Raising Phantom - Imp_y - Batman (2024)

Danny kicked his feet as they dangled off the chair that was too tall for him, staring down to watch. He was stuck in principal's-well vice principal's office. Something he unfortunately knew well despite TRYING to be on his best behavior. Trying used loosely.

Honestly just reminds him of the one on one with his vice principal and teacher back in Amity Park. Even the man in front of him gave off similar vibes. Only difference he was into history instead of literature. Danny eyeing the replica of the titanic. Not that different.

The man of course looked different too. He had darker skin, hair shaven down and graying, wore a plain dress shirt and tie. His voice was deep as he spoke, his hands clasped together as they rested on the desk. “Danny, you're not in trouble.”

Danny raised a brow, “Considering the tone of your voice and the fact that all the other times you said that, you called Ja-my mom.”

The man sighed, reaching to fix his name plate on his desk. Not that there was anything wrong with it, but probably was something to fuss with while thinking about what to say. The name plate read Mr. Harpoon. “Danny, are you bored in class?”

Danny narrowed his eyes, trying to see what the man was getting at. “What kid isn't?”

“I think if you asked, you would find several students that enjoy learning, and get excitement from school.”

“Think I'll pass. I hang out with my mom enough, thank you. I don't need someone else around excited by school.” Danny staring back at his feet.

He heard Mr. Harpoon sigh again. “I mean, do you ever feel like you already know what the teacher is teaching?”

Danny glanced up at the man, eyeing him. He didn't respond, but in his head he was thinking Duh. Mr. Harpoon didn't know that though.

Mr. Harpoon nodded, trying to think of his words carefully before speaking again. “Danny. Children are much like plants. They need the right conditions and care to grow.”

He paused looking at Danny to see if he was listening. Danny was pretending that he wasn't as he played with the cuff of his jacket.

“Some plants grow slower than others, so they need more patience and care. Taking a while to outgrow their pot, while others. They outgrow it faster than expected.” Mr. Harpoon kept taking pauses to make sure Danny could seep in what he was hinting at. Danny just wanted this to be over. He hated one on one talks.

“Danny. Do you know what you need to do when a plant outgrow its pot?”

Danny lazily looked at Mr. Harpoon with disinterest. He gave no reply, but apparently lifting his eyes was enough for the man.

“They need to be replanted into a space where they have more room to grow. Danny, I think our classroom is too small for your roots.”

“A. I don't have roots. B. I'm like four feet.” Danny had to pull out his sass.

“Of course.” Mr. Harpoon smirked amused, “But that was figuratively. Danny. I do not believe our Third grade curriculum is right for you. In fact, nor do I think our fourth grade or even fifth grade is. Your a smart kid, and deserve to be place in a grade that challenges you. To seek your full potential.”

“Soooo, why are you telling me this and not.. my mom?” Danny had to pause to catch himself from accidentally trying to say Jazz again.

“Because I want it to be your choice Danny. And I've talked enough times with Ms. Nightingale that I do believe she want to see what you've decided to do. So this will be your decision.” Mr. Harpoon giving Danny a pack of papers. Forms. “This is for your mother.”

“I thought you just said its my decision.”

“It is. It is your decision to give her the papers or not.” Mr. Harpoon smiled.

Danny furrowed his brows and then glanced at the paper. He suggested Danny switch to fifth grade in the letter that came with the form. Though it also suggest Danny could do better in higher grades, but address concerns that he would develop a lack of social skills. Thus willing to work with school board, whatever they decide. Danny raised a brow back at Mr. Harpoon.

Danny silently thought on it. It would be nice to skip a few grades. Jazz had offered to home school him, but he didn't want to add to her stress, so he took public school. As much as he hated it. It did give him an idea of how he was “suppose” to act, not that he ever acted his age. Either age. It was so confusing sometimes.

“You don't have to decide today, though I would prefer an answer before November rolls in. I'll remind you along the way. I think it would help to make school a better experience for you.”

Danny doubted that. He stared at Mr. Harpoon then glanced at the papers before stuffing them into his backpack. Ignoring the smile he saw pull on Mr. Harpoon's face out the corner of his eye.

