Summer Bucket List Ideas: 99+ Fun Things to do this Summer! (2024)

Looking for ways to make summer more fun and memorable? Create a summer bucket list! Here are 99+ great summer bucket list ideas, plus a cute summer themed bucket list printable to help you keep track of all your summer fun! Everything from easy outside activities close to home, to adventurous excursions to try for yourself. Great ready for an awesome summer!

Post contains a few helpful affiliate links at no extra cost to you.

Roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer!

Summer is by far my absolute FAVORITE time of the year! It’s a time to indulge in well-deserved vacations, be outside to enjoy the long summer days, and offers a much needed break from the demands of the school year. It’s a season that invites us to embrace leisurely pursuits, bask in summer nostalgia, and embark on thrilling adventures.

How can I make my summer memorable?

To make the most of your summer, you fill it by spending quality time with loved ones, setting and achieving goals, exploring new places, going on an epic conquest/adventure, and finding joy in the simple pleasures of life.

Although the days of summer are long, the weeks and months go by way too quickly! And before you know it, it will be time to hang up the swimsuits and grab the schoolbags. So how do you ensure that the summer months don’t just pass you by?

You create a Summer Bucket List!

What is a summer bucket list? It is a list of experiences and accomplishments, big and small, that a person hopes to achieve during the course of their summer. In other words, things they want to do or achieve before they “kick the [summer] bucket”, aka before the summer ends.

Why create a summer bucket list? A summer bucket list will help ensure that you make the most of the glorious summer months. It gives you a personal list of fun and fulfilling ideas to accomplish. It’s not a set plan, but more of a fluid outline that allows for lots of flexibility.

It can also be a great way to build fantastic memories with loved ones as you cross off these activity items with your family and friends.

How do you write a summer bucket list?

Creating your summer bucket list is all about making it your own. Here are a few tips to help you design a list that’s totally tailored to you.

What are your interests? – Think about all the activities and experiences that you would be interested in pursing. Brainstorm some things that you have always wanted to do or try, as well as any new hobbies or interests you are curious about. Let the ideas flow, don’t limit yourself on this step!

What things remind you of summer? Those items/activities should definitely be on your list. Bring back those wholesome memories from the carefree days of childhood by creating new experiences with your own children and friends.

Plan them out – Not everything needs to be on the calendar, but it is helpful to have the bigger adventures, those that need a little preplanning, to be written down. It also can build up excitement for the awaited event, which is wonderful in and of itself.

Be flexible – Not everything will go as planned, and that’s alright! It’s summer after all! Relieve yourself of any added stress by just going with the flow and being open to any unforeseen events along the way.

It’s NOT a to-do list – Don’t stress yourself out by thinking that you need to cross off EVERYTHING on your summer bucket list! This is not a to-do list but more of an ideas list for fun summer activities just in case you need some inspiration.

How do you make a cute summer bucket list? Good news! I created a summer bucket list template for you! Just scroll to the bottom of this post to grab your free printable. Once you do, just fill it up with all your fun summer activities and you will be ready to go!

99+ Fun Summer Bucket List Ideas

What are some good summer bucket list ideas? I’m glad you asked! To help you put together your own bucket list, I’ve put together a broad list of fun and meaningful summer activities for you to enjoy this year. For easy reading, I’ve grouped them into categories:

  • Outdoor Summer Bucket List Ideas
  • Tasty Summer Bucket List Eats
  • Indoor Summer Bucket List Activities
  • Summer Bucket List Excursions
  • FREE Summer Bucket List Ideas Printable

No two bucket lists should be a like because no two people are exactly a like. So be sure to glean from this list of summer bucket list ideas (remember they are that, ideas) and take what you want and leave the rest behind! The list is pretty extensive so the last thing I want to do is overwhelm you with too many things to do- it is summer time after all! It’s time to enjoy.

If it helps, think of it more as a “I’m bored” list and whenever you need something to do you pick from the list. That’s probably a better way to view your summer bucket list!


Being outside is the best place to be in the summertime! There are loads of fun summer activities that can be enjoyed not too far from home or even in your own backyard. Several of these summer bucket list ideas are quite simple and easy to do, and yet foster the greatest memories!

1. Go on a Bike Ride

Hop on a bike and explore your local area or venture out on a longer bike tour. Biking is a great way to stay active, enjoy the scenery, and discover hidden gems in your own city or town.

