The Scars We Share - ros104 (2024)

Chapter 1: Far from Home

Chapter Text

“Hey!” Gyrus called enthusiastically, running across the pavement.

“Slow down!” Maria laughed, meeting him in the middle of the parking lot. With linked arms, they walked into the science building.

It was early, around 7:30 in the morning. The two both consistently woke at dawn despite their better wishes, so they had opted to register for morning classes.

“I missed youuuuu,” Gyrus complained. “You were gone so long.”

“I was gone for two days, Gyrus.” Maria punched him in the shoulder playfully.

Gyrus harrumphed. “Two days too long, Maria.” He leaned his head on her shoulder briefly and fiddled with her hair.

“Just kiss already!” a freshman immediately called to the pair, echoing through the open hallway that then filled with laughter.

“Pfft,” Maria snickered. “As if.”

Gyrus groaned and lifted his head, his half-up-half-down emerald green hair falling around his shoulders. “Can a man and a woman not be friends? I don’t even swing that way,” he grumbled under his breath.

“Here’s your stop,” Maria pointed out. “Now get to your nerd class.”

“It’s not– it’s just astrophysics!” Gyrus protested, but laughed. “Have fun in mech!”

The professor was already in, as usual. “Good morning, Mr. Axalei,” she greeted, not looking up from her computer.

“Morning!” He sat down in his seat in the front row, starting to scribble in his dream journal.

“Ah, Gyrus, I have a favor to ask of you,” Dr. Mimi said. “Mr. Bo will be absent for his differential equations section tomorrow. Would you be willing to sub in?”

Gyrus looked up, a grin spreading across his face. He’d subbed for professors before, usually for mathematics or physics, but it never excited him any less. “Of course! What time and room?”

Dr. Mimi smiled. “Four to five-fifty, 34 Kariko Hall. I’m pretty sure they’re working on Chebyshev’s equation right now.”

That’s not too bad, Gyrus thought. “I’ll be there,” he promised.

“Good, thank you. You will receive ten extra credit points.”

“Only ten?” a voice from behind Gyrus mocked. “If I were you, I’d bargain for more. Two hours is worth at least twenty.”

Gyrus rolled his eyes and clicked his pen. “That’s because you need those points, Vee.”

“Pshaw, do not. I’m a straight-A student.”

Gyrus’ hair almost fell out of its ponytail as he whipped around to face Vee. “I’d sooner believe Hell froze over,” he quipped.

Vee scoffed. “Whatever, nerd!” She twisted her silver hair around her fingers with her blood red nails.

“Alright! Time to get to work!” Dr. Mimi clapped her hands and redirected the class’ attention to the front.

Maria would be in class for another two hours, so Gyrus headed to their apartment alone. He adjusted his backpack straps around his pale yellow NASA shirt that was becoming too small. He couldn’t bring himself to get rid of it.

I’ll have to stay an extra couple hours tomorrow too, so we can go home together, Gyrus realized. Awesome, we’ll take just one car, then. I hope the students will like me. I’m not that much older than them. What would they be, nineteen? It’s typically a sophom*ore-level class, but this is a semester early…

He didn’t notice himself becoming lost in thought until a firm grip on his wrist pulled him out of the road, a speeding car flying by.

Diablos, you must be more careful,” the stranger said sternly, not letting go of him. His voice was gruff and muffled by his messy beard.

“Ahh, sorry… and thank you,” Gyrus replied sheepishly. He eyed the man’s grip oddly.

The stranger regarded him. “Hmm. Your hair is quite a charming color… How’d you like to come to my place? I grow the best tomatoes.”

Gyrus gulped. That was quite the odd observation. “Um, no thank you, I’m just on my way home from school...” He tried to pull his hand away, but the grip only tightened.

“Oh, come on. You’re what now, 22? Don’t you ever rebel?” His voice was low and condescending.

How did he know that? Gyrus took a few steps backward, tugging at his wrist. “I, uh, really have to go home… my, um, cat needs to be fed…” he stuttered, knowing full well he did not have a cat. He found himself backed into an alleyway. Please don’t hurt me, he pleaded silently.

The stranger let go of Gyrus’ wrist to snag his collar, causing him to yelp and shake. “I was going to do this the easy way, but I guess we’ll just have to do it the hard way.” He heaved Gyrus up and over his shoulder with a grunt.

“Hey!” Gyrus squirmed. “Let me go!” He felt a tear slipping from his eye as he struggled.