“So, Can I go back to class?” Danny asked, not that he cared to.

“Of course-oh! But come back and see me during recess. I think Mrs. Staff didn't appreciate your last homework assignment.” Mr. Harpoon pulling out the offending worksheet.

Danny groaned, “I knew it. I WAS in trouble. I didn't do anything wrong! I answered everything correctly!”

“No, but she felt that your work was.. rude and thus would like you to redo it.”

Danny frowned, “Why do I have to redo something that's correct?”

“If you can argue why this wasn't a passive attempt to be rude to your teacher at recess, then I'll see what I can do.” Mr. Harpoon smiled, handing the paper over to Danny so he may think it over.

Danny glared, snatching the homework Jazz helped him find ways to call his teacher out with. Challenge accepted. He shoved the worksheet into his backpack too, then hopped out of the chair to return to Mrs. Staff infection's classroom.


Jason wasn't being paranoid. He wasn't stalking either. He just wanted to check out a book. Definitely wasn't there to scout out the Mother and son in person. However, he couldn't say the same for the others.

“Copyright, what you doing here?” Jason walked up to Tim, both of them standing outside the library steps in their civilian wear.

“Same thing as you, looks like.” Tim was in a blue jacket with a box of donuts in hand.

“Timmy's checking out a book? Remember just because your rich doesn't mean you should coffee stain their books.”

Tim rolled his eyes. “That wasn't even my fault.”

“It was your coffee.”

“Alfred knocked it over!” (the cat)

“Still?! Who the Hell falls asleep drinking coffee?!”

“I hadn't taken a sip yet, obviously!” Tim huffed.

“You should have just went to bed.” Jason glancing at the box of donuts, thinking about stealing one. “What's that for?”

“Conversation starter. What were you planning?” Tim held up the box and checked it over before glancing back at Jason.

“I wasn't planning anything.” Jason moved to walk up the stairs. Tim frowned, as he followed him up the stairs.

Jazz was stacking sheets of paper for this months events as well as advertise near by family friendly events, when the door chimed. She glanced up at the two men walking in. “Hello-oh sorry sir, no food in the library.”

Jason just snickered as Tim jolted. Tim put the box on the counter, “These were for you and Babs.”

“Oh! Thank you. Does that mean you two are Dick's brothers?” Jazz had a rough understanding. Dick did talk about his siblings and Barbara mentioned them too.

“Nope.” Jason turned and walked on into the row of bookshelves, hands into his pockets.

Tim shook his head at Jason, then looked back at Jazz with an awkward smile. “That's Jason. He's not much about family. We're working on it. I'm Tim Drake.”

“Its a pleasure to meet you, I'm Jasmine Nightingale. Please call me Jazz.” Jazz smiled. Tim reminded her of Danny, older Danny. Though he had more muscle mass, Danny never put on any despite being able to lift a bus. Something about ghosts negating gravity and not needing muscle. Even now Danny could easily lift the couch one handed. Made vacuuming easier.

“So were you just trying to sweeten me up or did you need Barbara?” Jazz winked playfully, joking.

Jason's snort was heard from the bookshelves as Tim flustered about. “No. I wasn't trying-”

“I was teasing you.” Jazz smiled. “You remind me a lot of my s-brother. He use to try and bribe me with sweets.”

If Danny had a way to buy it, he still probably would. She saw him looking a cookbook specifically on desserts the other day.

“oh. You have a brother?”

“Had.” Jazz stressed a smile. Even though she's happy how things turned out, it still was a sad thought. Danny lost his life, twice, in a weird sense. He had lost his normal life at fourteen and his teenage one at fifteen almost sixteen. Third times a charm as they say.

“He would butter me up with sweets as an awkward conversation starter. The ol' I messed up and don't want a lecture so please just listen.” She chuckled, hoping she didn't make Tim feel too awkward.

Tim did not expect that information first thing. That just threw wood on the fire of theories the family chat minus Bruce were coming up with. “Oh. I'm.. sorry?”

