. HAtov 4 ItwtSAnA 0 TOKA I-Of lOVMf brAltWr 04 du-Alt-t FAf 4 liAKi loy-n HndA o4 Jm-oA Caowa-a LA4AytA And mnv am nlAcn And 7F0I RHcnto wM bo acoaMh apoto- CtAtAd. ATAA AdlACAtlf 4 Puppets at Fairyland Weather Summaries and Forecasts pA-Hf-O A Ct-AO- 1 California Summary Precipitation non-AArv A aa-va 4 IFai. A rncnOxc 04 Ma Maa4at piumMTt Oak -And Ledgo Mo, ID I E.

HoW Amr-caa L-own, EmoryvA-A Rotl 101 VE AF, Cotomoo C-ub. L-Oorty Cluo And FrAWl-loniA C-ub. CALIFORNIA: jFor.fu'tbAf tnltr motion. ptAAM coll CLARENCE N. COOHER MORTUARY Fnono A tnvtlAd 10 Attwd 4unAfAl MlrM A.twr MTVCAV Monooy, MATCH XL At A IS tZ, om (mm m.

CHAPEL OF The loto LlHton OAKS, OoKIAnd otaciTi Am MortuAry. Ml Toto-To Sonlo Aat-a NATIONAL AJbAT. NY. 7S AL buouArav. N.M..

BoHan 40. Bur-hngloiv Vt 44. Drrf 66 D-k 02. DuiuN) 03. Jvnaau .41.

Miami BmcH 66oi Sf. Bil U. New Yor. 39. Ngrto Btfi 42.

OflMP tl. Bftiikaenyii 32. Porfund. O-a. 0 Ruf fify .13, SfPrbeTwno 05.

Salt l-ke C'ty 01 Sf Sf9. AAarw 07. SMffto .01. WicMto 95- CANAOA Cttoary .02. Mentraal M.

0" .09. BAN AMVRfCAN Banvmda AS. Sm Juan PR OS. In tiuWwnd of AAofV fforfon; lovlnn fomoT of Mr. AAorr AAacKatuiO, Fronlc Rutirr Nortm And CIaIto RutKa; lovma brnmor William M.

Nonon. A fiivA of Son Fmnciico. A mofTOAr of AlomrOA County Oonfaf Ann. Fr1ndi or R-yHod la atfond Hfn rial SeryicoA Afonooy. AAorcn at I m.

at Iho Toamr CbAoH at AAounUm V-tw Ctmlrv, tormlnus P-Admonl Av. Satvicaa will bo comiucl-d by Rrv EvrHt F. Htrmall. CHAPEL OF THE OAKS. Dfroclors.

Ct-yrcn. OtkuSa a Raowmad AAatt wli bo KtvW for tno -toh, o4 soul of )A a m. ifOtf tTT-i, Ouron 04 Htivw ComAtArv. pAcnotion o4 Itw Ro-tatv, Sunoov, At A IS a tn. SmntuAt bououotv at don-ttom IA AmorlCAn Htorl Fund pr4Arrod.

Clouds caused bv a weak uooer level duhroance ew me Faotc Northwest iff moving southward raody and bv this mormng will dt southern Nevada there mev be a Httie hgh cioudmen over nerthern and central Cl forme but no sgmfcant weather is eaoected NATIONAL FORECAST Snow ts for trail from the Tra and Oklahoma Fennandle to northern Ohio, Ram or showem and thunderstorms will he widesoread from the southern Plains to much of me Southeast and to the Oho VaMev. light snow In exoected In me northern Rockies and adiacont hoh pi am. Elsewhere the weather wM be fair to parity cloudy and dry. It will be colder from Texas to the midwest but warmer in thg Southeast and thg can trai Plains. A stationary front wM extend from southern Louisiana to southeast Georgia.

A cold front will extend from the southern ti gf Texas to Lake Erie passing through tow Over southeast Mttourl A stationary front will lay from northeast Colorado through a low over touehoasf Montana to north central Montano. A high will be over northwest ESNER, WortM In Fromont. Match J. IA). loving mac 04 Horr-ct Mcln-tvr ol FioridA; lovlno cousin of Ftaoca PTOdtsr of FiotIOa, Malva R.

