The Ultimate Europe Travel Packing Checklist - Europe Travel Guide (2024)

The Ultimate Europe Travel Packing Checklist - Europe Travel Guide (1)So you’ve finally decided to take that Europe trip you’ve been planning for ages!

You’ve booked your flights, you know where you’re going, and where you’re staying. This will be the trip of a lifetime and you can’t wait to leave. There’s just one small detail…you still have to pack.

To save you time and stress from this task, we’ve compiled an ultimate guide on the things to bring to Europe. We’re covering everything, from how to pack for Europe to the best travel accessories.

All of our tips and tricks are also summarized in the Europe Trip Packing List at the end of the article.

Where Do I Pack Everything? – Your Luggage Guide for Europe

First things first! Before you know what you’re bringing, you should know where you’re putting them. It is best to start by choosing the right type of luggage. What is right depends on who you are and how many places you are travelling to.

But in general, you have two choices:

  • A wheeled suitcase
  • A travel backpack

Each one of these choices has pros and cons, so it depends on the preference of the person.

A wheeled suitcase will not put weight on your back and will generally be better organized. Soft-shell suitcases fit in most places and are not easily damaged. Hard-shell suitcases will protect any fragile items, but they crack very easy if thrown around.

So think about what you will be doing during your trip and decide. We recommend a soft-shell suitcase since it provides more flexibility.

The cons of wheeled suitcases are that they are difficult to move in Europe’s cobblestones and long-winded staircases. That is where travel backpacks perform better. They are easier to carry and do not take much space. You can have them as carry-ons for the flight or check them in.

Aim for spacious backpacks with a lot of pockets to store your things.

The downside of travel backpacks is that they are heavy on your back. They also become very uncomfortable if a lot of things are put in it and they are more difficult to pack than a suitcase.

Whichever you end up choosing, make sure it is the right size and will fit your packing list for Europe. Choose a colour that stands out from all the usual black bags you see everywhere. It will be easier to notice your bag amongst many others and it will decrease the chance that someone else will accidentally take it.

How Do I Look? – Your Clothing and Style Guide for Europe

Europe has a notorious reputation for the most fashionable people. So when people make travel plans, they stress a lot about what to wear in Europe. Europeans claim they can guess someone’s nationality just from looking at what shoes they’re wearing (hint: American sneakers). So if you want to blend in, we’ve got you covered.

While you want to look stylish and nice, you also need to be comfortable. We’ve put together tips that will answer what to pack when travelling to Europe.

A general piece of advice is to pack light. Everyone has the urge to pack a lot of things. But what usually happens is that we either wear them only once or we end up not wearing most of the things at all. So the best way to go about packing is to mix and match clothes.

Try to create outfits based on the weather and the destination. Make sure that whatever you bring, you can wear it more than once and it will look different. One such piece is dark wash jeans that you can wear during the day with sneakers and a casual t-shirt, but you can also wear them during the night for a more refined look.


You should always start with the basics. If you are on the lookout for a packing list for Europe for spring or summer, then t-shirts are a must. Whether you are a man or a woman, a white or grey t-shirt will always look stylish if paired with the right accessories. So try to mix and match 3-4 t-shirts in different colors.

For women, blouses and shirts will also be comfortable and will break the monotony of t-shirts. A few of these, like 2 to 3 will most likely come in handy and create fashionable outfits you can wear while sightseeing or out at a bar.

For men, packing lightweight shirts is also a good idea. We recommend 2 to 3 long-sleeved ones so that they are more versatile. When it’s warm, you can roll up the sleeves and fit right in with the European men.

Everyone should also bring something to layer up with. Europe’s weather is constantly changing and you’ll be sweating while walking into a museum and start feeling chilly once you step out of it an hour later. So make sure to bring a cardigan or a sweater, as well as a lightweight jacket. We recommend windbreakers with hoods so that you are protected in case it starts raining.

Finally, you might want to bring an elegant outfit. You never know whether you might end up deciding to have a fancy dinner somewhere or there will be a dress code in one of the cool bars you’ve planned to visit. A nice dress for women and an elegant shirt for men should be in your suitcase.


Depending on the time of year you are visiting Europe, you should also have a mix of comfortable and fashionable trousers.