2. Have a Water Balloon Fight

A water balloon fight is the best way to kick start your summer! Did you know there is such a thing as reusable water balloons? It’s true! The refillable water balloon is a game changer for water battles, because now they can be used over and over again. And the best part is you don’t have to worry about cleaning up all the tiny pieces of balloon remains when all is said and done.

3. Go Star Gazing

End your day by lying under a blanket of stars to gaze at the beautiful night sky. Whether you’re camping in a remote location or simply lying in your backyard, stargazing is a peaceful and awe-inspiring activity.

4. Visit a New Park

It’s always exciting to visit and explore a new place. Be sure to ask around and maybe search the web for a park you may have overlooked in your area.

5. Play Kickball or Slip N’ Slide Kickball!

Kickball is a fun activity that all ages can play and is perfect for large groups of people! Take your kickball to the next level of summer amusem*nt by playing slip n’ slide kickball! Use a kiddie pool or splash pad for the bases and a slip n’ slide between each base or at least from 3rd base to home. It will be a wet round of kickball that will be long remembered!

6. Go Ice Blocking

All you need are a few blocks of ice and a big hill for some epic good times!

7. Toss a Frisbee

Grab a friend (or your dog )and head outside to throw a frisbee back and forth. Get creative with how you throw it and work on improving your aim.

8. Create Chalk Art

Making masterpieces on the sidewalk isn’t just for kids! Tune into your creative side and sketch some brightly colored murals in the sunshine this summer with sidewalk chalk.

Summer Bucket List Ideas: 99+ Fun Things to do this Summer! (10)

9. Fly a Kite

“Let’s go fly a kite!” Whether you make your own or purchase one, it’s thrilling to see a kite lift up high in the sky. And then there is always that deep satisfaction of keeping the kite airborne despite the wind trying to knock it down.

10. Play Tennis

11. Go Swimming

Summer wouldn’t be complete without jumping in the water! Whether it’s the local swimming pool, a serene lake nestled amidst nature, or the vast ocean, each holds its own charm and each provides a great way to cool off from the (sometimes stifling) summer heat. Nothing beats playing in the water on a hot summer day!

12. Watch Fireworks

13. Host an Outdoor Movie Night

There is just something about watching a movie outside on a “big” screen that takes moving watching to the next level, with the added bonus that you don’t have to worry about anyone making a mess with all the popcorn!

14. Play Lawn Games

Gather the family or a group of friends for a fun evening playing your favorite lawn games. From Spikeball and Ladder Golf to Jumbo Jenga and Badminton there is a fun outdoor game for everyone!

Our Family’s Favorites:

15. Have a Picnic

16. Make a Lemonade Stand

Setting up a lemonade stand during the summer can be a rewarding opportunity to teach children valuable skills in a practical and fun way.

By engaging in this hands-on activity, children can delve into the world of entrepreneurship, learn the importance of planning and preparation, gain valuable knowledge about budgeting and managing finances, and work on their communication skills all in a way that they will enjoy!

Be sure to check out these 7 Lemonade Stand Ideas that will surely take your lemonade stand to the next level!

17. Pick Flowers & Press Them

Save some memories by pressing the flowers you find throughout your summer excursions. You can learn all about preserving flowers at

18. Go Rollerblading

19. Host a Barbecue

Invite all your friends over for a memorable gathering filled with fun outdoor games and a barbecue potluck. Get ready to fire up that grill, but don’t confine yourself solely to meats. Try experimenting with grilling other foods, like corn on the cob, pineapple, asparagus, and even watermelon!

20. Catch Fireflies (aka Lightening Bugs)

Catching fireflies is one of the truly magical parts of the season and and a summer bucket list wouldn’t be complete without it! The warm evenings filled with twinkling lights as these tiny insects float through the air bring joy and wonder to both children and adults alike.

21. Run Through the Sprinklers

Just do it! Bring back those childhood memories (and/or create new ones with your own kids) by running through the sprinklers. It’s a simple way to cool off and can easily give hours of entertainment and play. There are several sprinkler attachments that can turn your lawn/driveway into your own splash pad!

22. Go Fishing

With over 45 million people in the United States going fishing each year, it may be a good sign that fishing is a great summer activity to put on your bucket list this year!