“No no. I'm sorry for bringing it up, I didn't mean to make you feel awkward.” Jazz scratched at her head out of embarrassment. Trying to shift it.

“No Its fine. Uh- sooo you lived here long?” Tim tried to shift the subject. He already knew, but it was a good way to shift the tone.

“Four years. I'm guessing I don't have an accent yet.”

“No you don't. Also a lot cheerier than anyone we see who live in Gotham besides like Dick.”

“A smile a day helps keep positive outlook on life. I haven't taught Danny that, yet.” Jazz chuckled as she set aside the papers she was working on.

“Your...” Tim feigning that he didn't know who she was talking about.

“Son.” Jazz smiled.

“Ah. Babs said you two make library interesting.”

“Runs in the family I suppose. I've never known a boring day in my life.” Jazz chuckled.

“Choosing Gotham didn't help.” Tim pointed out, mind swirling what Jazz meant. Did she mean her parents? Or just her and Danny? Or her dead brother he just found out about. Suppose it made sense if it was the later. He had to of died of something.

“Nope, but at least everyone experience some excitement here. Its easier to relate.” Jazz stood up with a stretch.

“Yeah, You can find at least one person that's been held hostage or got delayed by some rogue's antics.” Tim sending a slight glare at Jason's way for the held hostage thing. Jason was just ignoring him, pretending he was looking at a book.

Jazz took the box of donuts, eyes following Tim's for a moment. “Exactly. Its nothing news worthy. Where I was from, it was hard not to end up on the weather forecast.”

“Weather forecast?”

“Yeah, our weatherman was often the in field newscaster.”

“That small of a town?”

“No, I think it was their way to cheap out of hiring more people.” Jazz shifted the box, “I'll take these into the break room. Barbara is back there, if you want to come back.”

“No, I was just dropping it off, tell her I said hi. Nice meeting you.” Tim shoving his hands into his jacket. Babs didn't know he was coming, so he did not want to be here when she found out.

“Okie dokie. Bye Tim.” Jazz turned to leave with the donuts.

Tim turned, giving a short wave, to make it look like he was leaving. Instead, he stopped and glanced back to see if Jason was still in view. He wasn't. Tim shook his head and left. So theory of their parents being some kind of villains was still on the table, or strange scientist. Maybe her brother was some kind of dare devil. A town polluted by governmental experiments? Babs had banned anyone looking it up without a good reason. So, weirdly, it had become a game of who can figure out their past without breaking the ban.

--- owo ----

Danny hated Mrs. Staff. He strongly declared as he hopped off the school bus as it dropped him off in front of the library. He shuffled his backpack on his shoulders and stomped up the stairs. He DID manage to argue why he didn't have to redo the homework, but he still had to complete worksheets meant for home during recess over the next few days because she didn't believe he was capable of writing it. As if dictionary wasn't a thing.

Its fine. He didn't need recess, but he hated being in her class any longer than necessary. At least, he wouldn't be stuck with her. That was a blessing. He would have been too tempted to scare her out of the school. The door chimed as Danny stomped his way through the door.

“Hey Danny.” Jazz greeted, gently grabbing the door then letting it fall shut after Danny. She had been watching from the windows, preparing to make sure his anger didn't accidentally break anything. She could tell by how he hopped out of the bus that he had a rough day.

“How was school?” she asked, knowing it wasn't good.

“Fine! Mrs. Staff got a pole up her-”


“........She got me in trouble for the homework assignment I did before the weekend. Then after I successfully argued why I didn't have to redo it, now I have to sit in during recess to do homework. Because now she thinks YOU did it.”

“Oof.” Jazz bit her lip trying not to say what she was thinking, but she did agree with Danny. “Told you to rephrase it.”

“sh-...” Danny glanced around, Babs was watching them out the corner of her eye, as Danny made his way around the counter. Right. That was rude to say to your.. mom. Danny just tossed his backpack next to the chair that he had claimed since day one, and crossed his arms, glaring at it.

