The Alamance Gleaner from Graham, North Carolina (2024)

The jlamange Gleaner; TOTI KXXY17 GRAHAM, N. THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1911. NO. 44 PROFESSIONAL CAEDS Tutt-s Fills fcua. B.

Political: The British parliament dissolved by royal proclamation. ft Political: The government asked the dissolution of the sugar trust "aa a combination In restraint of conference of governore met at Frankfort. Ky. EVENTSJN II Record of the Year From January to December. 1 Sporting: Thure Johansen.

Swede, set the world's Marathon record by running 2t miles set yards In hours minutes 66 seconds. Mining Accident: miners killed by explosion In the gold diggings on Douglas Tsiand, Alaska. f. Avalanche: Snowsllde In Rogers pass, British Columbia, caused the loss ot upward of 60 lives. Strike: General walkout In Philadelphia to aid the striking street car men.

Obituary: Louis James, actor, at Helena, aged 50. a Obituary: Thomas Collier Piatt, former United States senator and a noted political leader. In New York city; aged 77. Dr. Louis Kloesch, editor Christian Herald and promoter of worldwide philanthropy.

In New city; aged 68. 7. Accident: killed and 17 seriously Injured by an explosion in a starch factory at Roby, Ind. I Obituary: Jake Schaeffer, noted billiard player, at Denver. I Strike: State wide strike declared In Pennsylvania In sympathy with the Philadelphia car men's strike.

27. Obituary: Blr Henry Tlchborne, Infant defendant In the notorious Arthur Or- ton claim to the Tlchborne title and estates In 1871 and a noted big game hunter, in London; aged 44. 2L Obituary: John O. Carlisle, Kentucky statesman and a member of Grover Cleveland's cabinet, in New York city; aged 75. Rear Admiral Thomas H.

Looker, U. A retired, veteran of the Mexican and civil wars, la Washington; aged 81. AUGUST. Convention: The International peaoe congress met to Stockholm. 1 Obituary: E.

L. Bamboume, noted cartoonist of London Punch, in London; aged 05. A Obituary: Louis Schrlber, long known as a great cornetlst, in Los Angeles; aged 88. 1 Obituary: Rear Admiral Schofleld, U. S.

retired, at Stamford, Conn.) aged 71. 7. Obituary: J. B. Studley, onoe noted actor.

In New-York city. Col. Harvey W. Scott, editor or the Portland Ore-gonlan. In Baltimore; aged 72.

8. Assault on Mayor Gaynor: Mayor William J. Gaynor shot on board the ocean liner Kaiser Wlihelm der Grosse by James J. Gallagher, a discharged city employee. Railroad Accident: It killed and 20 Injured In a head-on collision on the Northern Pacific near Ignaclo, Cat Fire: In Boston's lumber district; loss 81,000,000.

10. Convention: Apple growers' congress Persona): Justice tC. lL Moody of ths United 8tates supreme court resigned. I Portugal: Republican uprising tn Lisbon. King Manuel captured.

The army and navy elded with the revolutionists, who proclaimed a republic. 1 Mine Disaster: 50 miners trapped by an explosion In the Colorado Fuel and iron company's mine at Starkvllle, Colo. 10. Personal: Ex-Governor Charlee E. Hughes took the oath of office as justice of "the United States supreme court at Washington.

12. Storm: A fierce storm swept over Europe, causing heavy loss of life on the English coast and on the Baltic. 14 Shipwreck: The French steamship Vllle de Roohefort was rammed by the British steamer Peverll In the bay ot Biscay and sank with 23 of her crew. Financial: The Charing Cross bonk of London, with 40 country branches, went Into the hands of a receiver, owing depositors 80.OOO.OOO. II Obituary: Larkln O.

Mead, noted American sculptor, In Florence, Italy; aged 75. United States Senator Jonathan P. Dolllver of Iowa, at Fort Dodge; aged 82 Aviation: Wellman's. balloon America started on Its oversea flight at Atlantic City. 11 Fire: At Alabaster, loss of by flames tn the plant ot the United Btatoa Gypsum company.

The 250th anniversary of tha settlement of Bergen county, N. by the Dutch was celebrated. 17. Aviation: 10 balloons representing the United States, France, Germany and Switzerland started from St. Louis In the International race for the Bennett Cup and 84.750 In prises.

The dirigible balloon Clement-Bayard Balled from Paris to London hi 8 hours, carrying 7 people. Obituary: Julia Ward Howe, author of "The Battle Hymn of the Republic," at Mlddletown, aged 91. 11 Aviation: Wellman abandoned his airship 800 miles off Hatteras after sailing about 700 miles In 72 hours; farthest point north was 140 miles northeast of Nantucket Storm: A West India hurtioane struck the Florida and South Carolina coasts. 11 Aviation: Balloon America Post and Hawley aeronauts, landed In the province of Quebec. 1,855 miles from St Louis, the starting point, winning the Bennett cup for distance.

21 Obltuaryi Oen. Thomaa T. Eekert, manager of the Federal military telegraph In the civil war and later president of the Western Union, at Long Branch, N. aged 86. Shipwreck! The steamship Rerulus, plying between New York and Newfoundland ports, wrecked by a storm oa Shoal bay; 19 sailors drowned.

Personal: Edgar Allan Poe elected to the American Hall of Fame by a vote of 89; necessary to choice, 5L 21 Criminal: Dr. Hawley H. Cripnea found guilty of murdering his wife. Belle Elmore, In the Old BaUey court, London. Shipwreck: British steamship Wally wrecked off Braall; 50 passengers sad sailors drowned.

Aviation: International meet opened at Belmont park. New York. Lake conference on Ihterhallonal "arbitration met at Mohonk Lake. N. Y.

Obituary: John A. Kasson, former United Btatas minister to Austria, in Wash- Ington; aged 88. Convention: World's Sunday School association met at Washington. Earthquake: Violent shock at Salt Lake City. 14.