After a few minutes of useless struggles, he was thrown down next to a dumpster behind some random building. The air smelled of smoke, grime, and something else he couldn’t place.

“Turn around,” the stranger commanded.

Gyrus remained still for a moment, trembling in thought. He realized he had to fight while he still had the chance. After a second, he tore down the alleyway, not daring to look back.

“HEY!” the stranger yelled, trailing after him.

The man tripped Gyrus and he slammed his chin and elbows on the concrete. “Ngh! No! Stop!” he cried, clawing at the ground helplessly as he was dragged back.

Bam. And he was back next to the dumpster, pinned face to the brick wall. Sharp pain thundered through where he had hit the ground, now accompanied by where his face had hit the wall. He could feel blood seeping down his lip from his nose.

“If you try that again, you’ll only make this worse,” the stranger growled in his ear. “Stop moving.” Gyrus’ bag was torn off and thrown to the side. He tried to struggle, but the stranger only forced him against the wall harder.

No, no, no, no, no! Gyrus pleaded in his thoughts as his wrists were bound behind his back and a gag was situated in his mouth. The rope burned against any friction, and the rag tasted foul. Any sight he still had against the wall disappeared as the stranger tied a bag over his head.

Some more rustling came from outside the bag, and then the stranger seemed to stand up before pushing Gyrus down to his knees. “I’ve tied you to the bin here, so don’t try anything. I’ll be back… Do not move.”

He’s just going to leave me here?! Gyrus thought, thrashing around. This can’t be happening. I’m sorry, Maria! She’s gonna be worried sick… I should have fought harder when I had the chance.

After he knew the stranger was gone, he tried feeling around for anything he could use to free himself, but only managed to cut himself on random sharp rocks and twigs. The rope was too thick and tied too tight either way, he realized. Is this it for me? he wondered dismally. This was definitely targeted. He acted like he knew me. Why? What does he want? A sob wracked his body and he slumped against the wall.

Hours and hours flew by as cars and pedestrians passed by the dark alleyway, but he couldn’t cry for help, and every once in a while, he heard his phone ring from his bag, but he couldn’t do anything to reply. Eventually, he heard the clock tower sing. Midnight.

After a long while, Gyrus felt himself slipping away into sleep, which was more than welcome at that point. Anything to get away from what was happening.

When Gyrus woke up, he was somewhere unfamiliar. The bag over his head was gone, but the restraints and gag remained. He seemed to be in some sort of bedroom, sat against a wall. His backpack was nowhere in sight.

The man that had abducted him walked into the room with forceful steps, sending a chill down Gyrus’ spine. “Buenos días,” he sneered, kneeling next to Gyrus. He could only squirm in response.

“Let me tell you what’s happening: you’re going to be here for a while, and you will be part of some experiments.

Gyrus shuddered, eyes locked onto the monster in front of him. What had he done to deserve this?

The man pulled a dagger from his pocket. “And before you get any ideas…” he pressed the blade to Gyrus’ arm, “just remember this.”

Mmph!!” Gyrus cried through the gag, the man sliding the blade slowly.

The dagger lifted. “I’m going to ungag you, but do not scream.”

Gyrus nodded slowly, whimpering at the sharp pain. The gag was taken out.

He gasped for air, finally unmuffled.

And then the dagger was to his throat. He didn’t dare speak as he breathed heavily.

The man smiled a wicked smile. “What’s your name, amigo?” Gyrus shook madly. He didn’t want to answer, but apparently he didn’t have a choice, because the man pressed the dagger down.

“Ghh! It’s– my name– i-it’s Gyrus!” Gyrus sputtered, struggling.

“Gyrus. Interesting choice. Mi nombre es Don Santiago,” the man snickered. “Pleased to meet you, amigo.” He leaned over, removing the dagger and replacing it with his hand, starting to strangle Gyrus.

“W-why…” Gyrus choked out.

Don smirked. “Easy, now. I don’t want you breaking just yet.” He released Gyrus’ neck. “Your mother gave me quite the hard time before you were born...” He slapped Gyrus hard.

“Ack!” Gyrus yelped, instinctively snapping his eyes shut. My mother…?

His captor roughly caught his chin, startling his eyes back open. “I’ll teach her son the manners she never learned. Lesson one: don’t make any noise.”

Gyrus uncontrollably whimpered in response.

“Lesson two… just let it happen.” Don pulled out his dagger again, but set it to the side, producing a different weapon. Pepper spray.

He’s f*cking insane!

