The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana (2024)

A THE INDIANAPOLIS NEWS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1938. RENTALS NOTICES iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwiiiii JHUHnniHrNiMiiMninjiinjiNHnMniirimTniniifiinnnniiint liiiiiiiiiiiMM Native of Germany to RENTALS ousekeeping Rooms 14 EAST RURAL, modern 3 room," bath? parage; adults WOODRUFF." "2138. T. MICHIGAN; two-room apartment, well furnished, newly decorated Utilities slnk south" BLYTHE HENDRICKS RITES THURSDAY L. S.


The L. 8. Ayres Co. Follies, sponsored by the Women's Overseas League of Indianapolis, will present a show tonight for the cadets at the August C. M.

T. C. at Ft. Benjamin Harrison. The program, arranged by Robert M.

Reilly, is the eighth and last of the camp period. Charles B. Lines will be master of ceremonies. Margaret Laughner and Margaret c*nter, tap dancers; Al Masten, dancer; Mrs. Mabel Dobbins, readings and Miss Jeanette Uhl, singer, will be included on the program.

A jug band composed of Master, Earl Scott and Robert Buckner will play. Mrs. Stefana Griffiths will play the accordion, and Miss Frances Himebaugh the piano. WANT AD RATES Call The News Rl. 7441 7:30 A.

M. to 7 P. M. fill News want ads are sold by the word. COST OF 11 WORDS 1 Day 0 FOR EACH WORD OVER 11.

ADD 4VaO FOR EACH WORD OVER 11. ADD 9g 3 Days $1.32 FOR EACH WORD OVER 11. ADD 12c 4 Days $1.54 FOR EACH WORD OVER 11. ADD 14c 7 Days $231 FOR EACH WORD OVER 11. ADD 21c 'We've been living in a tent since May 1st! When ARE you going to start looking for a flat for us in The Netvs Want Ad RENTED News Rental Ad Produced 48 Calh and Results! CARROLLTON.

00O0: 5-room brick bungalow. Double garage. Br. 0000. Scores of Officials and Colleagues to Pay Tribute at Funeral Service City officials, newspaper men and others who knew Blythe Q.

Hendricks during his long career as a newspaper man and later as secretary of the board of public safety will pay tribute to him at funeral services Thursday at 3 p. m. in Flanner Buchanan mortuary. Mr. Hendricks died early Tuesday at the summer home of his mother, Mrs, John E.

Hendricks, at Lake Maxinkuckee. He was widely-known in the state and had made many friends during his years as a newspaper writer, as radio station executive and later as a public official. The Rev. J. Ambrose Dunkel, pastor of the Tabernacle Presbyterian church, will conduct the funeral.

C. Walter McCarty, managing editor of The News, will give a memorial tribute. Pallbearers Named. Active and honorary pallbearers will include Allan Hendricks, G. Barfret Moxley.

Edward J. Ben nett, Donald B. Jameson, Dr. John Ray Newcomb, Howard Wiggins, Wallace O. Lee, Noble Dean, E.

Kirk McKinney, C. Harvey Bradley, Francis W. Dunn, William C. Griffith, Frederick T. Holliday, Fred C.

Appel, Elyan Tarking-ton. Warrack Wallace, Charles Mayer, Garvin M. Brown, Sylvester Johnson, Henry O. Goett, Storey Larkin, Albert J. Lynch, Frank J.

McCarthy, Harold C. Feightner, Al Feeney, Norman Perry, Maurice E. Tennant. Herbert R. Hill, Herbert M.

Spencer, Joseph Goldstein, Adolph Seidensticker, Russell Covington, Booth Tarkington. C. Walter McCarty, Reginald Sullivan, James A. Stuart, Norman E. Isaacs, Dr.

John MacDonald, H. C. Atkins. Dr. James S.

McBride, Dr. Herman G. Morgan, Mayor Walter C. Boetcher. Ira P.

Haymaker, Theodore Dammeyer, Joseph Shirk, Peru; Dr. Wallace Sarber, Argos; Senator Frederick VanNuys, Michael F. Morrissey, Fred C. Kennedy, Hervey Perrin, Pasadena, Henry W. Bliss, R.

B. Failey: Stephen Y. Hord, Chicago; Walker C. Winslow. Edward M.

Tutt and Robert C. Hatfield. MRS. ANNA J. HAMILTON Mrs.

Anna J. Hamilton, age seventy-three, a resident of Indianapolis half a century, died today in her home, 1149 East Market street, after an illness of four years. She was the widow of W. J. Hamilton.

Mrs. Hamilton, born March 20. 1865, in Chillicothe, for several years attended the Roberts Park M. E. church.

Survivors are a son, W. L. Hamilton. Indianapolis; a sister, Miss Margaret Shine, Columbus, and a brother, Timothy Shine, Detroit. Private rites are to be held in Buchanan mortuary, the time to be selected.

Burial will be in Crown Hill cemetery. CHARLES I. YATES Final services for Charles Irving Yates, age fifty-nine, a retired postal clerk, who died Tuesday in 30 Years Success! Doctor's Amazing Liquid for Itching of Many cases in which other products didn't give satisfaction report wondrous prompt results from itching, soreness and burning of red, scaly, fiery Eczema with powerfully soothing, antiseptic liquid Zemo. First applications of Zemo bring wonderful relief. Then its superb medication (contains IS, different effective ingredients) starts right in to help Nature promote fatter heal-fng.

Grateful users write in from coast to coast praising the prompt results they get such as Mr. F. M. of Jersey City, who writes: "A few weeks with Zemo amazingly helped the Eczema which had bothered me for 35 years." Invisible, stainless leave Zemo liquid on day or night all while it helps eczema symptoms, surface pimples, ringworm and other kin irritations. Only 35.

REAL SEVERE cases may need JU.25 Extra Strength. At ail leading drug stores. nnb-- vt. pi lis a VIJKUIMHU urug OUIICB RILEY 7441 the Most Want Ads NOTICES Funeral Directors 5 HISEY TITUS FUNERAL HOME 951 N. DELAWARE ST.

LI. 3828 AIR CONDITIONED RAGSDALE PRICE LI. 3608. 1218 N. Alabama.

Lodge Notices MASONIC Capital City Lodge No. 312, F. A. M. Called meeting Thursday, August 25.

at 1 o'clock in Masonic Temple, funeral Brother Charles I. Yates. ALBERT SMITH. Secy. FRANK F.

DUNOAN. W. M. Transportation 7 WANTED, two passengers to and from New York. Leaving August 28.

for 10 days. References exchanged. Write care P. O. Box 342, Lebanon, or call phone 131.

PRIVATE SEDANS Leaving soon. California. Texas, Florida, East. Save! Reliable Travel Service. (Legal agency).

Ri. 5634. English hotel. WANTED Reliable parties to drive cars to California. Married couples or families preferred.