Shipwreck: 18 deaths by the sinking of the steamer Frank H. Goodyear near Port Aux rjarquals. Lake Huron. 25. Fire: The Hotel Clvamplaln, a large summer resort on Bluff Point, totally destroyed; loss about 8300,000.

28. Submarine Disaster: The French submarine Pluvolse rammed by a ferryboat in Dover strait and sunk with her crew of 27. 27. Railroad Accident: 10 killed and 40 Injured In a wreck on the Lehigh Valley near Wllkesbarre, Pa. 28.

Obituary: Dr. Robert Koch, eminent bacteriologist, discoverer of a consumption cure, at Baden-Baden; aged 7. 29. Aviation: Glenn H. Curtlss flew from Albany to New York, following the course of the Hudson river, winning rthe New York World prlxe of 810.000.

Nicaragua: Government forces repulsed in an attack upon Estrada's revolu- tlonlsta at Blueflelds. 2L South Africa: Union of South African states proclaimed. JUNE. Obituary: Edward Jenkins, English editor and writer, author of the sensational political pamphlet "Glnx's Baby," In London; aged 72. Sir Francis Seymour Haden, noted English artist, in London; aged 02.

Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell, pioneer woman physician In England and the United States, In London; aged 89. Sporting: Lemberg won the English Derby. Polar Research: Captain Scott's antaro- tlo expedition sailed from London. Obituary: William Sydney Porter, novelist known as Hepry," In New York olty; aged 48.

-1 Cloudburst: Several villages In east Hungary wiped out; 200 7. Earthquake: Southern Italy shaken) upward of 100 deaths. Obituary: Prof. Goldwln 'Smith. Anglo-American author and educator, at Toronto; aged 87.

a. Obituary: Sir George Newnes, noted British publisher. In London; aged 89. U. Fire: 29 acres of warehouses and dwellings burned In Seattle; loss nearly 000.

tt Obltuaryi Herman Vexln, American actor distinguished on the London stage; aged 81-St orm Disaster: Cloudburst In tha Ahr valley; Prussia, destroyed 150 lives. 18. Aviation; C. K. Hamilton drove a Curtlss biplane from New York to Philadelphia and return, winning 810.000 prize: time.

New York to Philadelphia, 88 miles, 1 hour 81 minutes; Phil-adelphla to New York. 1 hour 88 min-utes. Walter S. Brooklns established new world's altitude record by ascending 4.884 feet tn a Wright aeroplane at Indianapolis. Fire Disaster: Flames followed collapes of roof ot the Montreal Herald building and caused loss of 40 lives.

14. Convention: World's missionary congress opened In Edinburgh. M. Obituary: John Austin Stevens, founder of the Boris of the Revolution, at Newport, R. aged 81 17.

Avlatloa: Walter Brooklns made new world's altitude record by ascending 4,800 feet at Indianapolis. Storm Disaster: 18 deaths In New York city by electric rainstorm. Railroad Aocldent: 19 killed and nearly 100 Injured In a collision near Versailles, France. Personal! Ex-President Theodore Roosevelt welcomed In New York on his re- turn from bis African and European trip. Political: The railroad bill, creating a court of commerce and amending the Interstate commerce act of 1887, became a law.

tA Obituary: Henry Neville, noted aotor and dramatist. In London. Convention: World's Sunday school convention met in Washington. 22, Aviation: Count Zeppelin's dirigible Deutschland sailed from Friederlchs-haven to Dusseldorf, 800 miles, carrying 11 passengers. 24, German airship Deutschland made an excursion trip carrying 82 passengers.

26. Political: Congress adjourned. FOR TORPID LIVER. A torpid liver deranges the whole system, and produces SICK Sallow Skin and Piles. There Is no better remedy orthesa common diseases than DR.

TUTT'S LIVER PILLS, as a trial will prove. Take No Substitute. Indigestion ir. AN rspepsia When your stomach cannot properly digest food, of Itself, It needs a little assistance and this assistance Is readily supplied by Kodol. Kodol asslts tha stomsch, by temporarily digesting all of the food in the stomach, so that thi stomach may rest and recuperate.

Our Guarantee, JSSSJW too are not benefited the druggist will at once return your money. Don't hesitate: ant druggist will sell yon Kodol on these, terms The dollar bottle contains times ss muob as the foe bottle. Kodol Is prepared at the Monkeries of B. 0. CsWltt 4 Co.

Odessa. Grabam Drug Co. ARE YOU UP TO DATE 7 Ifyotiare not the News an Obeeyer is. Subscribe lor it at once and it will keep you abreast ot the times. Full Associated Press dispatches.

All the news--foreign, national, state and local all the time. Daily New? and Observer $7 per year 3.50 for 6 mos. Weekly Nori Carolinian 4P1 per year, 50c for 6 mos. NEWS OBSERVER PUB. Ralkigh, N.

C. The North Carolinian and The Alamance Gleaner will be sent for one year for Two Dollars. Cash in advance. Apply at The Gleaner office Graham, N. C.

Bend model, sketch or photo of Invention lor free report on patentability. For free book, HowtoBcoureTDIine IIRDa'C "rite Patentsand inHOt-IVlniJ KILLthb COUGH AND CURE thk LUNGS Dr. King's lev; Discovery PBICB tna OOUCHS ow-a ai.OOi I Vo-fOLDS Settle raw UNO Ml THROAT ANOUJNOTROUBLM. QUAii.VNTKED SATIS? OS MONET BEUND-lilA LIVES OF CHRISTIAN MINISTERS This boot, entitled as above, contains over 200 memoirs of Ministers in the Christian Church with historical references. As interesting volume -nicely printd ed and bound.