Jonn, Virom-A R. AAorm. Frank Scam- tnoo. All of Frmont. A natlvo of Com- MatIa In P-Admont MatcR H.

'T FW bmovTd wilt of Oanwl Pyial; lov- In im-mar of Robarf PviH of Nrw All on. Mictngan; ootd vtarv A lormof reriOmt af Onklond, HOCSINCER-WVATT Richard Leg Houmger. 71, and Juomla Wyatt. It. both of Oakland VE IGA-JUNCK Jotm Vtoa Jr, 77, Oakland, and Margaret Junck, II.

Alameda TUPPER-BRECK-Herbert Tuooer, 70 of Evarett, Wasningtgn, and Susan Brer. JO- Fremont BLACKWELL-WOODARD Leodls Black-well. 26. and Linde Woooeid. X.

both ol Oak lend. CHAN POOR Henry Chan, 2S, San Francisco, and Judy Boon, 73, Berkg-lev CALDERONSOSA Edward J. Calderon. 35. and Jeannette Sosa, 17, both ot Oakland SHE RMAN-TUFT- Stevg E.

Sherman, II. end CynttHA Tuft, 17, both of Alameda. BENSON-OAVIS David G. Banton, 33, and Judith Davit, 27, both of Oakland. WAGNER-LEWIS-L.

E. Waentr, 21, Richmond, and Mary Lawn, 24, Berk e-y. Batter son-Johnston wuttam j. Batterson, 72. and Patricia Johnston, 21.

both of Oakland. DAVIOSON-CZECHOVITZ John T. Davidson. 21 and Susan Czachovitz. 20.

both of Oakland. HARRIS-PAGE Gtorgt S. Harris, 77, and Carolyn Bag. 24, both of Oakland. FLOWERS-ANSTRUB AA-chaef W.

Flowers. 22. Fremont, and Kathryn Aslruo, 27. San Jose. CLARK-CONSALVFS Ronald C.

Clark, 19, and Sharon Gome! vas, 19, both of Oakland. TUTTLE-ANTLE -Walter J. Tuttle, 21 and Marcia Antte, 17, both of Mtnitou Sorings, Colorado. Bay Area tar through tomorrow Lt he temoeotgro change. Lows ton oh! the ao and low Sot Hghe today fho Ten ho'friortv nwtds 16 to 28 moh Northern end Central Cehtonua Fmr through tomorrow.

Little warmer fomorow. inceesmg winds ogam this at'erncofl and tontgnt Northwestern Cohlomlo feir through tomorrow. Increasing lor a rime tn afternoon and noht Small caff warning Trtmdad Hoad north. Litho temperature change. High today and low to-moM ot Fort Brood 82, 40; Ukieh 78.

ao Mount Shasta Siddyeo Area Fair through tomorrow. Uma warmer ta morrow. Sierra Nevada Fair through tomo-row. Warmer tomorrow. Saa Joeauia Valley Fair through tomorrow with lime tomaoraturo change.

Lows tomght from th uooer 30s through the aoi. Highs todev In tho 70s. Northerly wind 16 to 25 mph doNa area and wost soe Montoroy Bay Area Fair through tomorrow with Mme ttmetriters change. Lows tonight In tho 40s. Hghs today in tho 70s.

Northwesterly wind 19 to 70 mh. Santa Clara Vallof Fair through tomorrow with Mtig tomeorotyra change. Lows tonight from mid 40s to md 509. Highs todev tn the 70s. Northerly wind 5 to 14 moh.

High today and low tomght at San Josa 78.49. Lhrermaro Valley Fair through tomorrow with I'ttie temperature change. Decreasing winds tomght becoming northerly 5 to 15 moh. table San Ramon nod Moreoa VaF Hys Fair through tomorrow with little temoeraturb change. Northerly winds 10 to 15 moh.

Low tonight from mid 40s to mid 50s. Highs today In the 70s. John T. Kelly SAN LORENZO Funeral services will be held Monday for John Thomas Kelly, secretary-manager for 10 years until 1961 for the Oakland Moose Lodge No. 324, who died Wednesday, A resident of San Lorenzo, he was a member and past governor of both the Oakland Moose lodge and one in Joliet, EL, and held (he Pilgrim Degree.