2328 E. Washington. FLORIDA, Thursday. 25th: man. wife; Packard sedan; take 3.

Ri. 5634. Ta. 4177. WILL take 2 persons New York city Saturday, August 27; share expense.

Ir. 3133. SMOKY MOUNTAINS over Labor day: lowest price. Art Kastlng. Ch7031-W.

Personals 8 Tears-Burns-Holes INDIANA WEAVING CO! Rewoven Most Fabrics. LI. 9674. ARCH SHAMPOO AND SET 40c Rainbow Academy of Beauty Culture. REMOVE the cause of many diseases and ailments.

Nature Minerals guaranteed. N. M. F. Co, 145 E.

Ohio St. Rl. 2080. CLOSING out all summer hats! $1 to $2. Original prices to $15.

Irene's. 708 Kahn LI. 6262. OIL PERMANENTS. best service.

International. 229 N. Penn. st. $1.00 PERMANENTS, 95c to $5: good work.

Royal Beauty 401 Roosevelt bldg. GUARANTEED copies made from pictures. Piatt Studios. Roosevelt bldg. Rl.

3070. WHEAT GERM TcTmXTs HAIRCUT, shampoo, wave. 3 for 25c. Royal Beauty Acad- 401 Roosevelt bldg. HAIR DYETNG, $1.25: good work.

Royal Beauty 401 Roosevelt bids. SER VICES Business Services 10 Rooms Without Board 12 EAST EMERHON. 421; front, southwest rootn: kitchen privileges hot water. Ir. evenings.

Ch fif25 CiltAY. K2.T f. nicely furnished front room near bath, private home. priviei(eg. Ch55f2-M WKST PERSHING.

N. 50. Lame airy front room, next bath, hot water, private home. HOTELS $3.50 Roosevelt Hotel Capitol Ohio St. Guest laundry free.

$3.50 Seminole Hotel, 920 N. Ala. WK. Transient, $1. Clran showers.

Walk dint." a nn nu un tci week up. UknilUWIIII MW I kh Qut 32(TS E. Mtcniean St. Ride rooms. h.

7550. 84 PER WEEK MILNER HOTEL Fireproof. Laundry free. 126 S. ILLINOIS.

Rooms With Board 13 SUBURBAN home board children up to 12 yrs. School bus. Mother's care. Ch. 7844-2 WALKING DISTANCE CENTRAL.

1218: real home for gentlemen: every convenience; good meals. Phone. $6.50 NORTH TWIN beds, hot water, shower. 3 meal Ha 3100-W 22 2 2 Cent ral. DELAWARE, 2828; $6 nice room, twin beds, closets; good meals.

Ta. 3495. TALBOT 1723: nice room: cross-ventilation: private home; good meals: employed persons. WASHINGTON 2961: airl to share room in lovely north side home. Ha.

3644-W. EAST HAMILTON, 1033 N. privileges: suitable $6.50. Ch. 2616-R.

room, board, home 2 employed men: LARGE, atttactively furnished room: small family. Home privileges. Suitable one-two. Ch. 4116.

SOUTH 1205 Comer: front: hot water: three meals: widow's home. Dr. 0114-R. Housekeeping Rooms 14 waXkingd1stace 1 LARGE front 1st floor; all uUl. Walking distance.

30 E. 9th. $6: TWO rooms, clean, also one room apartment; $5. 426 E. Ninth.

I. 7257. DELAWARE. 816; one room apartment; next bath: two south windows; range, ice box. overstuffed; clean, quirt, respectab le; also sleeping room.

NINTH 124; two-room apartment: redecorated; bath; sink: phone; radio; washer. Ri. 1294. ST. JOE.

30 W. 2 or 3 rooms: steam heat: constant hot water. clean: 10TH 'JUST off Delaware): three lieht housekeeping rooms; sink; utilities fur-nished. Li. 6020.

NORTH i front, airy. 1, 2 and 3-room i apt. 1132 Illinois. Rl. 2942.

$4.50 2059 N. TALBOT; 2-room studio apartment; private entrance, cross-ventilation. $5.50 GUILFORD. 2425 private bath. entrance; 2-rm.

upper, airy clean. ariults. ALABAMA. 1025: attractive 2-room apartment, comfortable, clean, everything furnished: reasonable Owner. CARROLLTON.

1633: redecorated three-room upper, four-room lower. Each has private bath and entrance. Overstuffed: sin closets. Ch. 6525-R.

CAPITOL. 2045. 3-4 rooms, modern, utilities furnished: $15 month: near school CARROLLTON 1610. living room, bedroom fur nished. Overstuffed.

Clean. Garage, Phone. i CONGRESS 903: clean. mocern r.oue- keeping or sleeping rooms bus; adults porch; yard: larze kitchenette DELAWARE. 1328; apartment; innerspring.

Hot water, te.e- phone: also sleeping room DELAWARE. 914 One-room apart ment; sink; redecorated: down, utilities Reasonable. Ri. B069 ILLINOIS. 3121 Three-room apart- I ment; private bath, entrance, Frlgidaire.

Well fu rnished. Ha. laaj-w. ILLINOIS. 2360 Lovely large one-room studio apartment: white table-top range: reasonabl NEW JERSEY.

1111 attractive two-room apartment; newly furnished; hot water; uitlities. Li. 6905. PARK, 1657; nicelv furnished; modern front room, kitchenette apartment. Pri- vate entrance.

Adults. PARK, 1923 two rooms: Beauyrest; electric refrigeration; constant hot water. He. 2516. PENNSYLVANIA.

2224 Real home: employed ladies; kitchen privileges; cooL clean room: phone. TEMPLE. 3716: front room, adjoining bath: kitchen, complete home privileges: garage: 2 adults. 2liTH. 1125; two mooern, nicely furrrished rooms next bath.

Everything furnished. EAST GRANT. 851: 2 or 3 furnished rooms; 5 araEe; private entrance: utilities. WASHINGTON. 2606 E.

two-three rooms: downstairs. Porch, bath, sink; overstuffed Reduced rent. WINDSOR. 1228: room. Innerspring.

kitchen privileges; one or two; near Tech. Ch. 2731. SERVICES Business Services 10 MATTRESS REFAIRING Ri. 6695 Pillows.

mattresses, comforts renovated. Made to order. Burkle. PAINTING PAINTING Have your house- painted now. Cash or payments.

Koehring, 882 Virginia ave. Dr. 1417. PAPER CLEANING PAPER CLEANING, paint washing; work guaranteed; experienced. E.

A. Green. Ch. 3698. PAPER CLEANING, wall washing, floor waxing.

Excellent service. Donald. Ta. 1790 PAPER HANGING PAPER HANGING, interior decorating, built-in archways. Guaranteed.