Price per copy: cloth, 2.00gilt top, By mail 20o extra- Orders may be to "TV. PJ, Kebmodlb, f.vr 101 i. Richmond, Va Orders may be left at this offiee, Why send otf your JobPrlntlnfl? We can nil BOVV JUU luvuv Stationery. Weddlnfl Business Cards. Posters.

etc etc. huh yo 5 We promptly obtain U. B. tod Foreign ilrfAVMXJUa Tw a Attornay-at-Law, v) GRAHAM, If. Office Patterson Building Seoond Floor.

roaa obat Bthum. w. p. Brasx, Ja BYNUM BYNTJM, Attortwrya and Cottnaolora at Loiw GltXENSBORO, Practioo rtjgnlarlr la tha courts of Ala nance county. Aok.2,M1, DAMERON LONG Alloraeys-at-Law B.

A W. DAMKKON, J. ADOLPH LOHO Phone 100B 'Phone 250, Piedmont Building, Holt-Mlaholsoa Bid A Burlington, M.C. DR. WILL S.

10X0, JR. 8 PENTIST 4 8 Graham. North Carallnsi OFFICE SIMMONS BULLDLCCO IACO1A.L0NO. aXltXB LOUS IaONG JASSQ. 4 Attomya and Connswlora at Lotw GRAHAM, X.

Pigeon Notes LTow is the loft for zero weather? Windows closed, glass all in and cracks filled up? A sudden cold night will cans lots of trouble in the pigeon Snow is bod food for the birds; clean it out of the flyways. Do not wait for spring for house cleaning time; cleanliness is next to godliness. Do not allow your birds to bathe during severe weather, nor in mild weather unless the sun 'shines. Do not slacken up on feed while severe weather lasts; Jhe birds need considerable food to keep warm. Keep record carefully so you will know what birds arc the best squab breeders and raise the heaviest squabs.

Do not fail to remove at once all odd or nnmated specimens from the lofts. Nothing makes so much trouble in the pigeon loft ai odd or nnmated pairs. How often do yon scour out the water fountains? It is easier to empty them at night than to use A cold ohisel and hammer to clear them in- the morning. Always have one or two mating coops' about the place. These am coops that have slat divisions in them where the male can be kept on one side of the partition and the female on the other Keep them there until they show a willingness to become acquaint ed, then remove the partition, and after a few days yon will find the pair mated, when they can be returned to the loft.

Above all things clean out the drones and the non-producers. Watch your breeding pigeons the same as yon would care for your best producing With poultry the present-day plan is to hatch only from the hens that lay the most eggs. -Ambitious young- men and ladies should learn telegraphy. for. since the new 8-hour law be came effective there is.

a shortage of many thousand telegraphers. Positions pay from tw to wiv a month to beginners. The Telegraph Institute of S. C. and five other cities is opera-ed under supervision of B.

K. Of ficials snd all students are piacea when qualified. Write them tor particulArs. Justice John lrshall Harlan, of the United States Supreme Court, last Satmrday a week celebrated his 33d annivenay as a member of the court. December 10.

1877. at the age of 44 yAars, Justice Harlan became a member of the court by appointment' of President Hayes. Aeliat USUHeeu-a, Distressing Kidney and Blad-ner Disease relieved in six hours by the MNaw Gaaat? 8outh AwwgTffAw KroirxT It ts a great surprise en account of its exceeding promptness In relieving pais in bladder, kidneys aad back, in male or enisle. Believes retention water almost immediately. If yo want quick relief and euro this is the remedy.

Sold by Graham Drug Co. Committee of the' United States Senate which has been investigating ths fjharges of bribery in connection with the election of Senator Illinois, decided -unanimously that the testimony does not prove any of the chArges made. 80. Obituary: Jem Mnce. noted English prizefighter In the sixties.

In England; aged 79. DECEM3EB. Political: Gen. Pnrflrlo Diaz was Inaugurated president of Mexico for ths eighth time. 1 Obituary: Gen.

E. A. Carr. U. S.

A. retired, distinguished In border troubles before the civil war as well aa In that conflict, died In Washington; aged (0. 1 pbltuary: Mary Baker Glover Eddy, founder of theChrlstlan Science church. In Boeton; aged 90. Gen.

Wesley Merrltt. U. B. retired, noted In the civil and Spanish-American wars, at Natural Bridge, aged 74. 1 Political: The lest session of the flat congress opened.

1 Storm: Heavy snow or rain In the northern and eastern statea Obituary: The Duke of Chartres, one of the Orleans princes who served In America In 18C2, in Paris; aged 70. Fire: At Evansvllle, loss of Convention: The American Bad Cross society met In Washington. Political: President Taft's messags reo-ommended the fortifying of the Panama canal, a strip subsidy, a halt la legislating on corporations and a par cels post. Obituary: Ludwlg Knaus, famous fears painter. In Berlin aged 81.

Sporting: George Moore made a world's record run of If at I billiards In Nsw York. 1 Aviation: Legasjaaux, French aviator. established a new world's record for altitude at Pau by soaring feet 10. Brazil; Mutiny of Brazilian marines at Rio de Janeiro resulted lb a battle causing 400 casualties. Sporting: Root and Moran, the Irish American team, won the 9 day bicycle race la New York; score 1541 aulas 8 lapa 18th Csnsus: OfBolal figures published; population, exclusive or Alaska, including all possessions, gain since 1(00, U.859,t0.

Aviation: Capt. Bellanges, French army aviator, msde a nsw world's speed record by flying 100 miles, from Vln-sennes to Mourmelon, In 70 minutes, an average of 88 miles aa hour. The prevknw record of a boot tl mile an hour was held by Grahame-White. IL Obituary: Dr. Emll Reich, author and lecturer, noted for bis criticisms on American women.

In London; aged 81 Shipwreck: German et earner Palermo wrecked on tha Spaaiab ooaat; lives lost. Personal: Associate Justice Edward DougUss Whits or the United States supreme court appointed chief Justice aa successor 10 the lata at. w. Fuller. Judge Willis Van Devanter of Wyoming and Judge J.