A native of BJonois, he was a 4th degree member of the Knights of Columbus, Eugenio Pacelli Council No. 70 of Hayward. Survivors include his widow, Dorothy R. Kelly; a son, John T. Kelly Jr, of Milwaukee; a daughter, Mrs.

Joanne Jakes of Sacramento; a brother, Dr. Frank B. Kelly of Chicago; and sisters, Miss Cecile E. Kelly of Creek and MrsTMarion I. Pohlers of Eli-nois.

Services will be held at 8:30 a.m. at Grissoms New San Lorenzo Chapel, 267 East Lewelling San Lorenzo. SATvicw will be held 31, 1 II I m. At lh FPEMONT CHAP- ROSES MORTUARY. it FL OF THE ROSE- PerailA Rivit At Tempie Way with Rev.

York CUV and Daniel Rytel IV ot P-ed-mom; devoted sitter of Min Ant von Giatui and Mr. EliMbeih Hatllnck, both of Holland; also turyivetf by nine Arendchlldren and eight oreat-arAnd-children. A nativt of Hsllandi agad fl years. Friends art Invited to a Mend sarvlces Saturday. Anarch at om.

in tha Mortuary Chaoal. 347t P-edmonl Ave, Oakland. Herbert E. Cordon. Pastor of Ir.

vmaion United Prabvterlan Church ol-ticlehno. IntArmant will Follow at Sunset View Carnal try. French Get Speed Limit PARIS (UPI) A speed limit of 68 miles per hour will be in effect by May 15 on 8,750 miles of Frances highways where motorists have pre-viouy been unrestricted, officials said Friday. The measure is designed to cut the na-t ions rate of 14,000 auto deaths a year. KELLY, John Thomas of San Loreruo.

March 2S. I97IL ifearly beloved husband of Dorothy R. Kelly; loving father of John T. Kelly, Jr. of Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Mrs.

Joanne Jakes of Sacramento; grandfather of jom and Arm Jakes of Sacramento and Dorothy Ann, Prude net Marie and Kathleen Joanne A.f LL 0. JEuoeno accidentally. Silver Output MEXICO CITY Production of silver in Mexico amounted to $42 million in one year. Kelly of Milwaukee; brother of Or. -Frank B.

Rally of Illinois, Aaisa Cacda E. Kelly ol Walnut Creek and Mrs. Marion I. Pohlera of Joliet, Illinois; father-in-law of Mrs. Calherlna M.

Kelly, Jr. ot Milwaukee and E. Wayna Jakts ot Sacramento. A native March 24, 1970, beloved son of Mary Rebello end the late Jamas Rebello; loving brother of William James Rebello; lovlno grandson of thg lata Christina Fernandez and Elizabeth Rebello; also survived by many aunts, uncles and countins. A native ot Oakland; aged 20 sonf High years.

A graduate of Castlemonf High School. A member af Bartender's Union Local No. 52. TODAY'S CROSSWORD ACROSS ACROSS ACROSS ACROSS fun-deral ol Illinois. A member of Eugenie Pacel-li Council No.

70. 4th Degree. A member ot K. of C. of Hayward; LHe member of Joilet.

Illinois Lodge No. 300; O.O.M.; holding Pilgrim Degree; a member and oast Governor ol Joliet Lodge and Oak tend Lodge No-224, L.0.0 M. and Secretary and Manager of Oakland Lodge No 321. and Milwaukee Lodge No. 49.

Frlerms are Invited to attend the Funeral Services Monday morning, March 30 at 130 from GRISSOM'S NEW SAN LORENZO CHAPEL, 267 East Lewell-I no San Lorenzo; thence to $1. John's Catholic Church where a.Reoul- RINKER, Clara at rest March 25, 1970, ftearly beloved husband of Lois Friends arg Invited to attend thg from the new Mortuary of CHARI ES P. BANNON, 6800 E. 14th St Oakland on Monttav morning, March 30, at 9-so, thence to St. Louis Bertrand's Church, for a Reoulem Masa commencing at 10.