Walter Harvey. Dr. 5740. PAPER banging. $1.50 room up.

Free esti mate. Immediate service wore, guarao- teed. Ch. 7654. A-l PAPER HANGINO.

$1 50 room 1938 samples: immediate service. Ch. 0G8T McMorris PAPER furnished, hung. $3.50 tip. House painting, roofing, floors.

He. 1678. Dr 4006-R. PAPER hanging, house painting; lowest rate in vears We can prove It. Ch.

6184. PAPER HANGING. 10c roll wilh sale of paper; steaming, painting. Condiff. Ir.

4071. PAPER furnished, any sl7 room. $4. Painting. Immediate; guarantee.

He. 1930. LI 6075. service. Paper hanging, painting; prompt References Work guaranteed.

G. C. JONES. Paper haneing; old paper steam removea; painting, en. 2920-W.

PETROLEUM TRODUCTS PURE OIL THE (Zone Office! Dunham Zone Mgr. 810 Test bldg. 54 Monument Circle Li 5591 PLUMBING HEATING CROSS. FLETCHER 2023 Broadway He. 2265.

Plumbing. Heating. Steam Boiler Work Contracting ROOFING MAKES old roofs like new. Goodyear liquid roofing cement. Guaranteed against leak for ten years.

No coal tar. Farrow. Ta. 3902 3162 Kenwood LET US ItESIDE Reroof Your Horn With Asbestos or Brick Style. FHA Terms.

Triangle Remodeling Co 204 26th st Ta 4233 RUG CLEANING RUG SPECIAL 4. 9x12 Rues cleaned and sld. 5 PARIS CLEANERS. CH. 1850.

Everything Insured. 2 Cb. 221 1 Rugs. furniture, cleaning best upholstering and "oainng. Est.

31 years. W. FLY RUG CO 2328 BROOKS1DE. VENETIAN BLINDS .11 WINDOW CLEANING WINDOW cleaning, wall washing, paper cleaning, painting: excellent service. Nortbsida Caretakers.

Ta. 3302. 1 N. 93 Personals 8 DRUG LIQUOR HORD SANITARIUM Established 35 Yrs. Natl Reputation.

Write for Information; confidential. Shelbyvllle, Ind. 82 Lays Away Your Coat In Our Indiana Pur Co. 29 E. Ohio Central inecto or oiairoi mm Hair Tint, with 5 .40 Drene Bnampoo.

jh MACHINELES8 PERMANENT; no dec- $2.00 O. RL 3070. triclty, cool, comfortable; guaranteed satisfaction International. 229 N. Penn.

at NEW BRIDAL VEILS FREE! 407 Rooaevelt bldK. Lost, Strayed, Found 9 BLACK KID envelope style purse, down -town. Wednesday. Reward. Dr.

Katha-rine Osborne. Box 103, News. LOST toy Boston bulldog, white cheat, right front toe; vicinity Koehne and 21st. Rl. 6172.

BLACK RAT TERRIER, male pup: white feet, long tail; 11 weeks old. Reward. Ch 6638-J. LOST vicinity Market and HiRhland. male Boston: answers to "Kayo." Reward.

Rl. 8801. FEMALE pointer bird do. brown ears, spot on left side, hip. Reward.

Ha. 0416. PARKER PEN. name on side. Broad Ripple park, Sunday night.

Reward. He. 1202. LOST, fountain pen? Initialed A. dhlt'ey.

Reward. 311 E. Washington. FINDER of purae lost in Murphy's keep contents, return glasses. Dr.

3257-J. BEAOLE hound, 8 months old. male. Name "Trailer." Reward. Ch.

783 4. FOUND, male brindle and white Boston bull terrier. Ta. 2218. RENTALS Rooms Without Board 12 WALKING DISTANCE DELAWARE.

725. APT. 5. See beautiful Urge parlor room; electric fan. radio, phone; 85.

DELAWARE. N. 715; newly decorated; comple-tely refurnished; large, airy rooms. Reasonable. MERIDIAN.

520, Apt. 20, well furnished room; constant hot water. LI. 1201. 10TH, 512 Front room, near bath, reasonable; privileges; gentleman pre-ferred.

Ri. 5607. LORRAINE HOTEL Cool $4 weekly un. baths. Elec.

fans. Capitol and Wash. st. NORTH SINGLE; new maple furniture; next bath: private home. 2506 N.

Alabama. Ha. 0643. BROADWAY. 1240, APT.

attractive well ventilated, next bath: shower. Ri. 6787. BROADWAY. 2238.

Large first-floor living-bedroom for 2. Near bath. Innter-spring BROADWAY. 2217: large clean room. Con-nected bath Desirable for two.

He. 559H CAPITOL. 2618; front room; private home: twin beds; gentlemen: near St. Vincent. Ha.

4530-M. CAPITOL, 2542; living room bedroom, private bath; $3 single. $5 double. Ha. 2505-M.

cool CENTRAL. 2359: nicely furnished room; constant hot water. Private family. Reasonable. CENTRAL 3242; large front room; well furnished; two in family: garage.

Ha. 4732. CENTRAL. 2149: large room; twin beds: near bath: garage; private home. He.

1169. CENTRAL, 2821; clean, cool room, con- nected screen porch; ice water: real home. COLLEGE. 4514 Private home: desirable bed-sitting room; private bath: employed couple or gentlemen; privileges; breakfast, garage optional. COLLEGE.

2249 Light, cool room: privileges: $3.50 single: $2.50 each double. He. 4523. DELAWARE. 2147 3 newly furn studio hawd.

aaj. hdwd. bath; pnv. ent. suit I.

i. Keas. ILLINOIS 3055 See to appreciate cheerful toom: private entrance; shower; phone; garage. KENWOOD. 2354; nicely furnished, quiet.

near car line. Board optional. Gentle- men preferred. MERIDIAN 1512 Hampton Court, Apt. 19.

Attractively furnished room; cross-ventilation: large closet. MERIDIAN. lovely clean room: single or double: private home. Reasonable. Ha.

1673-R. MERIDIAN. 2266; large downstairs room; twin beds; nicely furrrished. Ha. 2502.

MERIDIAN, 2044; Apt. 4 Light, clean room; city heat; lady employed. NEW JERSEY, 2108: light, cheerful room: will furnish to please; gentlemen preferred. Ha. 0281-M.

NEW JERSEY. 2047 Front room: newly furnished; private home; prefer elderly lady. PARK. 1703: nicely furnished. cooL clean sleeping room; private home.

PENNSYLVANIA. 2251 Larse front room; large closet; well ventilated: pri-vate home. Ta. 5608. PENNSYLVANIA, 3058 comfortable room; cross-ventilation: constant hot water; excellent transportation.

Ta. 5738. TALBOT. 2341 N. Cool, nicely-furnished room: next bath; breakfast, garage op-tional.