A Lamar of Georgia nominated associate Justices. 14 Personal: Andrew Carnegis cava 000,000 to tne cause of peace. Convention: Conference pn International disputes met In Washington. 11 Obituary: Melville Landon, humor- ous writer and lecturer, known aa Kit Perkins, at Yonkere, N. aged TL 11 Exploelon: Explosion In a power hsnss st Grand Central station.

New York, caused extensive damage In ths Vlcia-riy aad tha loss of many Uvea. Aviation! Meet at Los Angeles. Con vent fens: Amsrlcaa Historical association at Indianapolis. Association For tha Advancement of Science at Mlnneapoila. Convention: Amerioan Association Far Labor Legislation at St Louis.

A Dating Pair. The old farmer stopped his scythe and unbent Then he hailed his wife. 1 thoucht ManUa was from' to help you with th' cookin' today 7 ne cneu. "Manila's frono over to Bailie Beasoly was the reply. "They're havin' a carden fete for Frucula Hinckley nond from TewiuDury." She paused and looked around.

"Wasn't nenry goin' to help you with tn'mowin'?" 'Henry's Kone over to Tom Tit- kin's to play golf with th' new minister. Thcv looked at each other. "Two ailly old foola," muttered tha fanner. "Yes, Abijah," the woman meek ly agreed. And he went on wun nis toneiv mowinsr.

tvnu sne rciurnea a A Al atuet house witn ber tMuket oi eggs. Clovclana riain ueaier. Lavoisier and Chemistry. Lavoisier (1743-94) comes very near being the "father of chemistry." Although neither the science of chemistry nor yet a change in its obiects can be said to nave orig inated with Lavoisier, the means be introduced of attaining those ob iects. the ideas he put forth con- cerning tne -constitution ot Domes and the explanation he gaveof various phenomena were strictly new and cave to this science in the twen ty year preceding his death com pletely altered a peer, ne nuns oi chamutTV had yielded rich returns long before Lavoisier came.

He 1 IS .1 IJ availCU nimaeil oi tun wiu svis- ingi and, extending them, opened thev main lode. New York Ameri can. rirwwth af Electric Scienoe. An Ihshmari. Dr.

OQbert of Colchester, may be considered as the founder of the science of electricity. He vii ths first to esre-fullv repeat the observations of the ancients and apply, them to the principles of philosophical investigstioA Dr. Gilbert's experiments, extending through many years, were published in his book "De which mar safely be said to be the first modern work on the science of electricity. Gilbert was born in 1540 and died in lEos.ExcnangA A Blnalna Kate Yu ought to hare heard Ut. Desrlove's ringing speech last nhrhL Annie Hiy, I wasn't aware he could make a speech.

Kats Well, be made vat Just the same. I esnt repeat the speech, but I can show you the ring. His Bkk Banker (ta uia danjhtera nit-orr-Doo't talk so mock of lovs. Tovi know tbs wast really attracts voa ts the Sixmo marks that my win s-o abra she tnafriea. Cultor bat: Na mors thas thatt -Klketxle Platter.

HISTORY DAY BY DAY. Notable Occurrences Throughout the World. A REMARKABLE DEATH ROLL Woaders of Aviation Items of Miscellaneous Interest, Accidents, Wrecks and Floods A Ckrouo-' logical Review. Value of all farm products in the United States for 1910 was the largest record made and an Increase over 1909 of $305,000,000. Corn Is king, with a production of 8,125,713,000 bushels; value $1,523,968,.

000. Cotton $900,000,000. Hay beats wheat with 60,978,000 tons; value, $747,769,000. Wheat crop, bushels; vsjue, $621,443,000. The census of 1910 shows an in crease in population over 1900 of UOU.8U0.

JANUARY I Obituary: Agnea Booth, widow of Ju nius Brutus nooia ana et one unzs a star actress. In BrooUlne, aged CA a Personal: Charles W. Morse, convicted New York banker, began a fifteen year sentence in ine united Diaiee penueu ilfhvv at Atlanta! A Aviation Accident: Leon Delagrange, pioneer aeroplane experimenter, killed by the fall of a Blerlot monoplane at T(inl ii r- ti Obituary: Darius Ogden Mills, banker and capitalist, at San Francisco; aged I Aviation: Hubert Latham, French avi ator, beat tne recoras tor aiuiuae oi heavier than air machines by aecend-- lng nearly 2,600 feet at Mourmelon, France. Personal: Gifford Plncbot, chief forester, removed by President Taft AMhiaw- wimn. AAnmm fknmd.

er of the Society of the Daughters of the American nevoiuuon, new city; aged 70. a. Obituary: Francesco dl Paola SatollI, noted cardinal. In Rome. Oen.

Newton Martin Curtis, "hero of Fort Fiab- 10. Aviations Aviation meet opened at Los Angeles. 12. Sporting-: Fred Barnes won the three cushion billiard championship of the world from Alfredo De Oro, the Cuban champion. In New Tork; final score 160 to 137.

i QhinnrMir! niAflinAr Czarina wrecked rnnm Tlftv bar. Oregon coast: 80 liA 17. Conventions: United Mine Workers of xtv. A murln. mat at Indianapolis.

Conference on uniform legislation met in waoiuuswu. tt In. I T.alhmn TTonklns A CO. and J. M.

Flake A Stock Exchange broken, failed In New York as the result of the collapse of the Hocking pool; totat Habllltlee about 16,000.000. -m u.4in..i nunrii- Tha nrranlzed volun teer militia of the United States be came a permanent adjunct ot tne regular army establishment by the operant TMnlr law Hull ul mo Railroad Accident: 48 killed and 12 In jured in the wrecking oi a pm: train on the Canadian -Pacific at the crossing of- Spanish river, Ontario, ft Obituary: Ezra Kendall, well known onmodian. at Martinsville. aged 49. i.