23. Make Flower Crowns

24. Enjoy Outdoor Yoga

Take your yoga practice outside and enjoy the fresh air and natural surroundings. Many parks and outdoor spaces offer yoga classes during the summer months, providing a unique and calming experience.

25. Play on a Slip ’N Slide

26. Grow an Herb Garden

There is something so satisfying in adding ingredients to your recipe that you just picked from your own garden. If you have never grown anything before, maybe start with one or two different herbs that you will use in your cooking.

27. Ride a Scooter

Explore the sights of the city or ride along the paths in your local park on a scooter! You can have fun by yourself, with a friend, or even with the whole family. Riding a scooter is a definite must for your summer bucket list!

My Family’s Favorites:

28. Nap in a Hammock

Did you know that napping in the swaying motion of a hammock provides better sleep than simply taking a nap on the couch? Research shows that the rocking motion helps adults fall asleep faster and increases the quality of sleep. So go take a siesta this summer in a hammock!

29. Play Baseball

30. Jump Rope, Hopscotch, or Hula Hoop

31. Climb a Tree

32. Have a Bonfire

33. Blow Bubbles

Bubbles never get old no matter your age!

Summer Bucket List Ideas: 99+ Fun Things to do this Summer! (36)

My Family’s Favorites:

34. Cloud Watching

Take a break from your cares at the moment by laying on the grass to see the clouds go by. See if you can make out any objects and if you have a friend along, try to guess what each other sees.

35. View a Sunrise or Sunset

There is nothing quite as peaceful as waking up early to watch a glorious sunrise. If the early morning isn’t your thing, you can always enjoy the beauty of a stunning sunset.

36. Host a Summer Themed Party

Anytime is a good time to throw a party! But the summer months are a particularly great time to host a party because the warmer/hot weather always for so many more party themes to choose from! Here are a few summer party favorites:

  • Pool Party
  • Hawaiian Luau
  • Water Olympics
  • Surfs Up Social
  • Tropical Paradise
  • Backyard Barbecue
  • Summer Solstice Bash
  • Outdoor Movie Night
  • Star-Spangled Shindig
  • Beach Bonfire
  • Watermelon Themed Party (Lemon or Peach themed party or any other in season fruit)
  • Under the Sea
  • Pink Flamingo Party


From backyard barbecues to picnics in the park, there are loads of delicious foods and sweets to enjoy before summer is up! Add a few of these favorites to your summer bucket list so you don’t forget any!

37. Eat a Hot Dog

A corndog works too!

38. Make Homemade Ice-Cream

39. Fire up the Grill

40. Roast Marshmallows for S’mores

41. Make Root Beer Floats

42. Eat Strawberry Shortcake

43. Make a Fruit Smoothie

With all the delicious fruit in season, why not blend them up in a fruit smoothie! Combine your fruits to whip up new smoothie flavors and maybe try mixing in a a few leafy greens for some added, undetected nutrients. 🙂

Need smoothie recipe ideas? This coconut mango smoothie is divine and my boys love this kid friendly green smoothie.

44. Try Something New

Get out of your comfort taste zone and eat something new! Maybe try whipping up a new recipe or just grab an exotic fruit at the grocery store. Have you ever eaten star fruit before? Try it!

45. Eat Corn on the Cob

Have you ever had grilled corn on the cob from a fair? It is to die for!

46. Freeze Your Own Popsicles

Blend up one of your favorite fruits and then freeze them to be enjoyed after a fun afternoon playing outside.

47. Enjoy a Snow Cone or Italian Ice

48. Drink Fresh Squeezed Lemonade

Nothing beats sitting outside and sipping a glass of ice-cold lemonade in the summertime! Spice up your lemonade by adding sparkling water or fruit for added flavor.

49. Eat a Slice of Watermelon

Watermelon just hits the spot during the summer months. It’s also great for competitions, whether that be a watermelon seed spitting contest or an all you can eat one.


Indoor activities offer a great opportunity to relax, unwind, and escape the heat. It’s also a good idea to have a few of these ideas on your summer bucket list just in case the weather spoils your outdoor plans.

50. Learn a New Skill

Summer is the perfect time to start a new skill that you have always wanted to try. Maybe you have always wanted to delve into photography or painting, or improve your culinary abilities. Use the summer months to check out helpful videos on youtube or sign up for a class in your community to learn something new.