Jazz smiled sympathetically, putting her hands gently on Danny's shoulders and giving him a light peck on the head. Danny reluctantly relaxed his shoulders at the touch, sighing. It was a gesture to try to calm him, while at the same time to warn him about his temper. “Its okay, Danny. I can go talk to your principal and teacher.”

“No, its fine. I don't do anything at recess.” Danny huffed, not wanting to put more on Jazz's plate. They were already booked with Vlad's stuff, plus her regular schedule.

“Danny, you don't have to go through anything you don't want to. I can always pull you out of school too. Home school is still an option.” Jazz offered anytime Danny was having a hard time with school.

“No. I'm fine.” Danny muttered again as he flopped down into his seat. The only good thing, he doesn't have homework for the rest of the week. He crossed his arms on the table and laid his head down.

Jazz sighed, twirling her hair with her finger as she thought for a moment. She still was thinking about giving them a phone call tomorrow. She glanced at the counter where she had something wrapped up in paper towel. She walked over to grab it, then placed it in front of Danny. Ruffling his hair, she smiled.

“Well, thankfully I saved this one for you. They dropped some off earlier.”

Danny raised his head slightly, glancing at the paper towel that held something that smelled sweet. He sat up to unravel it, raising a brow. “...........Did Dick bring these?-”

“Nope. One of his brothers, Timmy, did this time. He's in a healthy relationship with someone else if you were worried about your Mom.” Babs winked.

Danny blinked, glancing back at Jazz who nodded. He glanced back down at the donut and took a giant bite out of it. He hummed at the sweetness. “Thank you.”

“You'll have to thank Tim when you meet him.” Jazz smiled as she brushed her fingers through Danny's hair again.

“It'll only be a matter of time before they all be dropping in.” Barbara chuckled.

Danny just hummed a response as he ate. He was slowly cooling off, as he focused on the sugary treat. It definitely helped. He still was mad, and even wanted to cry. Curse tiny body, he so frustrated. It wasn't anything to cry over. Jazz would just take him out, but he wanted to stick with it. Give her some time to herself.. and some to him-self.. even if its in a building with a bunch of actual kids and annoying adults... wait, was he an actual kid? He wasn't an adult when he got turned back.

Ugh, his head was starting to hurt again. He took another big bite of the donut, sniffling a bit as he sat up. He refused to look at the two women, knowing they were sympathizing with him. He could hear Babs whisper to Jazz, as if he couldn't hear them. Jazz knew though. Or at least he thinks so. Sometimes he thinks she forgets.

He wish he could.

Danny furrowed his brows, as he glanced down at his chest. Speaking of, he wasn't just cooling off. His insides felt freezing, almost like heart burn but cold. Danny's eyes widened as he glanced around, the draw of his blood giving him a direction to look. It wasn't cold enough where his breath would show, but he felt the icy pull regardless. It was the same feeling Red Hood gave off.

Danny stared at the balcony of the library, somewhere up there. He glanced back down at his donut, before wrapping it up back into the paper towel. He sucked the glaze off his fingers and lips, pushing himself out of the chair.

“Where you going Danny?”

Jazz noticing something was up. Danny stared at her and Babs for a moment then pointed towards the bathroom.

“Bathroom.” then left before Jazz could suspect anymore. She probably did, by the narrowing of her eyes. He could also hear them speak as he disappeared among the bookshelves.

“That seemed a little odd.” Babs stated with a chuckle.

“As long as he doesn't leave the building, its fine. I hope.” Jazz stated more so as a warning for Danny.

He was done with Mrs. hitting stick. If he wanted to terrorize her, he rather do it at school. No, he wanted to follow the source of the unusual chilling sensation. He rubbed his hands on his pants as they still felt a little sticky, as he moved towards the stairs. He glanced to make sure he wasn't in view before climbing them up.

Silently, he sneaked around the corners of the shelves. He passed a couple making out at the top, and faked gagged at them, then continued on, keeping close to the shelves not wanting to be seen. He could have went invisible, but if this is who he thought it was. Then it would just reveal more about Danny then it would of the man.