Tnhti walah. convicted Chi cago banker, began serving a Ave year term In tne leoerai priavn worm, aou. Paris Flood: The-river Seine exceeded high water mara in mra, mlvzinir traffic. U1K UII waa IKA1 rBaak TriHlAtTtlMlt Of the Zfe reUleUM glares New Tork World In the Panama libel ease quashed in tne uimea bii suit court In New Tork city. a. nt the Seine j-an riuwi checked; square miles Inundated; loss estimated over SMi.ww.wu a. Explosion: 71 miners killed by explosion In tba Colorado Fuel and Iron ooropany's mine at rrunero, FEBRUARY. t. Mining Accident: 13 killed by JPlf-on In the Browder mine neex MminsT Accident! killed at Las Bs- w.iaii. Flak Hoblneon.

bankers and brokers In New York, Chicago and Worcester, failed with Tha i Iran Na- Sb.MJiVM iimum.i-. Sonal -Packing Co, taeorpor-ted to New Jereey ana opau -r failed with UabUltlee placed at 00 WWe a n.nntt Decision: The Connecticut 1 boycett c. to vor of the piaintra wim Sgalnst th. Individual, who InsUtuUd the. boycott imououiii a SMpwSSj Tb.

United Bute, tha vovaaw from Hampton Roads to Boeton wttkaatew wrecked to a gale near the island of Minorca; U4 persona steel fTV. ll.bllltlas several states, failed with UabUlUes placed at over n.uuo.i. Poaaa. ooeta iue) i-o- Navlgaaon w. Icoil a tb.

Ql- ker-a-- Ttortda rafrreed. ea wereoaaH aoollaaa a BBH- w. the hones ef loraa. eJuSH-tear-r- riot OskSss "UwHss aetdiera MleA IS. Obrtirr: George BcUmM.

la Philadelphia; aged Ctair Malboueod. ewtasT veteran Isemr. to PbMsdsUHbto; ssjed TL Nr Tor cfty; aged S4. aJUi-, Miadetptda atreet ear to ma, T7ii 1 1, ais dartasT rest re-1 A4'iBaat lor tha Matwesga Ssfestsd at Taai Obtteory: Clay awes S1ARCH. Iwary: Doa Jose rJoentnew ed tb.

repaWto a Paa. L. Obt eua. Avefird 8S. ZZZSlm tola.

nntstos mt Waak- ma. isasaw st to altr tas- aeartog A Cec, Issak-TymXi. awto. 2-A SswatlSe. Twa eiliaaas.

aad 1st ahy U. Shipwrecks: Over 1,000 fishermen per is nea in wrecks caused by a storm on the coast of Japan. 14. Fire: At Jamestown. N.

causing loss of 1800.000. Obituary: Phil Daly, noted gambler, at Long Branch. N. J. U.

Venezuela: George Cannon, cousin of Leroy Cannon, one of Americans executed by Zelaya, hanged at Corlnto for conspiracy by order-of President 1Lfni1i.t 14. Sporting: Barney Oldfleld, Irish-Amer ican autolst, broke the world auto record for 1 mile by driving a car over the course In 27.32 seconds at Daytona Beach, Fla. XL Railroad Aocldent: 44 deaths tn a wreck of Rock Island railroad trains at Green Mountain, la. Sporting: Barney Oldfleld won the JO mile auto event at Daytona Beach. covering the course In 19 minutes.

Sporting: Cambridge defeated Oxford in the annual eight oared rowing race at Putney, England. Strike: State wide sympathy strike to aid the Philadelphia car men declared off by the Pennsylvania labor unions. 28. Warship Disaster: 8 sailors killed by explosion on the United States cruiser Charleston during; praotloe In Philippine waters. Obituary: David Joslah Brewer, aaeoei.

ate Justice United States supreme court, in Washington; aged 78. 29. Political: State Senator Jotham P. Allds declared guilty of bribe taking by a vote of his colleagues, 40 to 8, at Albany, N. Y.

Obituary: Alexander Agassis, naturalist, son celebrated Louis Agassis of Harvard university, at sea; aged 75. 80. Obituary: King MeneUk of Abysstnlai aged 66. Railroad Accident: 22 killed and 60 seriously Injured In a oolllston at Holbein. Germany.

APRIL. Obituary) Robert W. Patterson, president of the Chicago Tribune company. In Philadelphia; aged 80. 8.

Airship Disaster: German balloon Pommern wrecked In flight near Stettin and lost with three passengers in I 1 1 ua LUC D.IIH 22, Obituary: Prof. William Graham Sum ner, social scientist, or xaie, xui- I XT i BicKuuu, fu IS. Personal: Col. Duncan B. Cooper, one or tne convicted muraerwrs bww E.

W. Carmack, pardoned by Gover- uur A ca 1 101 snss vt a wiiivsoi 14. Earthquake: Costa Rica shaken; loos n.ow.uuo. Chinese Riot: Natives atUcked foreigners and burned missions at Changoheu, Hunan, China. Political: Premier Asqulth's resolutions limiting the veto power of the houee of lords carried In the house of commons by 108 majority.

Labor: The steel trust Increased the wages of about 22S.0M employees over per oent. If, Convention: National Suffrage association met in Washington. IS. -Obituary: Ignaclo Marslcsl, Mexico's chief diplomat, at Mexico my. 17.

Airship Disaster: German balloon Deutsch struck by lightning during an ascension near Eisenach and wrecked, killing four passengers. 18. Convention: Annual congress Daughters of the American Revolution met In Washington. Labor: Philadelphia car men's strike ended with some advantage to the strikers. 2L Obituary: Samuel Langhome Clemens (Mark Twain), the author, at Redding, aged 71 2a Fire: Lake St.

Charles. 20 blocks burned; loss about 88,000,000. Storm: Violent snow and wind storm, with reeling. temperature, caused destruction of budding fruits In the central lake region, extending south to Tennessee. 2s.