51. Perform a Random Act of Kindness

Bring a little sunshine into someone’s life by doing something nice just for them. Maybe help your parent’s weed their yard or bake cookies for a friend you haven’t seen for awhile or help your loved one with one of their household chores. A small act of kindness goes a long way in brightening someone’s day!

52. Bake a New Treat

Spice up your life in the kitchen this summer by making a new dessert! With oodles and oodles of recipes online, you really have no excuse not to!

53. Start your Family History

54. Read a Book

Use the lazy days of summer to finally finish that book you started or pick up a new book that you have been wanting to read but have not had the chance yet to do so. Spend some lazy afternoons getting lost in its pages.

Check out this free summer reading chart to encourage your kids (and YOU!) to read lots this summer!

Books I’m currently reading/just read (and I LOVED!):

55. Enjoy a No Tech Day/Weekend

Challenge yourself to a digital detox! Go for a few days or a week free of all electronic devises (phones, computers, tv) and discover first hand how much more time you have on your hands! The weather is too nice to spend it slouched over your phone anyways!

If an entire day isn’t possible, try simple ways to limit your screen time. Putting away your phone during meals and designating the the two hours before bedtime as tech free are great options for quality conversation and a better night’s sleep!

56. Learn to Juggle

57. Declutter / Clean out a space

Utilize the extra hours of daylight during the summertime to crank out decluttering a room or space in your house. Riding yourself of unwanted clutter will free your house of excess, free your time with having less to clean, and help reduce stress because now there is less to worry about!

58. Play Board Games

Host a game night with your friends. Break out the board games, card games, or even video games for a fun-filled evening of friendly competition.

Our Family’s Current Favorites:

59. Reconnect with an Old Friend

60. Develop a New Habit

Don’t wait until New Year’s to set some habit goals. Summer is the perfect time to begin working on making the act of (journaling, exercise, music practice, meditation, reading, etc) part of your daily/weekly routine. You have the slower summer months to make it a habit and when the Fall rolls around and things get busy, your habit will be solid!

61. Make Tie-Dye Shirts

If ever you have traveled with a group somewhere, you know how easy it is to lose people. What’s the first thing you think of when you see a family in matching apparel? That they all dressed alike for a cute photo? Wrong! That is just an added bonus, the real reason is out of necessity. The coordinating shirts help them keep better track of each other! Get everyone coordinating this summer by making tie-dye shirts!

62. Finish a DIY Project

63. Complete a Puzzle

Clear a table and cover it with a 1,000 piece puzzle to put together this summer or maybe in just a weekend! The act of putting the pieces of a puzzle together can be relaxing and enjoyable after a busy summer day as either a solitary activity or with a group of friends or family. And did you know that putting puzzles together increases your IQ, improves short term memory, and sharpens your problem solving skills? Pretty good bonuses!

Have you ever heard of a Magic Puzzle? These are unlike any puzzles you have put together!


Summer is the perfect time for seeing new sites and embarking adventures! Whether you prefer adrenaline-pumping activities or more relaxed pursuits, here are several fun summer bucket list ideas you may enjoy!

64. Take a Road Trip

A road trip is a must for anyone’s summer bucket list! A road trip in and of itself means adventure and exploring new sites. Be sure to take advantage of the sites along with way and don’t be so much in a rush to get to your destination that you forget to enjoy the journey there!

65. Shop at a Local Farmers’ Market

Who doesn’t like fresh produce? Not to mention supporting local farmers and food growers. This is also a great way to strike up a conversation with experts if ever you wanted to learn to grow certain vegetables and fruits yourself.

66. Visit an Aquarium

67. Try a New Local Restaurant

68. Go Horseback Riding

69. Ride a Ferris Wheel/Carousel

70. Explore your Interests

What are your interests or your kid’s interests? Find activities that foster that love! My 5 year old loves airplanes, so when we heard of an air show in our area, we went! He even had the opportunity to fly with his uncle in his plane.

71. Ride in a Hot Air Balloon

72. Attend a Baseball Game

73. Go Camping

Spend a night under the stars in the great outdoors or maybe in your very own backyard. Build a campfire, roast hot dogs and marshmallows, and enjoy quality time with friends and family or some much needed solo time.