Ha. 4856-R. 27TH, 25; just off Meridian: attractive room for 1-2; privileges. Ha. 0646-R.

I2rv 12 Nicelv furnished; three windows: cool; private home. Illinois car line. NEAR BUTLER COLLEGE: large room: twin beds; private bath: gentlemen: references. Li. 5734.

SERVICES Business Services 10 WHO'S WM CONCRETE READY-MIXED CONCRETE CORP. Harvey A. Tutewiler. Lucy Jacobs, 1236" Burdsal Parkway. Ta.

6678. "Ready-Mixed" Concrete Certified as to Strength Quality. COSMETICS THE AVON rep. who lives In your community will give personalized serv. Avon Of a.

312 Hume-Mansur bldg. Rl. 7049. Sue Sherman, res. supv COAL co*kE PENN.

COAL CO. Chas. Fisher, Albert M. Ma-guire. 741 E.

Wash. RL 7409. Coal co*ke. Domestic Stoker Coal. City-Wide Delivery Service- "Fill your bin from the Penn." FLOOR REFINISIIING FLOORS refinished like new: quality.

service satisfaction guaranteea itucks equipped with electric generating plants We go anywhere. American Floor Service. Ta. 0431. OLD FLOORS MADE NEW.

Rent our dustless elec floor sanders. refintsh like new; easy; eeonomtcil PHOENIX LUMBER CO- 1319 N. CAPT RENT: easy to use. dustless sanders. Delivered and demonstrated.

Refinishing. Estimates free. Ir. 6232. FOUNDRIES POTTS C.

0.. A CO. H. D. Caylor.

816 Washington Ave LI 1746. Founders of Grey Iron. Hien Strength Semi-Steel Alloys. FUNERAL DIRECTORS JORDAN FUNERAL HOME Carson c. Jordan.

1550 Brookstde Ave. Ch. 1132. Home of Personal Service. FURNACE CLEANING FURNACE CLEANING, ''T-JJ, spectlon; reasonable prices.

Colls. tanKS. Spindell. Hu. 6415.

FURNACES, registers vacuum clned 7 rooms. $3.00. Repair all makes Guaranteed. Li. 0061.

FURNITURE REPAIRING CHAIBS made by rebottoming In mm hickory or reed. Call Board of Industrial Aid for Blind Ha. 0583. HOTELS PURITAN HOTEL New Jersey A Market. Ri 3392 Fireproof Rms.

Running Wi-ter 75 BP up. ICE CREAM CRESCENT ICE CREAM CO. College Br. 4298 Robt Redman, mgr. Cones.

Fount Pkg. INSURANCE (GENERAL) STONE 8TAFFOK1J Oivjnii oibkc Stone wm. oiauoro hjmh-dated bldg Li 1451 Insurance. Insurance underwriters MILLIGAN, RUTH HILKENE MRS. 129 E.

Market U. 0i. ua usurur and Annuities LAUNDRIES LAUNDRY. $1.50 bundle; shirts, 8c: cur tains, 20c pair, can, oeuver. nu.

FIRST-CLASS laundry work. Called for and delivered, prices reasonable, ia. ebo. Be Buried Friday 4 -A "Rites for Mrs. Mary Lammert, age seventy-five, a native of Ger many, who died Tuesday in her home, 1724 East Twelfth street, will be held at 2 p.

m. Friday in the home. Burial will be in Crown Hill cemetery. Mrs. Lammert, widow of Fred Lammert, came to the United States in 1881 and was married May 10, 1884.

Her husband died in 1935. Mrs. Lammert was a member of the Zion Evangelical church and its Ladies' Aid Society. Surviving are a son, Fred P. Lammert; a daughter, Mrs.

Emma Ruehl. and a sister, Mrs. Louise Burnett, all of Indianapolis; a brother, William Beaumer, Oakland, and a sister and brother in Germany. Methodist Hospital, will be held Thursday at 1:30 p. m.

in the Shirley Brothers funeral home, with burial following in Crown Hill cemetery. A native of Kentucky," Mr. Yates had lived in Indianapolis many years and was employed in the postoffice for thirty-five years. He retired in 1936 and at the time of his death lived in the Hotel English. He was a member of the Scottish Rite and Capitol City Lodge, F.

and A. M. Survivors are two grandchildren. Miss Dorothy" Yates and Miss Doris Yates, both of Indianapolis. GEORGE T.

STRONG The funeral of George T. Strong, age sixty-eight, building contractor and former Big Four railroad employe, who died Sunday, was held today in the home, 3999 Southeastern avenue. Burial was at Anderson. Mr. Strong was born at Guilford, but had lived in Indianapolis many years.

Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Jeanette Strong; a daughter, Mrs. Hazel Hollis; a son, Estelle Strong; four brothers, Sherman G. Strong, Lawrence Strong, Harry O. Strong and Percy F.

Strong, all of Indian apolis, and four sisters, Mrs. Minnie Sims, Miss, Blanche Strong and Miss Laura Strong, all of Indianapolis, and Mrs. Jennie Ward, Guilford. WILLIAM ROBERTSON Funeral rites for William Robertson, age fifty-eight, 2333 Roosevelt avenue, salesman and driver for the Silver Coal Company, were held this afternoon at the Richardson funeral home. Burial was in Pleasant View cemetery.

A lifelong resident of Indianapolis, Mr. Robertson died Monday of a heart attack. He was a member of Fountain Square M. E. chtirch and Indianapolis Lodge, K.

of P. Survivors are a daughter, Mrs. Ruth Watson, Indianapolis; three sons, Alfred Shafer, Ft. Wayne; Allan Shafer and Henry Shafer, both of Indianapolis; a stepson, Richard H. Prigger, Indianapolis, and a sister, Mrs.

Gertrude Fry, Oaklandon. BEAUTY CONSULTANT HERE Miss Millicent Wald, beauty consultant, today was in the Indian apolis store of Carroll Perfumers to consult with Indianapolis women on cosmetic problems. The advice was given mostly in answers to questions on skin care asked by store patrons. Mr. William Bowers I've taken just the 30-day treatment, I have an excellent appetite and so much strength and energy I believe I could walk ten miles and I'm 80! The old dizziness, nervousness, sleeplessness and aching misery all seem to have left me now, and it's all due to your wonderful medicine, Natex.

Depend upon me to recommend this truly great compound at every opportunity." Give this grand compound made chiefly from nature's roots and herbs the chance to help you, too It is sold by all 26 Haag's Neighborhood Stores, and the Natex representative invites all local people to visit him personally at Haag's Clay-pool Hotel Drug Store. Illinois Washington Sts. See him soon. Adv. 1 HUCK WUTH OF LILLY -Kitchen, private bath and bedroom; lve cnie: Dr 0384 WEST ST SO.