Personal: Governor Charles B. Hughes of New York appointed Justice of the United States supreme court to succeed the late Justice Brewer. Obituary: BJornstJeme BJoraeoe, famous Norwegian novelist, poet, playwright and patriot, la Paris: aged 78. 2t political: Dedication of the Hall of American Republics la Wastilagtoo. 27 Aviation: Louis Paolhan.

French aviator, won the London Dally Mall prise by flying from London to Manchester, Its miles. In 262 minutes actual. time. 28. Political: The British houee of lords paned the notorious- Liberal budget Obituary: Oen.

E. P. Alexander, noted Confederate veteran aad writer mm the civil war, at Savannah, sees lie. Convention: Annual meeting of the 1 TJn t-d Confederate Veterans- at Mobile, Ala. MAY.

Obituary) Oen. J. P. A OoUn. etvB war veteran and natlosssl guard commander, at Lebanon.

aged 71 Nord Alexis, depose president Haiti, at Kingston. Jam aloe; news 90, Rear-Admiral Philip Hlok-bom, U. A retired, wsd naval constructor, at Washington: aged TL f. Convention: Joint eonferenos ef farmers at St. Louis.

Fire: Loss ef H.B0.0S8 by the swaiac ef alaee factory at Perd. Pa. 4 Earthquake, to Cowta lUeai ssoeusee wf Cartsuro a early dsslrsysdi eetlsssuee toes of Ufa aver tMO. iTMmhig Accident! Expteaaoa at Paieei entombed 180 miners. 1 Obituary: Edward VII.

ef BssflSsMfi a Barking palace: aged Bear Admiral H. MeCalla. U. A retired, veteran ot the err" war, Spee-IAaiertasa aad Bexer wan, at Baa. ta Barbara.

CaL aged Ooaventssa: Hew stesnauso mrmrmm sta'enS earbewt tb eer-ere. sa Weeassf a Ctoba saa at Clantoastl eT the peehet Ctty ef s-HOle oa ths Bear Bisa rara. A' Masts Aeatdeatl WeUtogtaes awssss at swssaeei juree. beavoXieei: slices I AserSarles) af Ms ia el si sis asat to 8ew TerSv ptets eeaapaay ad Caatew, ad, klUsasj sasss aM aayarssg OMaarrt Peattee TtoraMareta. aSs.

tor af the lata ataurscl Oarcto aad sues MaJsey-v Cess at 1 The) earth thi ssera tee taa si rm J7 p. as, Bew vera a too snssrd at Ptssr 1 Csrreattoaat Tha Vnked Tyaatkataa eate. .8 Waafetegtaav 'Vl 1Baadery af the Heval aad aUUtarr Order of the Saaue-Aa-1eaa Waf saa at Wtoteiieea. Kasp Cusisestsai Wattoaal S-tkermg se? Sa etahnta at Cbtoupa. Kertaseeket Sbecss at Los Cat, aad vtstatty.

opened In St. Louis. Special convention of the United Mine Workers of America met In Indianapolis. U. Obituary: Judith Ellen Foster, noted woman lawyer, in Washington; agea 12.

Flood Disaster 8,000 houses and shops rver a thousand Uvea destroyed and lost In Tokyo. Sporting: Uhlan set a new trotting record by going a mile In 128 at Cleveland. 12. Obituary: Florence Nightingale, fa mous nurse tn the Crimean war, in London; aged 90. Edmund D.

Lewis, noted artist and art collector, In Philadelphia; aged 78. Aviation: Radley, an English aviator, broke the world's speed record by flying a mile In 47 2-8 seconds at Blackpool. 14. Fire: The "White City" of the world's fair at Brussels destroyed; loss estimated at 820,000.000. Railroad Aocldent: 82 killed and 100 Injured In a collision at Saujon, France.

Aviation: C. F. Wlllard carried three passengers on a quarter mile biplane trip at Garden City, beating tha world's record on the number of passengers. 11 Convention: The International Espe ranto congress met In Washington. Obituary! Rev.

A P. Hammond, ones famous traveling evangelist, at Hartford, Conn. 1A Obltuaryi President Montt of Chile, la Bremen. Shipwreck 1 22 passengers and sailors drowned by the foundering of the Spanish steamer Taiifa in the strait of Gibraltar. 17.

Convention: Annual convention of the National Firemen's association met at Rochester, N. Y. 11 Nicaragua: Estrada's revolutionists defeated the Madrlg force ta front or Managua. Fire: In Jersey City loss of 81.000,000 by the burning of a business block. 20.

Nicaragua: Managua, ths capital, oc cupied by the victorious revolutionists under Estrada. Maidrls, lbs president, fled. Fire! 18 lives lost and property vetoed at 81,000.000 destroyed at Wallace, by flames started by forest fires hi the vicinity of the olty. 24. Sporting: Harvester lowered ths world's record for stallions by trotting a mus In 2:02 at the Empire City track.

Yon-kers. I. Sportlnc! Wllllani A. Lerned. national lawn tennis champion, defended his title at Newport, defeating Thomas Bundy of California.

Sporting: Novelty won the Futurity and a puree of IX.tMat Saratoga, with Bashtl second. Aviation: Glenn H. Curtlss msde an Dver over Lnke Erie In 1 hour 18 minutes, an average of 48.1 miles an hour. 8EPTEMBER. Obituary: Julian Edwards, composer of comio operas, at Yonkers, N.

Y. aged 54. 7. Convention: National conserve tloa con gress met at St. Paul.

Obituary: William Holman-Hunt, dis tinguished artist, In London; sged 88. 1 Convention: International Socialist oon- gress met In Copenhagen. Obituary: Dr. Emily Blackwell, noted woman physician, at York Cliffs, Ma 1 Obituary: Lloyd W. Bowers, solicitor gensral of the United Btalee, in Beaton; aged 8L Boat Accident! 20 drowned the.

sinking of car ferry No. 18. Pere Marquette railroad, during a storm on Lake Michigan. Ill Obltuaryi Emanuel Fremlet, noted French sculptor, tn Paris; aged 87. 14 Firs: loee of 8278.000 by flames la a business block In New Haven.