You can start with a pair of dark wash jeans which as we mentioned above can be worn whenever you want to. Try to fit in another pair of lightweight trousers if you know the weather will be warm.

Shorts are not much used by Europeans, but you can bring in a pair just in case it is too hot and you cannot be bothered to wear long or Capri trousers. For men, shorts could also be used as swimming trunks, but just make sure they are not heavy cargo or chunky shorts.

For women, skirts are also easy to pack. They do not take much space, so you can bring 1 or 2 with you. Combining a skirt and casual t-shirts will look good no matter where you go. Make sure you bring different lengths that you can wear in different situations.

If you are making a packing list for Europe for autumn or winter, you should make sure to bring something warmer. Wool leggings or long underwear will keep you warm and comfortable when visiting your planned sightseeing destinations.


Europeans always stand out with their choices of shoes. So travellers are always stressed out about them. Well, we are here to tell you comfort is key. You will be walking a lot and going through different streets, so your feet must feel good. You won’t enjoy anything when your feet are in pain and all you want to do is lie down.

Shoes also take a lot of space in your luggage, so we recommend bringing 2 pairs. One pair should be the most comfortable walking shoes that you will wear during the day. These might be tennis shoes or sandals, depending on the weather. Another pair can be used to wear during the night when you go out.

Also, make sure to bring a pair of those cheap flip-flops. You might be staying at a hostel or Couchsurfing, so you never know how clean the showers are.

Whatever you, do not, and I repeat, do not bring new shoes. They will cause blisters and take time to break-in, which will completely ruin your trip. Your shoes should be well broken in so that you are comfortable and enjoy your trip.


Since you will spend much of your time outside sightseeing and doing different activities, you will need something to hold all the necessary things. We recommend a small backpack that you can put your daily necessities in.

This includes things like your money, documents, toiletries, electronics, and so on. There are many choices in terms of these backpacks, but we recommend theft-proof ones to keep your things safe.

For when you go out at night, you can get a small crossbody bag to look more stylish.


Accessories can make or break an outfit. For long trips like this one where you will have to pack light, stylish accessories will make you feel like you’re wearing a brand new shirt, even if you’ve already worn it three times.

Accessories to pack include things like:

  • Jewellery – you can mix different earrings, necklaces, and bracelets to create a more complete look.
  • Watches – most people have a smartphone to check the time, but a good watch is still trendy, especially in fashionable European cities.
  • Scarves – you can wear what you think are the most basic and casual clothes, but a good scarf with interesting patterns will make you stand out.
  • Sunglasses – this is extremely important during spring and summer, and if you have vision problems, you can get vision corrected sunglasses.
  • Tie – for men who have planned a fancier evening, a tie is a must.

Underwear and loungewear

What people can see on the outside is important, but it’s what’s underneath that matters more. If you pack uncomfortable underwear, you will end up being uncomfortable the whole trip.

We recommend packing around 5 pairs of underwear. Make sure they are breathable and will dry quickly. Good travel underwear is pricier, but it is worth the investment. Since they are easy to wash, you can wash them in your hostel sink and they will dry by morning.

Additionally, pack a pair of leggings and a tank top to use as loungewear or pyjamas. You might want to be more comfortable at the end of a long day and these will help you feel better than if you wear a pair of jeans.


Similar to underwear, socks must also make your feet feel comfortable. Invest in breathable material for your travel socks. The investment will definitely pay off. You do not want to come back to your hostel at the end of a long day and have cracked and sweaty feet. Good travel socks will keep your feet dry and healthy.

Again, we recommend bringing around 5 pairs, which you can wash and dry as needed.

What Do I Take Awesome Pictures With? – Your Electronics Guide for Europe

In this day and age, we don’t go anywhere without electronics. But for an important trip such as this one, electronics are a must-have. You will be left wondering what to take and what to leave, but we’ve compiled the most important electronics on how to pack for Europe.

Smartphone/SIM Cards

This item is number one on anyone’s list. You will be able to connect to public Wi-Fi or get cheap travel data to plan to post all your perfect travel pictures, or call your family and friends and tell them of all the fun you are having.

We recommend checking out Prepaid Europe Travel SIM Cards by SimOptions and saving 100% on roaming charges by using international SIM Cards when you travel to Europe.

Why you should get a prepaid SIM card for Europe?