TWO larce furnished rn'imn Private entrance 3736 W. 10th Wanted to Rent 15 WANTED rooms for girls during tt fair week Must be near fsllground Write Hoosler Music Festival. I. bul'd. Iiik stale fair uround, or csll Ta.

6003, Station 31 GENTLEMAN oesires room, board; prlvata family, icara and umall room for workshop, near carline. bus M. M. preferred. 1H61 News.

GENTLEMAN, "single, seeks real hom with small, connenial. educated, refine family. Good nemhborhood. Fullest de-tajlv Bjox 1876. New.

WANTED, furnished apartment or house, two bedrooms or more, prefer north: small family. Address Box 1005, News SMALL, modern house, Rood ronditlo'n: east of Shelby, south of English, two riults Box 1RH LN-w LADY wants room, board, nuiet home, or as companion; south side. Box' 1878. News. MODERN.

7 or more rooms, north or east, un furn i ed Reason a le tent 3 61 4 GENTLEMAN wants room, laundry arid board. north, east. Box 1 872. News. BUSINESS" GIRL, room and" board, private home north.

Box 1873. News Apartments Unfurn. 6 2-4 rooms! private bath, furnished, unfurnished; heat, utilities. 1601 Carrollton. $25: BELX.EFONTAINE 1434: ifoorii modem upper, heat, water furnished.

RK 38; DELAWARE. 1001: and bedroom; utilities. Including O. E. Rl 0901.

$30: ARSENAL. 215: modern, 4 rooms? in-a-rlotr: near Holy Cross. Tech. RL721 9. NEW'home eas'tTs-room efficiency; beautiful floors; cool Insulated rooms: tile kitchen cabinet; built-in bath.

Offire. 130 E. New York $32.50: McCARTY. F. 731 (walking modern 4-room apartment; utili-ties furnished.

ALABAMA. 1654 N. Front a'partmeVt four cheerful rooms; Frlgidaire. in-a-door bed. Reasonable.

ALABAMA, 11075 rooms. 2 baths! water paid; $40. Open, llu. 441H 1603 CENTRAL; dcsYrable Y-bedroom apt. ow a va il able: ML, 4 2 CARROLLTON.

1721: 3-room apartment; lichts. water, heat furnished; $12 50 month CENTRAL, 2135; five-room house: very jnoderii; heat, water furnished: $45 COLLEGE. 2539: bedroom, in-a-door, dinette, kitchen, tile bath, shower, laundry, utilities. Ha. 1524-J.

DELAWARE. 2030; bedroom apt. larce living room; fireplace; tile bath; Frigid-ajej iiti lities. Inq uireA pt. 7.

FAIRFIELD modern apts Utilities $40: garage available. Ta. 4200. 11a. 1840-M.

FALL CREEK BLVD. and 30TH; larea 3-bedrm. heated r.Ta. 4603. MERIDIAN.

apartment; In-a-door; Frigidulrc; utilities except lichts; Also 3-room, $385TJ. Hu. 5515. MERIDIAnTJ 3744; cool. lower.

2-bed-room sunroom: full-sire dining room; Frlgidaire, garage; $70. Third 1733N. MERIDIAN lame living 2 bedrms kitchenette, dinette, bath with shower. Apt. newly decorated, Frlgidaire: util $51.

HE. 1328. MERIDIAN ST, 3101 Fo, real home 6 and 8 rooms. see the Buckingham. LI.

7671. Ta. 62r. MERIDIAN. 450; downtown; 4-3 rooms, semi-modern: perfect condition; adults: $15.

LI. 1548. Ch. 0998. MERIDIAN.

3426; bedroom and eflT. ciency apartment; stippled walls; beamed ih adults. MERIDIAN 3201: upper 7-rnom corner apartment: $76: csraeextra MERIDIAN AT 24 W. 34TH Kenilworth: mom. 520H.

NEW JERSEY. N. 1615: attractive eftt. ciency; tile bath; cross-vrntilatlon; elec- in. NEW JERSEY.

1617. attractive upper duplex- 5 rooms; heat, water, garage. Ha J440-J NEW JERSEY. 616 Three rooms, bat h. utilities; walking distance, decorated 35: 1443 PARK: newly decorated, steam heat-ed efficiency a part nt; 30.

i. 4 667 615; downtown; modern. 2 rooms: clean; newly decorated: many conveniences adults; $35. Ch. C998.

Li. 1548 PENNSYLVANIA. 3537; bedroom apartment; in-a-door bed; showrr; electric re-friBeration; cross-ventil a tlon. 3460; 2-bdrm. fireplace: heat, water; Frig, and ttove Im-med.

862.50. Miss t.owmsti. LI. 5110. PENN.

3510 Excep. nice 1 and 2-bedrm. util. pd. LI.

9712, Ta 21ST, 17: 4-rm. heat and water, newly decorated; $37.50. Immediate possession. Miss Lowman, LI. 5110 WASH.

BLVD. and 36TH; 4-rm. apt, i the Regal. Ta. 4602.

Efficiency Apis. 1603 CENTRAL $30 00 1226 N. ILLINOIS $3100 HOB COLLEGE $32 50 $32 50 $34 50 $36.50 $36.50 1020 CENTRAL 1649 N. ALABAMA 418 E. 1STH 5345 E.

WASH. Apartment Properties. nc. 1603 Central iRental HE. 1328 CHATEAU 1501 E.

MAPLE RD. Exceptional 3-bedroom studio baths. Frigldaire, range, all utilities and garage included. Custodian will sho. HA.

1415-W. jM'Hottrl GENERAL APARTMENTS 402 N. Meridian 2035 N. Meridian; $37.50. $38 50; 2-bdrm.

furnished, $50. Ill E. 16th 50 108 E. 13th $47 50 1433 N. Penn $42 50 22 W.

Vermont st. Li 2439. Linwood Colonial Apts. 4421 E. WASHINGTON ST.

Desirable 1 and 2-bedroom pts. available la this new modern building: every closet cedar lined; all $55 $66: inspection invited. Ir. 6609. He.

1328. 2450 N. MERIDIAN: FIRST FLOOR. Beautifully decorated. 919 N.

2 b. only $32 50 3222'i E. Michigan, 5 $35 OO 242 E. Merrill. 2 baths, at $27.50 We Need Apartments To Let.

H. E. Redding, 142 N. Del. Rl 5177.

Bedroom Apt. $70 3777 N. Meridian: modern 8-story fireproof building; tarpeted floors throughout. Frig util adults. TA.

1084. HE. 1328. THE BILTMORE 3540 N. Meridian: a very desirable otie- bedroom apt.

Reasonable. THE "MERIDIAN, A W. MICH. ST. 3 $20.

$27.50. 2 and 3 rm. Cust. in No. 12.

orMr. Huff. Rl. 3f WINTER 1321 N. Meridian; 4-bed-rooms; exclusive: completely modernized.