11 Sporting: Paul Sorg broke the foor-ln- bsnd record by driving a mue us sue at White Plains, M. Y. Aviation: 18 balloons started from Tn dlanapolls In an American ehamplon-srilp race. Balloon America IL landed near Warren ton, Va, after a Bight af hours. 4 Aviation! Wry-men aa Amsncmn, and George cnavea.

a s-ervMsv attempted to fly ever the Alps. Both failed, and Chaves was mortally hurt In binding. Convention: 44th national eoeampment af tha Orend Army of the RepabUS met at Atlantis City. Personal: Emperor William of Germany and rands Joseph of Austria mat at Vienna. 2L Trolley Dlssstert Collision en the Wa bash Traction line near auswi caused the death of 4t paeeea 22.

Sporting: Harvest er lowereo ran xro- tlng record for stainoae wmk lumbua ft Convention! National srruratMra esse- areas opened in rnesra. m. IL Ceaventlea: Tha United Irtaa lasuras met at Banraio. ft CosivenMoe: NaOoaal goeo raaoa essw orees met to at. beiua.

S. OMtaaryi WlnsWrw Homer, fajaaas a- nototar. at Searbero, Mai oed 74, Mrs. lubsssa HardlaeJ Da. i tha author, at the home of eon.

Blehard Hardlaa Davie, Mews at aoed TS. Avtatloni Waltsr A Brookiee broke the arees Kwatry dsnsnes reeerd by Srtag treat Claeaaw ta Butiagasaa. is saass wiaaatg a PASSS saaea. OCTOtER. 1 Bportina-i The VaadorMt sa rase won by Harry P.

Ormnti hip Dieaater: af tha trew el beW tleehtp New Hampshire drowned by tha ewaseptosT af a lasm-ft to tha Bad- Bxplealant A avstertoaa sxpteetoa. fat. lowed by Sre. dsetroyed tee Loe A-eelsa Ttmee botldiag and eaaaed tha deeth af 81 ampteyeee af tha seper. Avtatleai Aviator wyasaaiss sMttd-a record for height by a us fast at Man lea.

France. sferpwrecfc: The Peetna Narlsttoaaaea. oays ateaaeer ChlrKret washed Panama by the exptestoa af ar beeV OMtaary: Ez-Oovernor nepoieoa Zhnoward of Florida, a Cebaa Silted sr. at Jeeeeerrilkn aged (A a Ctorveattoa: IntoraatloneJ nrtosa grass epened to Wsahhigtoa. Otxteory: Former Oeveraer aad rnMee) Dartd D.esstt Hill, a Aleaay: aaed CI.

Jeeoe-b-Abwer Kar er aaemeer ef rhe eat Sres ifarpar A the New Terk BBinsssm. ami 77. JTb-e: la New Tork dty loea af BASMOS ay Samea to (be lumber and factory district et) the Hedeoa river frowt- 1 Ooeventkm: 4ry tarmnaa, BMklOt 1 CeHSnoa: Tw etertiic rare eoillded at torine-Arld. eauatna the death Af 87 csncflr ft Sporting: The Athletics of Philadel phia beat the Nationals of Chicago for the world's baseball championship, to 2, at Chicago-Obituary: Chulalongkorn, king of Slam, at Bangkok, after reigning 40 years; aged 57. Personal: Crown Prince Chowfa Maha Vajlreavudh, who visited this country In 1802, proclaimed king af Slam, Storm: lochia, an Island In the Mediterranean, and Naples swept by a hunt-cane; 200 dead In Ischla.

84 Obituary: Rear Admiral John J. Read, U. S. retired, a elvll war veteran, at Mount Holly, N. J.I aged et A Aviation: Ralph Johnstons broke the American record for flight by ascending 7.80S feet at Belmont park.

Shipwreck: The Haitian gunboat La' Liberie was wrecked by aa sxplosloa off Port sux Pals and sank with 18 persons, including IS generals. ft Fire: In Victoria, B. flames In ths business district caused a loss of 000.000. ff. Convention: The International Aero nautic federation met In Paria Aviation! Ralph Johnstone ascended 9.0W feet at Belmont perk.

Intent on beating the world's record of 9,188. ft Obituary: Victor Massenet Prince d'Essllng. grandson or Marshal Mas-sena of Frsnce and himself a noted soldier under Napoleon 111.. In Paris; axed 74 Convention: Tha International congress af tha T. M.

A. of Worth America opened la Toronto. Aviation: Claude Orehame-White won the speed race at Belmont park; time for SJ.l miles 81 mlnulee 14 seconds. Aviation: J. B.

Motsant won the race from Belmont perk to the statue of Liberty and return, covering 84 miles in 84 minutes 84,84 seconds. ft Aviation; Ralph! Jobnetone asoenoea 9,714 feet at Beimoni para, use -record. NOVEMBER. personal: Joha Money ivmoouns Blackburn), beet anown si letters, resigned his place In the British cabinet as secretary of state tor India. a 1 in Philadelphia loss oi over 00 In the business oisura.

William at. jonn mi artist ana uiutusw, Vm1 arv MB a Mexico! AnU-Anwicaa demonstrations t- ritv Mexico end sis whor*. I Mine Dieeateri 18 miners killed 1 bl ex- ploeioa in tne j-awsosi fiunood Wuk. 1 Elections: Democratic landslide la sev omI otote tweuoni lira w. a returned ta Connecticut New Tork and New jersey electee Democratic governors pablleaa governors, sna ussi ed a Democratic governor.