  • High-Speed Internet all over Europe
  • 100% No Roaming Charges

Click here to get more information about getting Prepaid SIM Cards for Europe


Lately, most people are choosing to bring a tablet with them instead of a phone. Since you can now talk to people through different apps, you won’t even need a phone to call. You can simply connect to Wi-Fi and do everything you need to.


Paperbacks are great, but they are heavy, especially when you need to pack light for a trip to Europe. So instead, you can bring an E-reader such as a Kindle which can hold your books for when you’re on the road or want to take a break from the walking. Additionally, you can put maps and travel guides there which will be helpful and better than packing them in your suitcase.


Laptops can be great to bring with you, especially if you are planning to do some kind of work during your travel. They are on the heavier side and we would not recommend it, but if you must bring one, try to bring one that will not make your bags too heavy. Also, if you are bringing a tablet, you might not need a laptop and vice versa.


This is probably one of the most important pieces of electronics you will bring. If you do not like taking pictures with your smartphone, then a camera will be great for you. You will be visiting amazing places, so make sure to capture all of your memories on it.

Outlet plugs, power strips, and chargers

European outlets and voltage are different from other countries, so you want to make sure your electronics will fit. We recommend bringing a few voltage plug converters to protect your devices from frying and breaking due to differences in the electricity.

Also, if you have many electronics, bring a small power strip. You might not have enough space to charge everything during the night if there are only two outlets in your room. And as a final reminder, pack your chargers. You do not want to arrive at your destination without them and spend money on getting new ones.

So Is That All I Need to Pack? No, Not Even Close – Your Guide to Travel Accessories for Europe

Besides looking nice and having all your electronics, there are also some other things you must pack. These are the more boring, but nevertheless, extremely important items.

Tickets and travel documents

You cannot leave without your tickets and travel documents. You will absolutely need your passport if you are travelling by air, especially if you need a Schengen Visa on it. Additionally, take the originals and make copies of all your aeroplane, train, and bus tickets as well as your accommodation confirmations.

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Needless to say, you won’t be able to do much without some money. Take your debit and credit cards with you, but make sure you also have some extra cash just in case of emergencies.

Safety padlocks and accessories

If you are travelling with something valuable on you, do not forget to bring a small padlock. You can program it however you want with a safety code and have some peace of mind that your things will be safe.

Additionally, invest in some good wallets or money bags. People use different things, such as small pouches around their waist or their neck. Pack whatever is more comfortable for you, just as long as your money and documents will be safe.


Just because you are travelling, does not mean you need to disregard your health. Packing your health-related products is extremely important and you won’t enjoy your trip if you are sick or in pain.

First of all, bring any prescription medicine with you. You do not know what the policies of each country are, so instead of risking your health, you might as well bring your own.

Second, bring any vitamins that you regularly use. You don’t want to waste time looking for a pharmacy in a city you do not know, and working hours will be different, so you don’t need the extra stress.

Finally, bring a few painkillers. You never know when you might need them, so you might as well pack a few pills.


Most people bring their own toiletries on their travel. Unless you are going to a remote place, any store will have shampoo and toothpaste. If you are bringing your own, then make sure to do it in a hanging toiletry bag. This will make it easier to organize everything and ensure they are within reach in the small European bathrooms.

Sealable bags

Having a few sealable bags is always a good idea. You can put any liquid containers you have with you in them and make it spill-proof. Bring a few of different sizes, since you never know when you might need them (hint: you can put your passport in one to prevent anything from damaging it).


You might have booked a nice hotel that has all the amenities you might need, but most people will travel on a budget. This means hostels, Couchsurfing, or cheap hotels, and these places might not have everything.

So you can bring some toilet paper just in case you need some, wet wipes, and tissues. They will always come in handy, whether you’re on the road or you need them where you are staying.

Laundry items

If you are planning to do any laundry, then items for it are essentials for travelling to Europe. You can bring a small laundry soap or packet of detergent, a portable clothesline, and some stain remover. There are great choices in grocery stores and they will not take much space but will be incredibly useful when you need to wash your underwear or socks.

What if I Get Sick? – Your Guide to Travel Insurance for Europe

While planning a trip, people are excited and optimistic about how it will go. It is great to prepare yourself for having a great time, but you should also take some precautions if something goes wrong. Like your health.