Interment Holy Seo-ulchrg Cemetery, Hayward. Wake services at the Bannon Mortuary Sunday eve. I p.m. (For further Information, Blease call em High Mass will be celebrated for 0 I S-JON i-HarrYLj Dennis, 47, Oakland and Sallia Jones, 42, San Francisco. BURNS-RAYMOND Richard L.

Burns Jr 17, Hayward, and Clair Raymond, Fremont. SCMULER-HARTMANN Ronald W. Schuler, 17, and Marlena Hartmann, 17, both of Hayward. GOMBS-MACDONALD Dennis L. -Combs, 23, and Margaret MacDonald.

19, both of Fremont. ELMORE-BENNETT Clark R. Elmore, IB, Oregon, and Galt Bennett, IS, Livermore. A C0MF0RT-Y01GT John D. Comfort, 22.

and Jacalvn Voigt, 21, both of Hayward. CARRION-GOMES Brvca L. Cafrion, 21, San Leandro, and Kafhlten Gomes, 19, CastraJIalleY, MACKE Y-LUDCKE Roy Gena Mackey, 27, and Judith Anno Ludcker23, both of San Laandro. DALY-ZIMMERMAN Robert P. Daly, 25.

Richmond, and Marsha Zimmerman, 22, Oakland. tiDent Ocean Gives Up Data on Eclipse WASHINGTON (UPI) -The U.S. Navy fiasTcolIected scientific data on the March 7 eclipse of the sun from a mile below the sea, it was an- nounced yesterday. The data was in a scienti- Bus Accident 37 Recreation 38 Story. 39 View.

40 Thickset. ITRibs. BAN AMIRICAN; Acaoulca (4 Barbados (6 Bermuda 68 Bogota 64 Culiecan 84 -Havana 86 Harmosillo- 86 "Kingston 88 20 Finis. 21 Beverages. 22 Gives back.

24 Spotted. 23 Plum. 26 Most Fatal to 23 51 Fuel. 54EngUsh river. 55 Aerialist.

"58 Remove skin. 59 Records. 60 Solo. 61 Coaster. 62 Toothed, as margin.

63 Frolic. 1 Crowning glories for some. 5 Performed. 10 Largest. 14 Rainbow.

FOREIGN: Ankara, 66; Athens, 63; Berlin, 39; 16 Cheap Brussels, 59; Casablanca, 64; Cooenhao- kzirn-id an, 34; Dublin, 43; '1- Kong, 63; Lisbon, 57; London. 43; Madrid, l7 Advance 48; Malta, 79; Manila, 84; Moscow, 36; nonnf New Delhi, 95; Nice, 63; Oslo, 25; Paris 43; Rome, 59; Sofia, 70; Stockholm, Sydney, 73; Tel Aviv, 84; Tokyo. 52; Tun-Is. 79; Vienna, 50; Warsaw, 46. 42 Overflows, inefficient.

44 Milers. 29 Gathering. 43Woetsme! 33 Admire. -46 Chore. 34 Cattle, '47 Spider 35 None.

thread. 36 Location. 50 Goals. the reoose ot his soul, commencing at 9 a.m. Recitation of the Holy Rosary, Sunday at 8:30 p.m.

Interment, Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Hayward. McOINLEY, Nancy, In San Francisco, March 26, 1970, beloved wile of Michael Peter MoGinley; loving sister of James Dooher of Oakland, Sister Gerard uogner or van Mila o'mct vjcioiv Lake Rlnker; loving father of Sgt. Ronald C. Rmktr, U.S. Army In Germany, Mrs.

Card Rlnker Buck 4f Gardena and Lt. Cdr. Lauren A. Johnson, U.S.N. of Seoul, Korea; brother of Clark 17 Rlnker of San Leandro and the late George -IM Inker; elsg survived by three oranddauqhters.

A native of Akron, Ohio, aged 63 years. Memorial Services" will be held pend Ing family arrival. PUEBLA, Mexico (UPI) -A bus loaded with domestics and laborers going-home for vacati0ns plunged Newark. off the side of a mountain road into a 75-foot raviner killing 23 passengers, police reported yesterday. The accident took place near-the-mountain-town-of Chigna-huapan, about 215 miles south of Puebla.