Jason was leaning against a table, hidden in the upper part of the library. He got himself lost in a novel. His white streaks of hair curling in front of his face a bit as he read the book in hand. It wasn't until the strange pulsing in his veins, that he was pulled out of the book. It was moving towards a direction. It felt much like a heart beat, but the pulse was traveling to a certain direction then repeating the path.

Jason glanced up, ready to fight an run if necessary. He eyed the area to see if anything was amiss- when he spotted a pair of icy blue eyes that almost looked like they glowed in the shade of the bookshelves. It was from a small, probably child form as they quickly ducked back behind the bookshelf.

He stood there for a moment watching the spot. He could still feel their presence. Or he assumed. Either way something was telling him they were still there. Jason glanced around his surroundings, then pretended to go back to reading, but kept a visual out of the corner of his eye.

They peered around again, those cold blue eyes. They were watching. Jason kept pretending, he didn't notice them, even turning pages of the book. He memorized which page he was on, not that it mattered. He probably check out the book and re-read it from the beginning.

The eyes stayed on him, but from what he could tell, they weren't malicious. Just eerie, and felt familiar. Danny? He could make out the hair and small form. His mother seemed normal, why did her child feel eerie. She did mention strange things happen to them. He wasn't sure he wanted to know what, now.

“You know, staring is rude kid.” Jason making his glance towards Danny more visible.

Danny flinched behind the bookcase for a moment, then peaked out again. He seemed like he was debating on what to say. Jason got a clearer view of him, and immediately felt dumb for feeling so on edge by the tiny child.

Supposedly he was eight, almost nine. He was tiny, especially by hiding behind the bookcase. Jason had to keep from snorting as he remembered the kid stating that he could have taken out those muggers on his own.

“Want to know what I'm reading?” Jason offered an invitation for the small boy to come over.

Danny frowned, “ I can see the title from here.”

“Percy Jackson doesn't really give out much information about the story though, does it?”

Danny glanced at the book then at Jason. He glanced towards the banister, that peers over the library. He glanced back at Jason, before walking up slowly. “You're not a creep are you?”

“Your the one stalking me. If anyone's creepy, its you kid.”

Danny snorted, “Fair.”

Jason pulled out the seat next to him, turning it around so Danny could hop on the table next to him. Jason flicked it back to the beginning, as Danny climbed up and sat on the table edge. Jason knelt down a little and started talking about what he was reading, even began reading some of it softly to Danny when it seemed like his interest was peaked.

Jazz glanced at the clock. It had been an hour since Danny “went to the bathroom.” And she was NOT freaking out. Ok, maybe she was a little bit as she bounced her legged nervously. Honestly, she was surprised she was able to keep from freaking out sooner, but she wanted to give Danny his space. She hopped up from her spot, taking some books to put back on the shelf telling Babs, she's going to check on Danny.

Babs nodded as she help checked out some books for teenagers.

Jazz swiftly turned and made a bee line straight for the bathrooms to check to see if Danny was there. The door to the men's was locked so she knocked. Only to here a young man's voice, hollering occupied.

“Sorry.” Jazz turned and quickly walked through the aisles of books, peering through each one for a sign of Danny.

“I swear if you're invisible you're in so much trouble little man.” She muttered under her breath as she turned to climb up the stairs.

She vocally gagged as she noticed the teenagers that were making out and getting very handsy. Girl's shirt was over her bra. She cleared her throat, glaring at them. “This is a public library. Not a secret make out place. What you do without your parents notice is none of my business but it is not allowed here. Please leave.”

She stood with her hands on her hips.

“Who made you boss?” The guy huffed as the girl was hurrying to pull her shirt down.

“I may not be the boss, but I am an employee. One with a young child that stays here with me.”

“Is that how you got pregnant then?” Guy snorted, eyeing her down. The girl smacking his arm for saying something so rude as she pushed herself up.

“Leave.” Jazz glared, a slight shine of her eyes sending chills into the teenagers.

They quickly packed their stuff and headed down the stairs. Jazz could hear the girl cursing the guy for trying to pick a fight with the librarian. “Obviously someone who isn't from Gotham have to be crazier than inmates in Arkham to live here and you want to pick a fight?!”