Mine Dieaater: lTxplosioa la mine No. of the Victor American Fuel company, oatamned minors. ft Political: President Tan saneo. on in, aa official vurtt to the repubtle af Patv ooa the ran si none. 11 Sporting: Harvard beat uartmovnn, a- In tha annual (oeaeeH at bridge.

Tea. defeated Princeton. to A at ITiaeotea. Mlehie-s aad Pennsylvania played a tie at Franklin Held: score 8 to A nwun. iisstad States Stealer stars.

nader SJtepnens c(ay ea r- Unla! aeed 87. a I- Prtoae) Victor isaaoesosi Bone parte, pretenoer 10 una, Franca, married r-nnceee ties a BatataBB at Meacallerl, Italy. Ooeet Toistoy. who mireterknaely dleaa-t sai ad to Oetoaer. dieoovered ta a raO- wmy atattoa ebawt 8S wauae tra beoae ta aa eefeebled eewdtuoa.

Johoi La Fares, dialing moral pamtor aad etetned gtaaa art- tot, ta pravSiowca. A Li Avtattoa: sXenma A Ely htntoee Hedeeei Filer deck af tha UaHed sHalee eoeet mreateaThaa to Mamptea wiiiouskv hoach. sallas daetsuH. freeoaJ: PreoidosK Taft reecbod Paa. oaaa and had a -esmfereaca wtta tx.

Ooethale aad ether aieesbsrs af ft Politieal: piealdeat Taft adiiaeeea ths Paaamaaa at etate baaqwet and da- eaared that tnere Wwald be aa aaasaa- ttoa af ths ibbssub as rtaaoal atotaa. tc. Aeiaxloa: Raiob iahnetona the evt- ater. kUlod by ths fa ad a. rvaaoaof aamd SS.

ss. Bnorttne: Yale aad Harvard's rcoXbefl anatch at Mew Havea resaited to a as (A atMjJrri Ceenst Lea TStotoy. the fa- BMoa fUesiaa aeweliet. at Astepeva. asred 8X Tan Mearewaa SS AottOOl.

3 mi arr feet to a sassi Phla. e.l.Jilq ft Sporting: The Navy defeated tha Army at foot bell ea FreakMa Seed. Phttadsl- FaUxT rTre: eperatrvre kSled aad tnjared at a faetery are sa ft Mexico: Outonuaiiat troepe defeated SW 1eiototaanssts to bactkt as Mine -ran 1 rws sue retara fresa Pisiai neisiiSBS Draaat ee'sal Snorting: Cornell won the varsity eigni, four oared race and freshman's eight at Poughkeepsle, Sporting: Nuage, owned by Mm Cheremeteff, won the French Grand Prix, beating W. K. Vanderbllt's Rein-hart by a neck.

Political: Gen. Porflro Diss re-elected president' of Mexico. Obituary: United States Senator Samuel Douglas McEnery of Louisiana, tn New Orleans; aged 74, Dr. John Henry Haynes. noted archaeological explorer, at North Adams, Masa Fire: Peterson.

N. suffered 8500.000 loss by flames In the business district I Obituary: United States Senator John W. Dsnlel of Virginia, at Lynchburg; aged 88. Sporting: Hsrvard won the varsity raoee over Yale at New London. JULY.

Obituary: Dr. Frederick James FumV- all, noted angusn scnoiar tn London; sged tt, Ove Glide, Nor-weaisn minister to the United States, at White Sulphur Springs, Va. Aeronautics: Clifford A Harmon broke the American amateur record (his own) by remaining In the air 2 hours 81 I ul-Ml. 1 Aviation: Second International avia tion meet at Hneime, rrance. Wechter killed by the fall of bis machine.

Convention: Society of Descendants ef the Signers of the Declaration met la Philadelphia. Obituary: Chief Justice Melville Weston Fuller of the United States supreme court, at Bar Harbor. Ma; seed TA Prof. Giovanni Vlrglalo Schlapareili, tameas astronomer and discoverer of the Martian canals, at Miles; aged 7A Railroad Accident: Cincinnati static ef the) Tweatleth Ceniery Limited wreck- as) la eoilletoa at Mtddletswa. eeaa-uof a.

Al ema.asae tafs4taT-2ssl FWei AS Benseev, Pew 4v eejfkBass kejr ad -ta av reejrw- ea easy Aafaarael JaSMsa "SeVeaae. a fuse, far the) world A i-, w.i Mote ta erMca Soth wbtlee aad awareee were all foUowed tfee news as taw nes timber rard ceased a leas ef ever wustw yasaes Betfa. weed aakaepaareaa scholar, to Tto- a Aria'ttoat Waleer A Broaensss SetJ CejCraaryT Oeevga Berger. famous Flask oaS se. aasssSssl Tl 22, Onetaary: Ma Oetrtrted OeJie.

acted 0stef9sBOOMef eU gTOlepeTMeW BSksV "1 A-iatsea Aectdeaai Capt. C. ABona, OVKwery: Heavy faater. feemder ef the Amerteaa stews mmvJ. "T-estrt eared 8 Je iTaanett Weeda, evtaor.

ss sweteei: ft' OMtaary: Iantel Fotger Warw. noted art Mat aaa an mmws k.m af the Otoe: AS SSTT WV ssj eni iaHs, ttettar and New Terrs are alarss sys-asaa. to toeesJvai ased 78. ft otwtearyt A A stsusht, who Is said tVwWaasMd the staaUcsm party erar at kMnno: Estrada's revoiotiosuese 1 amraraeacat forces at SXeras Disaster: persone kflleej end hundreds tnjared by a toraeeo mm ft Obituary: Prof. sVunael Rosa Wtoatis.

desui ef Prtncetea aaiversugr, at snswe- SSi awd fT el New JT" Aum awirras,.

The Alamance Gleaner from Graham, North Carolina (2024)


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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

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Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.