HOOVEN-GARCIA Bailey 0. Hoovenr 18, and Dolores Ann Garcia, 18, both of San Lorenzo. WILSOff-LEWIS Robert C. Wilson, 45, Newark, and Dorothv LewisL 27, Un-icn'Citv. SALAS-LI Georoe D.

Salas 28, and Karen LI. 25. both of Oakland. Contra Costa LEGAL NOTICE 13 10 13 11 fic payload aboard an Aero-bee rocket launched 108 miles above the earttj from Wallops Island, Va. by.

the Aeronautics andSpace Administration (NASA) on the day of the eclipse. Its parachute failed and the payload sank 75 miles off the launch site. Livmoston Mrs, Alice Leehsne of Lafayette, Franlc ard Leonard Dooher, both of County Tyrone, Ireland. A native of Stravane County Tyrone, Ireland. A retired emolovee of the City end County of S.F.

SCHADEWALD, Gertrude In Oakland, Friends may calf Saturday after 2 March 24, 970, daughter of the lale m. and art Invited to attend the-fu Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Schadewald; neral Monday, March 30, at 8:30 am.

stepdaughter of Laura -Schadewald. A from the Evergreen Mortuary of Mo native of Duluth, Minnesota aged52 16 10 IT Thg undrjlgned hereby publishes in. tenflon of applying to fhe State Athletic Commission for license to conduct pro. boxing at the Oakland Auditorium, City of Oakland. DAVE LEWIS 387 12th Oakland, Calif.

TE 2-7577 No. 7223 March a), 28 (2t) 7T 23 RT 21 County years. Services will be held Monday, March 30, In Duluth, Minnesota, at Crawford Johnson Mortuaries, 131 E. 2nd St. GRANT MILLER MORTUAR'ES LEGAL NOTICE AVOY O'HARA Geary Blvd.

at 10th S.F.l thence to St. Cecelia's Church, where a Reauiem Mass will be offered at 9 a.m. Interment, Calvary Cemetery, Santa Rosa. Rosary Sunday 9 30 pm. Sot ritual bououets preferred.

Parking cort 10th Ave. 25 24 32 31 30 20 28 21 26 WORD GAME 33 34 33, NOTICE OF AWARD OF CONTRACT IN PROPOSED ASSESSMENT DISTRICT Pursuant to tha requirements of Section 524 gf the Streets and Highways Code, notice Is hereby given that a contract has been awarded by the City Council of the City of Oakland to Rosendin Electric, Inc. for the improvement of Broadway from 6fh Street to West Grand Avenue, 15th Street from Broadway to San Pablo Avenue and San Pablo Avenue from 14th Street to 15th Street, In Street Improvement Assessment District No. 5153 and relating to the following described real property: Real property as described on that certain plat showing the proposed Improvement filed July 1, 1969 In the Office of the City Clerk. This shall constitute notice to all parsona that all property within the boundaries of the proposed assessmentWlstrlct shell be assessed at the time of me cdnflrmatlon of the assessment under Chapter J6 (commencing at Section In 5360) of Part 3 of this division to pay the costs ot tho Improvement 30 31 LEM Manual In Oakland, 1970; beloved husband of Lema; loving father of Mrs.

Lorraine Fooh of Oakland; brother of Joseph Marian ot Oakland; grandfather of Dean and Dale Fooh; also survived bv three great-grandchildren. A native of Massachusetts; aged 85 years. Friends are Invited to attend services Mondav. March 30. at 1:30 o.m., at the new SUNSET VIEW MORTUARY, 101 Colusa Avenue, Berkeley-Kensington, Entombment, Sunset Mausoleum.

(Me-morials may be sent to the American Cancer Society.) March Nellie B. WATERS, Agnes In Oakland, March 26, 1970, beloved wife of the late John B. Waters; dearly beloved mother of Mrs. Jessica E. Ward, Fred L.

Wafers and Virginia A. Thomas; sistor-ln-law of Ruth Ruhf; also leaves many nieces and nephews; mother-in-law of Harvey C. Ward, Blanche M. Waters and George F. Thomas.