“She looked like a push over!”

“God your dumb Tom!”

Jazz rolled her eyes, crossing her arms. She was not in the mood. She turned with a huff. She continued on her search, a frown stretched on her face showing irritation as her anxiety grew. She heard a voice reading aloud, that caught her attention as she slowed her steps, trying not to scare off anyone.

Then she heard a small voice, which made her shoulders fall with relief. She quicken her pace again and slowly peered around the bookshelf. She felt her heart skip a beat when she looked at the scene. Jason, the man Tim named earlier was reading to Danny.

They were both sitting and half sitting on the table. Danny's feet in the chair as Jason leaned over with the book in front of them. Danny was making jokes and asking questions, derailing the conversation off the book more than once. Jason was making jokes and chatting back, able to eventually get the conversation back onto the book.

Jazz smiled, looking at how cute the scene was. She wish she grabbed her phone. Jason glanced at her, making her jump.

“Staring at a distance must be a family trait.” he joked.

Danny noticed Jazz and then rubbed back of his neck, as he stared down at his kicking feet. Guilt of being caught. Jazz smiled, glancing back at Jason.

“Sorry, I just got worried. Danny said he was going to the bathroom.” she glanced back at Danny with a raised brow.

“I did.” Not.

Jazz just was relieved Danny was up here, though it was odd he was hanging out with a stranger. She definitely was going to give him a refresher lecture when they get home. Especially about not telling her where he is.

“Tyke looked curious at what I was reading, so I shared. Sorry.” Jason ruffling Danny's hair.

Danny hissed, “Its Danny.”

“No, don't be. That was very sweet of you, Jason was it?” Jazz smiled.

“Yeah,” Jason glancing off to the side, embarrassed. “Its nothing.”

Danny squinted his eyes glancing between them too. Jazz smiled, “Even so, most would just tell an annoying kid to run off.”


“Danny, I love you, but we both know your notorious for purposely getting on people's nerves.” Jazz chuckled.

Danny stuck his tongue out, crossing his arms. “Great faith you have in your child, MOM.”

“I just know my kid.” Jazz reaching over to pinch Danny's cheek teasingly. He hissed pushing her hand away.

“It wasn't bad. My little brother does the same thing, though its more to look up dirt on me than anything else. Got him to read pride and prejudice.” Jason grinned.

“Oh really? Sounds like you got experience.” Jazz chuckled.

Jason shrugged, “Not really. I just like to share books.”

Danny squinted his eyes again, staring at them suspiciously.

“Well, perhaps teach me one day. Its usually so hard to get Danny to read.”

“No its not. I just don't like your books.” Danny huffed leaning back.

“Fair.” Jazz couldn't blame him, they did have different tastes. If it wasn't a factual book about space, she didn't know what Danny like to read. Even space themed things seem to not excite him much anymore. Not many things did. He was often depressed now a days, she did try her best to help.

Jason shrugged, “Usually just knowing an audience. I know how the little demon brat is.. my brother, so its not too hard to guess.”

Jazz nodded with a hum, maybe she wasn't taking enough noticed in little things. Maybe she was just too keen on old Danny was.. Danny did show interest in Grey Ghost. Perhaps he needs more material focused on powerful characters. She glanced at the book, maybe that's why he was interested in it.

“Thank you. Oh, I guess I better put these up.” She remembered that she grabbed books to put up when she left to find Danny. “Be good, Danny.”

“No promises.”

Jazz shook her head, then waved to Jason as she turned to find out where these books went. A smile back on her face as her worries had been washed away. She still wished she got a picture.

Danny glanced back at Jason once Jazz was out of ear shot. “....You're not going to try and date my mom, are you?”

“Little early for the shovel talk, ain't it?” Jason grinned at the spunk of this kid.

“Never too early.”

“Nah, kid.” Jason snorted ruffling Danny's hair.

“Danny!” He hissed.

Raising Phantom - Imp_y - Batman (2024)


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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

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Author information

Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

Phone: +901025288581

Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.