You won’t be able to enjoy your trip to Europe if you have an accident or get sick. So to make sure that you’re covered in case something happens, it is best to take out travel insurance.

Travel insurance will cover you if you have an accident and need emergency medical attention. This is one of the most important aspects because you never know what might happen. If you don’t have insurance and you need to go to the doctor somewhere in Europe, it might cost you thousands of dollars.

Travel insurance will also cover any personal liability issues, such as getting sued or causing any injuries. Finally, some travel insurance might also cover the costs of getting your bags stolen or lost and if your trip gets cancelled or delayed.

So you should hope for the best, but also prepare for the worst. Find yourself good travel insurance that doesn’t break your bank and you are set to start your journey to Europe. We recommend Europ Assistance and

Europe Travel Packing List

As a summary, here is our ultimate travel packing list for Europe:

  • Suitcase/travel backpack.
  • 3-4 t-shirts.
  • 2-3 blouses or shirts.
  • 1 dress/elegant shirt.
  • 1 cardigan/sweater.
  • 1 lightweight jacket.
  • 1 pair of dark wash jeans.
  • 1 pair of trousers/capris.
  • 1 pair of shorts.
  • 1-2 skirts.
  • 1 pair of long underwear/wool leggings.
  • 1 pair of tennis shoes.
  • 1 pair of sandals.
  • 1 pair of flip flops.
  • 1 theft-proof backpack.
  • 1 crossbody bag.
  • Jewellery.
  • 1 watch.
  • 1-2 scarves.
  • 1 pair of sunglasses.
  • 5 pairs of underwear.
  • 1 pair of leggings and a tank top.
  • 5 pairs of socks.
  • Smartphone.
  • SIM Cards
  • Tablet/laptop.
  • Camera.
  • 1 e-Reader.
  • 1-2 plug converters.
  • 1 power strip.
  • All chargers.
  • Passport and ID.
  • Travel tickets.
  • Accommodation confirmations (Booking.comorHotelsCombined).
  • Travel Health Insurance Policy (Europ Assistance or
  • Debit/credit cards.
  • Cash.
  • Money bag/wallet.
  • Prescription medicine.
  • Vitamins.
  • Painkillers.
  • Toiletries.
  • Hanging toiletry bag.
  • Sealable bags.
  • Toilet paper.
  • Wet wipes.
  • Tissues.
  • Laundry detergent.
  • Portable clothesline.
  • Stain Remover.

Read also:

  • Top 10 Most Visited Countries in Europe
  • Non-Schengen Countries You Can Visit With a Schengen Visa
  • 9 Tips on Finding Cheap Flights to Europe

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The Ultimate Europe Travel Packing Checklist - Europe Travel Guide (2024)


What to pack for 4 weeks in Europe? ›

15 essential packing items for a Europe trip
  • Versatile clothing.
  • Comfortable shoes.
  • Accessories.
  • Sun protection.
  • Rain protection.
  • Day bags.
  • Toiletries.
  • Medical kit.

What toiletries should I bring to Europe? ›

Personal Items & Toiletries

Essentials – travel-sized toothbrush, toothpaste, razor & deodorant. Pack liquids in sealable plastic baggies to avoid leaks. Stain Removing Wipes – travel-sized wipes or a stain removing pen for getting rid of spots. Washcloth – many European hotels do not provide washcloths.

What to pack for 2 weeks in Europe? ›

My 2 Week Carry-On Packing List
  • A Roomy Tote (Maximize Your Personal Item!)
  • A Light Puffer.
  • A Versatile Skirt.
  • A Comfy, Flattering Pant.
  • Reusable Bags (That Even Parisians Like)
  • A Does-It-All Cashmere Wrap.
  • Day-to-Night Dresses.
  • A Structured Blazer.
Apr 4, 2024

How many clothes for a 10 day trip? ›

How many clothes are required for a 10-day trip? Follow the 5-4-3-2-1 packing trick, where you pack five tops, four bottoms, three dresses, three pairs of shoes, two swimsuits, two bags, and one of each of a few miscellaneous accessories.

What is the 5 4 3 2 1 packing method? ›

Its version of the 5-4-3-2-1 method includes "five tops, four bottoms, three accessories, two shoes (a practical pair and a nice pair), and one swimsuit," though like the Times this formula allows the wiggle room to swap out accessories based on your destination and type of travel.