Don pointed the bottle at Gyrus’ eyes. He squeezed them shut, only for Don to force them back open with one hand and spray with the other.

“AAAHH!” Gyrus screamed, writhing. Don subsequently gripped his neck again and strangled him with force so he couldn’t talk.

Don sprayed it again, eliciting a strangled wince from Gyrus, and laughed. He pulled his hands away to let Gyrus breathe.

Gyrus coughed several times in succession. “S-stop,” he whimpered, wrenching his eyes open to look at his captor, waterfalls streaming down his cheeks.

The man barked another disgusting laugh. “This will be fun,” he said, smiling. He turned on his heel and left.

The pain didn’t subside quickly. It remained for the rest of the night, leaving Gyrus to silently cry through it all. He welcomed sleep when it came.

When Gyrus had the misfortune of waking up next, Don was sitting in front of him, holding a butcher’s knife, startling him fully awake within seconds.

“No,” Gyrus whispered, staring at his captor.

“Oh, sí,” Don grinned. “Are you excited for the second experiment?”

Gyrus shook his head and squirmed with all his might. “No, please!”

The man’s smile faltered for a moment. “I see you don’t remember your lessons.”

Before Gyrus could react, the butcher’s knife was lodged in his shoulder and he was screaming bloody murder, making his own ears ring.

Don shoved two gloved fingers down his trembling throat and yanked his head towards him. “Don’t make this harder than it needs to be.” He pulled the knife out and swung again.

Gyrus continued to scream around Don’s fingers despite his rules until his senses faded as he tried to pull back into his mind to avoid what was happening. Don’t feel this. Just think about good things… This will be over soon… Don’t. Feel. This.

The rest of the ‘experiment’ was a blur until Gyrus was laying down beside the bed, a pool of blood gathered by his side. His wrists were still bound, as were his ankles now, and the gag was back.

How long has it been? Gyrus wondered with a grimace. His head hurt, although he wasn’t sure if it was from a concussion or dehydration. The rest of the pain sort of melded together. I guess I won’t be subbing for Mr. Bo, he thought, daring to joke with himself a little.

The crack of a whip startled him and he looked up. Don was standing over him, indeed, holding a whip, with definite intent to use it. “Mmm…!” Gyrus tried to plead, scooting backwards as much as he could, but it was in vain.

Snap! Crack! Whip!

Sharp pain. Everywhere.

“I take great pleasure out of this, you know,” Don hissed with sickening glee, running his fingers over the bloody whip. “Ragan would not be so merciful… You are lucky.”

The onslaught continued until the man was satisfied with Gyrus’ writhing. He grinned and pulled out his pepper spray.

No! No, no, no! he cried internally. Not again!

Too bad. Don gripped Gyrus’ chin and sprayed it right in his eyes. Gyrus shrieked as loudly as possible in the confines of the gag as Don forced his eyes to stay open. It burned. It burned so bad, and the tears didn’t even help.

Don finally released his eyelids and put the spray away, but quickly pulled out yet another weapon. A belt, from what Gyrus could see through his bleary vision.

Haven’t you done enough?! Gyrus screamed in his mind, unable to say it aloud.

As Gyrus continued to writhe in pain, his captor clipped the belt around his neck and hoisted him upwards. “Gkkgh!” Gyrus managed to choke out as he was hanged.

He’s gonna kill me! Gyrus sobbed to himself.

Don hooked the other end of the belt on something Gyrus couldn’t see, but he didn’t stop there. He spun Gyrus around, and after a moment, Gyrus heard the whip crack again, searing pain joining the sensation.

Gyrus choked and sputtered as Don continued to whip him. He happily let his consciousness fade as he stopped breathing…

…Only for him to wake up again to the same fate, over, and over, and over again.

He’d grown used to the pain after a while and even longed for it eventually, if only to remind himself he was still alive. Nevertheless, when the opportunity came, he took his chance to escape.

He woke up to a dark room: night outside. He was usually beaten so badly that he’d be out cold through the night and Don would wake him in the morning, but he got lucky this time and Don had gone easy on him. Even better, Don hadn’t used restraints ever since Gyrus had given up trying to struggle or scream, so he was mostly free to move.

Gyrus took note of his surroundings. Don was asleep in his bed and Gyrus was laying on the floor on the other side of the room, loosely tied to the leg of a table bolted to the ground. It was easy enough to free himself.