A native of Indiana; agad 101 years. A member and past officer of the Daughters of the Civil War Veterans. Friends are Invited to attend funeral services Monday, March 30 at 1:30 p.m. -from the COOPER CHAPEL, 1580 V. FTAVr Lj I XFU 41 40 38 MARRIAGE LICENSES ROYCE-HAGUE Robert A.

Jr. 19, and Jill Hague, 18, Walnut Creek MUR RAY-PARSONS Douglas L-Murrav, 25, and Gal Parsons, 26, both of Cnncord WORLEY-PASTOR Ree M. Worley, 57, end Elsa Pastor, 28, both of San Lorenzo AYALA-O'GORMAN Anselmo F. Av-ala, 23, and Eileen O'Gorman, 18, both of Concord YATES-CHANTRI Dan J. Yates, 25, and Linda Chantri, 22, both of Con- cord HENRY-KAMMERER William J.

Henry 22, Oakland, andjlane Kammerer, 22, Pleasant Hill THOMAS-MASON Richard A. Pinole, and Linda Mason, 26, Pi- HARRIS-JACKSON Wins ton E. Harris 31, Richmond, and Emmet: Jackson, 23, Richmond. KIRSCHKE-KIRSCHMAN David E. Kirschke, 24, Soringfield, and Voneta Klrschman, 18, Richmond.

SORENSEN-COPELAND Kav W. Sorensen, 67, El Sobrartte, and Margaret Cooeiand, 61, Richmond. 46 43 13 Today's Word 7 Perjurious proportiort to the benefits which said property receives from the Improvement, notwithstanding, the acquisition of any such property by tha State or any of Its agencies, or by anjr county, city, municipality or otnar public or municipal 46 Frultvale Ave. Rev. Larry McCracken officiating.

Parking area adiacent to Chapel. For further Information, please call 533-4114. 33 62 SI 50 10 48 41 MOORE, Lawrence Frank (Larry), Th Oakland, March 26, 1970, beloved husband of Marcellte Moore of Piedmont; lovlno father of Mrs. Frank Heath of Platervllle and fhe late Mrs. Marlon Fisher; uncle of Mrs.

RuthSears of Los Angeles; grandfather of Lawrence Fisher; unde of Mrs. Ruth Sears of Fred Carr and Girard Heath; great grandfather of Jason Carr, David Pan-gelanln, Elizabeth and Thomas Heath. A native of San Francisco; aged I 88 ALAMEDA County Heart Assn, gratefudv 51 55 56 54 (Perjurious: per J00R 1 us, Falsely sworn.) Average mark 37 words. Time limit 60 minutes. Can you find 50 or more words in perjurious? The list will be published Monday, Reference Is made to the minutes of fhe action taken by the City Council of the City of Oakland-and to Resolution No.

50715 C.M.S. on file In my office for full particulars. Dated: March 19, 1970 GLADYS H. MURPHY City Clerk and Clerk of the Council II of the City of Oakland, California No. 7504-March 27, 28-(2t) 60 59 58 63 62 61 vears.

A member of First Conoreoation-al Church of Berkeley; Oakand. Orlda Lod 'mZi, 533-6475 or oresent a Crocker Citizen's Aahmes Temole Shrine AAON.MS'. National Bank, 1450 Broadway, Oak. DOUGLAS-CANADA Jamat Doug- 1 Words must be Of fOUT Or was fhe manager, vice president and 1 r''t las, 19, Richmond, and Verna Canada, HAROLD W. JEWETT, General Counsel The Tribune Publishing Co.

Suite 1000 Tribune Tower Oakland, California Phone: 273-2717 for Plaintiff Attorney director of Chape) of "the Chimes for 0ATNOUC CHARITIES pralrfullv ac-over 59 vears. knowledges memorial gifts. 433 Jeffer- Friends are Invited to attend services iocl Street Oakland. 834-5656. 7 7 af the Chapel of the Chimes, 4499 Pied- mont Oakland, Tuesday March 31, CITY OB HOPE gratefully acknowledge 31, I 18, Oakland.

TISON-SMITH John T. Tlson, It, San Pablo, and Donna Smith, 16, Richmond. PARDINf-MASER Adolph J. Pardinl, 59, E( Cerrito, and Marie Maser, 58, Berkeley. DUWIM 1 Jjpousq- 2 Pressing device.