FLETCHER TRUST CO Rl. 1551. LOVELY "APARTMENT; 4 large rooms! steam-heated. Call at 419 N. DeQumcy Apt.

1. MOD. lower duple. 5 heat, water $40. 1946 N.

Alabama. Moving, Storage 17 HOGAN TRANSFER ti STORAGE CORP. Loca' and Coaat-to-Coast Moving MODERN VANS FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Private Room Storage Packing h'p- Light Delivery; Service Guaranteed RESPONSIBILITY SAFETY-ECONOMY 863 Mimrv. Rl 3397 or Rl 31P6.

STORAGE Moving. Crating. Shipping. Store furniture now. Pay 6 Mos.

later. rates Call for estimates. LI. $344. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE RQ8NBK TRANSFER AND STORAOE CO.

STORAGE AT LOWEST RAI LS Store now. pav 6 months Inter HODGES STORAGE AND AUCTION CO. 52 WASHINGTON RI 2019 Ri. 6922 1 Storage. Reas.

Rates. 6 mo. later. Loe 1 1 overlsnd moving. BIVLV TRANSFER CO CLYDE MAY FIREPROOF 8TORAGE CO.

Ask about free moving to atoraae. Pep-arate compartments. Low rates. Dr. 4200.

LOCAL long-dlntanca moving. $1.50 up. Experienced white man. Ed Sherman. Dr.

2926. Dr. 541 2. EAST END STORAGE. Local.

lor'-di- tsnce. 2403 E. 10th. Ch. 1580.

Nishts, Ch. 5099-J. MOV1NO. $1.50 up: local and overland; experienced whit- men. Williams.

Ir. 0244. UP: LARGE covered trucks; all loads insured. Hay.clwuod Transfer. 1,1.

9524. DISCARDED furnlturs taken in on mov- Ing Free estimating. Call Be. 0967. Houses, Unfurnished 18 VILLA 1611: strictly modern -room oouoie; garage water paid.

Owner. 902 E. Raymond. $25; 938 ALBANY; five-room modern sin gle. 130 E.

New York St. SPECIAL LOW RATES ON ROOMS FOR RENT. SITUATIONS WANTED. CHURCH ADVERTISING. The News will be responsible for only one incorrect insertion.

Pleas check your ad the first day it appears. OUT-OF-TOWN ADVERTISERS MUST SEND CASH WITH ORDER ANNOUNCEMENTS Death Notices. Funeral Notices. Lodge Notices. Card of Thanks and In Loving Remembrances.

Each insertion up to lines ftl.10 Each additional line 22c Daily Vital Statistics MARRIAGE LICENSES. Russell L. Smith. Gretchen Ellison. ugene Whiteside.

Otelin Tucker. Willard M. Sokeland. Ruth Noble. Heher J.

Gallic, Frieda Cooper. Edward Irwin, Farrol Roper. Harold somers. Elizabeth M. Welch.

Jesse Whitley. Nellie Taylor. Joseph C. Weygold. Mary E.

Wester-field. Harold F. Knarzer, Marie G. Newhouse. Sydney D.

Jay. Ruth E. Stroud. William 8. O'Donnell, Ethel McCreary.

Edward L. Smith- Bessie Demaree. LeRoy F. Fendly. Heien F.

Carroll. Robert E. Carter. Alice McCarr. BIRTH RETURNS.

James, Edna Gentry, St. Vincent, girl. Clarence, Julia Wetzel. St. Vincent, girl.

Orland, Imogens Craig. St. Vincent, girl. James, Barbara Porter, St. Vincent, girl.

Harry, Louise Grothe, St. Vincent, girl. Orville, Ruth Henning. St. Vincent, girl.

Carson, Faye Perkins, City, girl. Dale. Dorothy Miller. City. girl.

Robert. Mildred Paterson. St. Vincent, girl. Lewis, Catherine Schutte, St.

Vincent, girl. Orval. Bertha Warthen. 2615 N. Capitol, girl.

Hurley, Mattie Brinkley, 1617 Columbia, girl. Lawrence. Jennie Clark. Methodist, girl. Carson, Ruby Hollingsworth, Methodist, girl.

Melvyn, Elizabeth Hinchman. Methodist, girl. Robert. Shirley Imes, Methodist, girl. Millard, Dorothy Westenbarger.

Methodist, girl. Kenneth. Florence Noble, Methodist, girl. Doyal, Mary Plunkltt, Methodist, girl. William, Deloris Deppen, Methodist, girl.

Francis, Audrey Lee, Methodist, girl. William. Hazel Castleman. Methodist, girl. Frank, Mary TJnversaw.

Methodist, girl. Harry, Ethel Glanzman. Methodist, girl. Robert, Grace Lechner, Methodist, girl twins. Elmer, Mariette Wasson, Methodist, girl.

Lloyd, Doris VanCourt. St. Vincent, boy. Warren, Katherlne McClain, St. Vincent.

boy. Bernard. Cecelia Hanlon. St. Vincent, boy.

John, Elizabeth Henley. St. Vincent, boy. Rilnh. Camilla Ginder.

St. Vincent, boy. James, Irma Pierce. St. Vincent, boy.

Paul, Wilna Kahl. St. Vincent, boy. Demont. Virginia Hansen, St.

Vincent, boy. James, Mary Mattingly, St. Vincent, boy. Thurman, Alma tee*ts, St. Vincent, boy.

James, Blandyne Strong, City, boy, George. Lillian Marlow, City, boy. Jess, Esther Reed. City, boy. Paul, Janet Smock, St.

Vincent, boy. Arthur. Betty Shulse. St. Vincent, boy.

Cart Evelyn Rice. 862 Roache, boy. Elmore, Wllla Pepper. 2432 Sheldon, boy. George.

Doris Procter. 1818 Belief ontaine, Ra'yJ'oladys Esarey, 1537 Shelby, boy. Raymond, Grace Hignite, 2230 Sherman Herbert, Juanita Johnson, 741 W. Twelfth. Km, Irvtn Elizabeth Sudbrack, Methodist, boy.

William. Ruth Black, Methodist, boy. Ceci Wanda Huber, Methodist, boy. Elba, Mary Calaway. Methodist, boy.

Niles, Mary Kehrer. 151 N. Blake, boy Edward, Geraldine Martz. Methodist, boy. Robert, Mary Thomas.

Methodist, boy. John, Elizabeth Myers. Methodist, boy. John. Rose Bombel.

Methodist, boy. Charles, Alice Miller. Methodist, boy. Sam. Gladys Geozeff.

Methodist, boy. Willard, Margaret Avery, Methodist, boy Robert. Elsie Grieve. Methodist, boy. Willard, Margaret Helms.