74. Visit a Splash Pad or WaterPark

75. Enter a 5k or Mud Run

76. Go Zip-lining or climb a Ropes Course

77. Float down a River

78. Pick Berries and Peaches

Nothing beats the taste of freshly picked fruit! Spend a relaxing summer morning visiting a local farm or your own back yard to pick those delicious fruits that are in season during the summer months. Enjoy them as is or throw them into a smoothie, cereal, yogurt or even ice-cream. And be sure to freeze or dry any excess you might have so you can enjoy in the post summer months!

79. Go Sailing

80. Hike a New Trail

81. Visit the Zoo

82. Attend a Musical Festival

83. Go to a Rodeo

84. Visit a Historical Site

Just because school is out, doesn’t mean you can’t be learning a bit of history! Take the opportunity during the summer months to visit historical sites in your area. Learn how life was lived in years past and about the certain events that brought about different events in your town or community.

85. Visit Extended Family

86. Hit up a County or State Fair

Fair Days are some of the best days of the summer! The exhibits, the food, the animals, the competitions, the prizes, I could go on! There are definitely ample opportunities to get several of your bucket list items checked off in just one spot!

87. Try Geocaching

Join the world’s largest treasure hunt! Combine technology with outdoor exploration by trying geocaching. Using GPS coordinates, you can search for hidden treasures and discover new locations in your area.

88. Day at the Beach (or Lake)

89. Volunteer in the Community

Make a difference for good this summer by volunteering at a local animal shelter, participating in a beach or park cleanup, or joining a community service project. Giving back can help those in need while also giving a sense of worth and fulfillment in your own personal life.

90. Go Rock Climbing

91. Attend a Local Event

See what festivals and events are taking place in your area and take advantage of the great experiences that await you!

92. Go to a Drive-In Movie Theater

93. Explore your own City

Be a tourist in your own city and go see the sites! You may be surprised of all the little gems your own town holds!

94. Build a Sandcastle

95. Play at an Indoor Jump Park

A ninja warrior gym and/or jump park is a great activity to throw in the mix of summer bucket list ideas. It’s super fun for kids and adult alike plus is a great workout. Also it’s a wonderful alternative to being outside when it get’s too hot. Be sure to check ahead to see if they have any discount days!

96. Go on an Adventure

Try skydiving, base jumping, parasailing, OR scuba diving!

97. Explore a Museum

98. Visit a National Park

99. Go Kayaking or Paddle Boarding

Take to the water and explore serene lakes, rivers, or the ocean. Kayaking and/or paddle boarding are fun and adventurous way to enjoy the summer sunshine while also getting in a bit of exercise!

100. Play Miniature Golf

Miniature golf is a must for any summer activity because just about anyone can do it, it’s inexpensive, and it gets you outside to enjoy the outdoors.

101. Do Something You Have Never Done Before!

Learn how to play a musical instrument, ride an elephant or in a helicopter, take a cooking or painting class, volunteer at your library, do a headstand, big or small, get out of your comfort zone and do something new.

Now go craft your OWN Summer Bucket List!

Hopefully these summer bucket list suggestions have given you some great ideas for fun things to do this summer. Remember, just choose the ones that spark your interest and leave the rest behind. Are there any more summer bucket list ideas that you would add? Please let me know in the comments below.

BONUS: Free Summer Bucket List Printable

Summer Bucket List Ideas: 99+ Fun Things to do this Summer! (97)

Now that you are totally pumped to start constructing your list of summer activities, here is a fabulous printable to write everything down on! I’ve designed this bucket list to help you keep track of all those awesome things you want to do and experience this summer. Also is included is a page that has all of the summer activities listed in one place for quick reference or to use as your own epic summer bucket list!

Just click on the link to download, then head on over to your downloads folder. Double click on the file to unzip it, print, and then start planning! ENJOY!

<download theSummer Bucket List here>

All designs are for PERSONAL USE ONLY. You may not forward, share, sell or re-distribute the file. Ownership and copyright over all designs & graphics contained in the files are property of AspenJay.

Creating your ultimate summer bucket list is a chance to dream big, step out of your comfort zone, and make the most of the glorious summertime!

So what is on your summer bucket list?

Summer Bucket List Ideas: 99+ Fun Things to do this Summer! (98)

And if you would love to be able to type directly onto the pdf file, be sure to get my EDITABLE summer bucket list in my shop.

Did you find this post helpful?Then be sure to save an PIN to your summer related board!

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Summer Bucket List Ideas: 99+ Fun Things to do this Summer! (2024)


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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

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Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.