How much money should I bring to Europe for 3 weeks? ›

Deals directly to your inbox

So, how much money do you really need for 3 weeks in Europe? While it varies depending on your travel style and destination, a budget of around $2,000 - $5,000 USD should cover your expenses. Of course, this is just a rough estimate - the more you can save, the better!

What is not allowed in hand luggage Europe? ›

Such articles would include: gases and sprays such as pepper sprays; sharp objects such as knives or razor blades; drills or saws; baseball bats or clubs.

What are you not allowed to bring into Europe? ›

Sharp objects: Everyday objects like a corkscrew knife, scissors, or a nail file will be taken from you through the security checkpoint. If you really need to travel with these items, it is best you pack them in your hold luggage. Explosives and inflammable items: Fireworks and aerosol paint are strictly forbidden.

Does toothpaste count as a liquid Europe? ›

Hand luggage and hold luggage

Liquids carried in the aircraft cabin such as aerosols, drinks, toothpaste, cosmetic creams or gels must be carried in a transparent plastic bag - maximum capacity 1 litre - and no container may hold more than 100 ml. Liquid containers larger than 100 ml must be placed in checked baggage.

How many bras to pack for 2 weeks? ›

If you have unlimited suitcase space and don't want to do any laundry, a two-week trip means packing 14/2 = 7 bras and at least 14 pairs of underwear. That consumes a lot of valuable suitcase space! To reduce the number of pieces that need to be packed, simply commit to doing laundry on the road.

What size luggage is best for 2 weeks in Europe? ›

If you go on a 2-week trip to Europe, there is a good chance you'll need at least a 25” suitcase, and perhaps even bigger 28” luggage will be more suitable. Still, within these suitcases, you want to choose one that weighs the least.

How many pants for a 2 week trip? ›

It is best to have two pairs of bottoms (pants, shorts, or skirts) for each week that you'll be staying. Plan on bringing four shirts per week, and two jackets to layer for warmth (if you're traveling to a cool or cold destination). For a two-week trip, you need four bottoms and eight tops.

How many jeans for a 10-day trip? ›

For everyday wear, 2 pairs of dark wash jeans or black joggers that sort of look like slacks should be fine. I generally wear jeans during the day, and don't waste my limited space on pants I can only wear once before they wrinkle.

How many pajamas should you bring for a week trip? ›

Sleepwear. Whether you sleep in t-shirts and sweatpants or complete pajama sets, about two pairs of pajamas will be enough for a weeklong vacation. However, if you're someone who likes slipping into fresh pajamas every night, then you may want to pack extra loungewear, space in your luggage permitting.

How many socks for a 10-day trip? ›

For instance, if you're going on a 10-day trip and planning to wear one pair of socks per day, you should pack ten pairs plus an extra 2-3 pairs for emergencies or just in case. If you're going on a 10-day trip and plan to wear two pairs daily, pack 20 socks plus 2-3 pairs for emergencies.

What size luggage for a 4 week trip? ›

28" - 32" Suitcase

These are very large suitcases meant for trips exceeding a week. They have a tremendous capacity for anything you would like to travel with. Due to their large size, when fully packed they can be difficult to maneuver and may exceed the 50 lbs.

How much clothes should I pack for a 1 month trip? ›

Frequently Asked Questions. How much clothing should I pack for a long trip? While the amount of clothing you bring will depend on whether you're carrying on or checking a bag, a good rule of thumb is to pack one week's worth of clothing and plan to do laundry.

How do I pack for a 4 week trip? ›

What To Pack For Long-Term Travel
  1. Five short sleeve tops.
  2. One long sleeve (warm) top.
  3. Four pairs of shorts.
  4. One pair of jeans.
  5. Two pairs of long pants.
  6. Two dresses (one long, one short)
  7. Two rompers (perfect for beach cover ups)
  8. Four active wear sets (for hiking)
Feb 12, 2022

Is 4 weeks in Europe enough? ›

I'd say 4 weeks is ample, provided that you accept that you won't be able to see everything in each city. I suggest that you get a guidebook for each city to see what you want to visit so that you can work out how to "weight" each destination.


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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

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Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.