Methodist, boy. Richard, Ella Maurice. Methodist, boy. Herman, Amelia Methodist, boy. Zeus.

Lola McKibban, 3843 E. Elevenths Ralph, Catherine Spears. 131 Herman, boy. DEATH RETURNS. John D.

Cronan, 84. 520 E. Vermont, car-Ernest' La uler, 74, 118 w. Thirteenth, carcinoma. Mary Lammert, 75.

1724 E. Twelfth, coronary heart disease. May Foster, 74. Long, arteriosclerosis. Ronald McDonald.

2 months. Riley, congenital debility. Harlan Smith. 12. Riley, septicaemia.

George T. Strong, 68, 3999 Southeastern, cardio vascular renal disease. Glenn Heitz, 9, Methodist, acute myocarditis. Daniel A. Johns.

67, 1210 S. Harlan, coronary occlusion. Mary Margaret Hamblen. 42, 2810 E. Seventeenth, cardio vascular renal dls- Bertha M.

Little. 63. 369 S. Arlington, cerebral apoplexy. Charles Irving Yates 59.

Methodist, coronary heart disease. Bessie Cloe, 42, 18 N. Oreely. coronary oc- Ruth Louise Luke, 50, 4602 E. Eighteenth, toxic thyroid.

James Glennon, 62. City, diabetes. Luzetta R. Armstrong, 18, City, uremia. Lucy E.

Stephen, 67, 1003 Pearl, hypertension. Fannie Selig, 52, 841 S. Capitol, carcinoma. Willie Belle Payne. 39.

City, nephritis. William H. Stines, 68. City, uremia. Clarence Florence Croueher.

75, 1710 N. Tibbs, chronic myocarditis. Nannie B. Spencer, 48. City, carcinoma.

Flora Estelle Ellis, 82. 62 Whittier Place, myocarditis. NOTICES Deaths BOLANDER Blanche Josephine, wife of James Andrew Bolander, mother of Marian Warrick and Robert Lee Heiny. of Indianapolis, passed away at the Methodist Hospital Tuesday morning. Funeral services Thursday.

2 p. at HISEY TITUS MORTUARY. 931 N. Delaware st. Burial at Memorial Park cemetery.

Friends may call at the mortu-ary any time. BPADLEY Dorothy, wife of Dr. Edwin Biadlev. of the English Hotel: mother of Dickie Bradley, passed away Tuesday evening, August 23. Private funerat 2 p.

m. Thursday. August 25. at tire RAGSDALE PRICE FUNERAL HOME. Interment Anderson cemetery.

BRODEN Edward, beloved husband of father of Betty Jean. Edward. brother of Frank and Lillian Broden and j-Irs Frances Fischer and uncle of Frank ar.d Charles Fischer, passed away at the residence, 4608 E. 10th st. Funeral at the FINN BROS.

FUNERAL HOME, 1639 N. Meridian Thursday. Aug. 25. 8 30 a.

Services Church of the Little Flower. 9 a. m. Interment Holy Cross cemetery Friends invited. COBURN Helen Erwin.

wife of William H. Coburn, mother of Daniel Coburn. Mrs. Craig Forbes and Mrs. George Auerbarh.

passed away early Wednesday morning at her apartment In the Spink-Aims hotel. Announcement of funeral later. CUNNINGHAM Martha (Betty), of 814 Arbor beloved wife of Jacob Cunningham, mother of Ada Hosier. Lydla Amick and Joseph Cunningham, sister of Lillie Cunningham. Alma Doan and Nellie Duncan, passed away Aug.

22, age 72 years. Services Thursday. 2 p. at above address. Burial Floral Park cemetery.

BEANBLOSSOM SERVICE. DAVIDSON Charles beloved husband of Bertha, father of Harry Kennard ar.d Charles L. Davidson. passed away early Tuesday morning at the residence 3774 Salem st. Friends may call et the FLANNER BUCHANAN MORTUARY until 9 a.

m. Thursday. Services private. Burial Spring Grove cemetery. Cincinnati, Thursday about 2:30 p.

m. Cincinnati time, rCincinnati papers please copy.l THE NEWS The Paper With Mllllllillllllillllllllitlllllllillllilllllll NOTICES Deaths DWYER John beloved father of John a nwver. Mrs. Margaret Weintrout. Mrs.

Nell Runshe, Mrs. John S. Dugan, died Tuesday. August 23. Funeral from the home of daughter.

Mrs. Dugan. 3841 Park Friday August 26, at a. m. Services St.

Joan of Arc church 9 a. m. Friends invited. Burial Holy Cross cemetery. BLACK WELL SERVICE.

HAMILTON Annie mother of William passed away Wednesday morning at the residence. 1149 E. Market. Services at FLANNER BUCHANAN MORTUARY. Friday.

2 p. m. Friends invited. Burial Memoria' Park. Friends may call at the mortuary HARBAUOH George Calvin, beloved husband of Effie, passed away Tuesday at the residence, 19 E.

McCarty. Friends may call at the E. E. GROSS FUNERAL HOME. 1349 Madison where services will be held Thursday, 2 p.

m. Friends invited. CORRECTED NOTICE. HENDRICKS Blythe son of Mrs. John brother of Thomas passed away at Culver.

Tuesday morning. Services at the FLANNER BUCHANAN MORTUARY Thursday, 3 p. m. Friends irvlted Burial Crown Hill. Friends may call at the mortuary after Wednesday noon.

HENSON Schuyler of Tipton, passed twa. Wednesday marning; wife, Irene; children, Tyrus, Earl. Josephine, Luella. Funera! Friday. 2 p.

at Tipton. YOUNG'S FUNERAL SERVICE. LAMMERT Mary, widow of Fred Lammert, Sr, mother of Fred H. Lammert and Mrs. Emma Ruehl, of Indianapolis; sister of Louise Burnett, of Indianapolis, and William Beaumer, of Oakland, passed away Tuesday a.

m. at her home, 1724 E. 12th st. Funeral services at the home Friday, Aug. 26, 2 p.

m. Friends may call any time after 4 p. m. Wednesday. KRIEOER SERVICE.

LEWIS Anna, age sixty-three, mother of Mrs. Hazel Phillips. Mrs. Marie Meyer and William H. Lewis; sister of Mrs.

Charles W. Oliver, passed away at the home of her daughter. 3942 Cornelius Tuesday evening. Funeral from SHIRLEY BROS. CENTRAL CHAPEL, Illinois at Tenth, Friday, 10 a.

m. Burial Memorial Park. Please omit flowers. (Columbus (Ohio) papers please copy. LESTER Samuel father of Ira Lane, Clarence and Forrest Lester, passed away Tuesday a.

m. Friends may call at the TOLIN FUNERAL HOME, 1308 Prospect any time after 6 p. m. Wednesday. Services Friday, 10 a.

m. Interment Pleasant Walk cemetery, Anderson, Ind. Friends invited. LUKE Ruth Louise, age 50 years, wife of Clarence C. Luke, mother of Harry.