DOWN 31 African river. 32 Tumbler. 34 Urges on. 37 Wrangle. Tele- at 12 noon.

Or. Browne Barr officiatii a DOWN 3 Encircle. 4 Compass point i 7 contributions. 2876 Brookdale Oakland. Days, 483-9440.

Night, KT-8442. DOWI? 5 Charm. 6 Beaten. 7 Metal containers. 8 Compass point 9 Deserted.

10 Parent. Ht Solution of Yesterday1! Puzzle 38 Stocking. 40 Fish filet. 41 Singer. 11 Hodgepodgev43 pledged, ts more letters.

2 Words which acquire four letters by the addition of such as bats, cats, are not used. 3 Only one form of word is used. 4 Proper names are not used. 1 YESTERDAYS D-OUTRUNNER outre tore outer 'tone tour turnqr tune-' rerun rent outrun untox untrue untune euro rouen nurture ruer runner runt rune run-on ANGLERS' TIDE TABLE FACIFfC STANDARD TIME Low Low High High Friends who Wish may call at the oraoh Ave. CHAPEL OF GRANT MILLER MORUTUARIES.

2850 Tele-' graph Oakland until Tuesday at 10 a.m. Ibumrpent i Chaoel of the Chimes. GRANT MILlER MORTUARIES MUEHLBAUER, John In Alameda, March 25, 1970, beloved bosband of He len C. Moehlbeuer of Alameda; loving fattier of Mrs. Joanne Kauffman Fre- moot, John Muenibauar of Sacramento and Mrs.

Foneile Cromeenes of San Lorenzo; brohier of Mrs. Anne Jensen of Wisconsin; grandfather ef eight grandchildren and one great grandson. A native of Wisconsin. A member end past exaltant ruler of Alameda Lodge Ho. 1015 8.P.O.E.

and S'RS Chabrt Branch No. 4 of Oakland. Friends art Invrted to attend funeral services Saturday, March 28, at 2 o.m. from the GEORGS W. MURPHY MORTUARY, W21 High Aiemeda, unonr trie auspices of Alameda Lodge No.

1015 P.0 with Robert Martin officiating For further information lease call 522 713b (Funeral arkmg entrance on A Saita Cira Avenue). Contributions to the County Heart Association preferred. SUPERIOR COURT OR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF ALAMEDA FOR TE COUNTY OF ALAMEDA THE, TRIBUNE PUBLISHING a-, California corporation, Plalntiff(s) No. 381528 VS. AMENDED BERNARD J.

DE LEMOS, SUMMONS ROGER LEE and (General) FRED POLK, Individually, defendant(s) i THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA to the above named Oefendant(s): directed to file with tha clerk of this court In which the entitled action is brought a written pleading in response to tha am complaint within ten days Bfter fhe service on you of this summons, if served within tho above named county, or within thirty days if served elsewhere (except that If the action Is against thg statg pursuant to Section 738.5 of the Code of Civil Procedure, within 180 days). You ere notified that unless rou so fife a written responsive pleading, tha plaintiff(s) will taka judgment i or any money or damages demanded in the complaint, as arising upon contract, or will apply to the court for any othar relief demanded In the complaint. (You may iaek tha advice of an attorney on any matter connected with the Complaint or this summons. Such attorney should be consulted within the time limit stated In this summons for filing a wrlttan pleading to tha complaint. I JACK G.

BLUE, Clerk By Louis HUrely, Deputy Clerk Dated July 25, 1969 No. 825fr March 28; April 4, II, 18 (41) security. 4( Having 7 branches. 16 Tips. 47 Tops.

48 Egg-shaped. 49 Drill. 50 Too. 51 Miss. 52 Continent.

53 Support. 56 Tune. 57 Drowse, neon neuron none noun note unrnanAnronaH true tenor tenon tern tonner 12 Pry. 13 Digits. 13 Wage increase.