Jane. Chanes and Ralph Luke and Mrs. Ethel passed away at her home, 4602 E. J8th st, Monday morning. Funeral at the home Thursday, 10 a.

m. Burial Memorial Park. SHIRLEY SERVICE; MARTIN William husband of Florence Martin (deceased), father of Mrs. Frank Wimmer, Detroit, Michigan; Harry. Walter, Frederick, of Indianapolis, and Wm.

Martin, of Lima. Ohio, passed away August 24, 9:15 a. m. For further information call LUCAS FUNERAL HOME, HA. 4515.

MITCHELL Lloyd, ton of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mitchell, passed away Tuesday p. m. Friends may call at the TOLIN FUNERAL HOME, 1308 Prospect any time.

Services Thursday. 2 p. m. Interment New Crown cemetery. Friends invited.

NICKERSON Mary (Mollie). beloved wife of William Nickerson. passed away at the home. 1 mile west of Bridgeport. Tuesday.

Aug. 23. age 73. Funeral Thursday- Aug. 25.

2 p. at Bridgeport Friends church. Burial at Plalnfield. RUSHTON HAMPTON SERVICE. NIENTKER Edward, age 61, of 2931 Moore ave- passed away Monday.

Funeral Thursday. 3 p. at the KINCA1D FUNERAL HOME, 6276 College ave. (Broad Ripple). Burial Memorial Park.

QUILLIN Aurelia. age 76. mother of Mrs. Mary Durbin. Mn.

Josephine Boyle. William Walton, Alvadare and Emerson Quillin, passed away Wednesday morn-inr Funeral notice later. SHIRLEY SERVICE. WTTTEMIER George. R.

R. 7, Rd. 67. Valley Mills, beloved husband of Catherine Wittemier and father of George. passed away Sunday.

Funeral from residence, Road 67 to Valley Mills, one mile west on Thompson's road. Services Thursday, August 25, 8:30 a. from the residence; St. Anne's church at 9 a. Mars Hill.

Burial Holv Cross cemetery. Friends invited. SPEAKS Sc FINN SERVICE. YATES Charles age 59, grandfather of Doris and Dorothy Yates, uncle of Mrs. Wilma Fangmeyer passed away Tuesday morning.

Funeral from SHIRLEY BROS. CENTRAL CHAPEL, IllinoU at 10th, Thursday, 1:30 p. m. Burial Crown Hill. Friends may call at the mortuary after 9 a.

m. Wednesday. In Memoriam In Memoriam Notices and Verses As a service to Its readers and to assist those who wish to insert an In Memoriam notice The News has published a leaflet containing a number of In Memoriam verses Copies may be obtained free by calling at the front counter of The News. 30 Wash-'ngton or Just phone Miss Kelly at Ri. 7441 who will gladly mail you on.

Funeral Directors Flanner Buchanan MORTUARY 25 V. Fall Creek Blvd. TA. 4400 J. C.

WILSON CO. Pit 0321. DR. 0322. CHAS.

HOCKS SMITH 14. 6858 726 N. Illinois. Re Ta. 3693.

THE NEWS Classified Business and Professional Directory .1 COULD WALK 10 MILES NOW," CLAIMS LOCAL RETIRED MAN, 80 ACCOUNTANTS PUBLIC WESTERN AUDIT COMPANY Accountants, Auditors and Tax Consultants. Circle Tower. LJ. 2738. Howard D.

Spur-geon. Heber Lea Clevenger. Chat. A. An-derson.

ATTORNEYS WZDDLE. KENNETH Attorney at Law. 714 Odd Fellow bldg. U. 9066.

AUTO BODY TRIANGLE BODY SHOP 1442 N. Capitol Ave. Ri. 3297 Complete Body and Fender Painting. All Work Guaranteed.

See Ps First. Frigid. Refin. AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING AUTO BODY, fender and wreck repair-ing. JOHN GUEDELHOEFER WAGON 202 KENTUCKY AVE.


4644. "Youthful Beauty." Spec. In Finer Wye it Permanent. BLINDS, WINDOW SHADES BLUE PRINTS INDIANAPOLIS BLUE PRINT LITHO GRAPH CO- InC. ooo-ovo wnmry diu.

Ri 5596. Drawing Materials, Blua Printing Photostat Printing St Photo Offset Printing. BUSES CHARTERED rctch GROVE TRANSIT INC. Let R. Beaman, 106 S.

Noble Dr 6111. Charter a Modern Bus for Special Trips. Low Rates Per Mile. Make Group Traveling Extremely Reasonable Safe. Courteous.

Dependable Service. "Passengers Fully Insured CARPENTERS a DPrw'PL'U MAfinii. remodel ing; easy payment plan. Stat and Construction Co. Ri.

4080. ir. Ji- riDTwrn)Twi rmw4lin. reDairs; in' terior painting, cabinet work especially. Ha.

2270. CEMENT CONTRACTORS CEMENT work, walks, curbs, tlopr, driveways. Highest quality material. wor-manship Dr. 1753-J.

HENRY GLESING, cement floors, porches. Ktenst v.llr. Hrir.wavii: rcaSOnabi. IT- 6951. CHIMNEYS BRICK POINTING, rebuilding chimneys, concrete walks, steps, floors; excavating.

Free estimates. Ch. 5576. CINDERS, CRUSHED STONE CRUSHED STONE, $2 ton: cinders, sand. gravel, dirt.

General hauling. Ch. 3057. CONTRACTING BRICK, block cement work. Dr.

0485. First-class Declares 30-Day Treatment of Natex Relieved Suffering, Made Him Feel Like He Had a New Lease on Life and Joy. Local folks of all ages are turning daily to Natex, the full-strength compound made chiefly from nature's herbs, now being introduced by the Natex representative at Haag's Claypool Hotel Drug Store, Illinois and Washington Sts. Mr. William Bowers, 80, a former master mechanic, now retired and living at 1029 Tec*mseh is one of the great number who called on him and so kindly passes along to the public the information about the wonderful results obtained.

He says: "It wasn't until this past year that I really began to worry about ray condition. Starting with constipation, I suffered enough to make several people miserable. My appetite simply disappeared and I lost every bit of my old strength and energy. I always felt tired, as a matter of fact, but sound sleep at night was simply impossible because of the ragged condition of my nerves. Dizzy spells bothered me all too often and I seemed to be chock full of what I thought to be rheumatism.

"I must admit that neither my wife nor I had much faith in Natex. but this amazing medicine soon proved its tremendous value to my complete satisfaction. "In scarcely no time at all Natex cot my bowels moving better than thev have in years. Now, though.

The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.