23 Stopper. 24 Father Fr, 25 Curt. 26 Rope. 27 Farewell. 28 Sacred music.

29 Greek porticoes. 30 Silly. 7 I I aciniai3Eiafiiii3 return rote roue route router March tl Sun Hmi 4:02 a m. 5. a Ml 4:29 g.m.

Maoo rlM8 11:51 m. Moan Mfl 9-93 a.m. March 29 Su rlst 4 09 a m. Sup tatg 8:38 in. Maeh rlMi M.58 m.

Iff 9.93 a m. 5' V' (A Ball-McClurt SynOicati Ftalur.) i.

Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California (2024)


When did the Oakland Tribune close? ›

The last daily edition of the Tribune was published on April 4, 2016, as it was combined with other BANG-owned East Bay papers the Contra Costa Times, Hayward Daily Review and Fremont Argus, The Alameda Journal under the new East Bay Times nameplate.

Does Oakland, CA have a newspaper? ›

Oakland – The Mercury News.

What is the Tribune Tower in Oakland used for? ›

The roof features an 86-foot flagpole and a civil defense siren. Although the Oakland Tribune newspaper group moved out of the Tower in 2007, the building houses offices, the Tribune Tavern restaurant and Modern Coffee cafe on the ground level.

Where is the East Bay Times? ›

Walnut Creek, California

What happened to the mail Tribune? ›

The paper ceased operations on January 13, 2023. The closure was announced by Rosebud Media, the paper's owner, two days prior.

What is the tallest building in Oakland CA? ›

The U.S. city of Oakland, California is the site of more than 95 high-rises, the majority of which are located in its downtown district. In the city, there are 30 buildings taller than 200 feet (61 m). The tallest building is the 28-story Ordway Building, which rises 404 feet (123 m).

What is the famous tower in Oakland? ›

Ascend to the top of the Tribune Tower, and you'll be rewarded with breathtaking panoramic views of Oakland and the Bay Area. While the tower was initially closed to the public, it has since opened its observation deck, allowing visitors to marvel at the city's ever-changing landscape.

Why is the Tribune tower famous? ›

The Tribune Tower, designed by Raymond M. Hood and John Mead Howells, was the first-place winner in the Chicago Tribune's One Hundred Thousand Dollar Architectural Competition, announced on June 10, 1922.

Can you live in the Tribune tower? ›

Tribune Tower Residences Offers A Once-in-a Lifetime Opportunity To Own A Home In One Of Chicago's Most Iconic Buildings. There Are 162 Residences With 56 Different Floor Plans, Creating Many One-of-a-kind Residences.

Is East Bay considered Bay Area? ›

The East Bay is the eastern region of the San Francisco Bay Area, which comprises Alameda and Contra Costa counties. With a population of approximately 2.8 million, it is the most populous and geographically diverse subregion in the Bay Area. Our largest cities include Oakland, Fremont, Hayward, Berkeley, and Concord.

Why did East Bay close? ›

Foot Locker — the brand's parent company — released a statement saying that this business decision was made because due to “a result of efforts to optimize distribution processes in order to serve their nationwide customers more efficiently and effectively.” A surge of e-commerce throughout the 2010s eventually forced ...

How many cities are in the East Bay California? ›

The East Bay Division includes 33 cities in Alameda and Contra Costa counties and provides members with the opportunity to exchange ideas and information and share the advantages of cooperative advocacy.

When did Oakland Army Base close? ›

The OAB was recommended for closure by the Base Realignment and Closure Commission in 1995 and finally shut its doors in September 1999. Ownership of the base was transferred to the City of Oakland (City) and to the Port of Oakland (Port) in 2006.

When was the last day on the green in Oakland? ›

The series of concerts ran from the 1970's into the early 1990's. After Bill Graham died in 1991, his company, Bill Graham Presents ceased sponsoring the series, with the last show being held in 1992.

Who bought the Great Falls Tribune? ›

This site is part of the USA TODAY Network and is owned and operated by Gannett Co., Inc.

What is the history of Howard Terminal Oakland? ›

Howard, the father of Charles P. Howard, was the original builder of the docks. John was the president of the Western Fuel Company, located at the site of what is now Howard Terminal. The site was previously home to the Oakland Nail Works factory, which was in use in the late 1800s until the warehouse was damaged.


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Author information

Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.