He looked around for his bag. Bingo! Don had been careless enough to leave it beside his dresser. Gyrus quickly rummaged through it and pulled out his phone. He pressed and held the power button until it turned on. Luckily, the power-up was silent.

His immediate thought was to text Maria, so that’s what he did. He opened their messaging app to see about a thousand messages from her, some dating weeks back. How long have I been here…? He checked the date. Halloween. Not that he had time to gape over the fact.

– 31 October 2XXX –

1:04 AM gyrus_axalei: help

Gyrus waited for a moment, contemplating what to say next. He only had 2% battery.

maria_34 is typing . . .


1:05 AM maria_34: GYRUS WHERE ARE YOU

1:05 AM gyrus_axalei: idk

– GYRUS_AXALEI has sent their Location –

1:06 AM maria_34: coming rn

Gyrus missed talking to Maria. Out of that feeling, he opened the photos app. But he didn’t see pictures of him and Maria. He saw pictures of himself, unconscious, beaten beyond repair. Hundreds of them.

He closed the app, forcing the memory of the photos out of his mind.

Alright, now Gyrus just had to get outside. He knew the door was too loud; he had heard it creak open and closed too many damn times. The window was his only option.

Almost tripping over his own feet, Gyrus slowly and silently made his way to the window. He fumbled with the lock and opened it slowly. He could feel each rapid beat of his heart against his chest.

He breathed in the cool fresh air. It had been too long.

Luckily, they were on ground level, so he climbed out and onto the grass with ease. He closed the window as quietly as possible and trekked across the yard.

The moon was a beautiful waning crescent, and he could see the stars for the first time in too long. The grass had a light frost over it and glinted in the moonlight. He began to shiver. Was it really only Halloween?

And now that he had time to actually think — what did Don have to do with his mother?

Crash! Gyrus whipped his head around to see that Don had turned on a light inside and had thrown something against the wall, searching for him.

Gyrus took off running as fast as his feet could take him, ignoring the pain that flared up in every part of his body. The street lights flickered and he narrowly avoided being hit by a car without its lights on. He kept running. He couldn’t stop.

Bam! He ran into someone and toppled over. He couldn’t make out their face, but the feminine slender figure definitely wasn’t Don.

“Ack, sorry! Are you okay?” The person rubbed their palm on their forehead where the pair had collided and offered a hand to Gyrus.

Gyrus stood up on his own, wary of anyone else. He tried to speak but couldn’t.

He could see the person more clearly now. Long blue hair flowed past and behind their ears into a high ponytail, and their silvery blue eyes pierced him. …Maria!

He realized he must look pathetic. He was covered in cuts, bruises, welts, and even some disfigurations, courtesy of Don. The street lights were beginning to make his head hurt.

The woman grabbed him by his upper arms, making him wince. “Gyrus! Oh my god, I found you! What happened to you?!” Maria exclaimed, eyes raking over him.

Gyrus stared in silence and heard Don’s heavy footsteps approaching. “He’s coming,” he whispered, snapping his neck around to see Don gaining on them.

“What?! Who? Gyrus–”

I can’t let him get her, too, he realized. His eyes glazed over in defeat.

In a split second, he chose to rip himself out of Maria’s arms and shove her and his phone into the ditch beside them with the rest of his strength, out of Don’s sight, then promptly collapsed onto the sidewalk. He had no more energy whatsoever. “He’s going to kill me,” he sobbed quietly, his voice horribly hoarse.

He didn’t hear a noise out of the ditch. If he had any luck, Maria would be knocked out so she wouldn’t stupidly come running after him. The footsteps came faster and faster until Don was above him.

His captor stepped on his limp back. “Bad idea, amigo,” Don snarled into his ear. He clamped something around his neck and dragged him along, burning his skin against the concrete.

Gyrus sobbed silently as he was dragged away and the street lights faded, his limbs flailing uselessly. At least she’s safe… he thought, slipping away.

The next day, Gyrus woke up to a metallic taste. Blood, but also…

His head was locked in some metal contraption, and his limbs were now bound in metal chains. There would be no escaping now. Additionally, he was no longer in the same place. The place was definitely not even the same building. It wasn’t a house. It looked like an abandoned restaurant, various matching tables and chairs scattered across the floors, yellowed and ripped up menus adorning them.

For what felt like an eternity, he kept passing in and out of consciousness, fading back in whenever his captor felt generous enough to offer him water or expired food, usually in what appeared to be a dog bowl. He could feel himself losing more and more weight each and every day, his ribs becoming more pronounced whenever he was lucky enough to be in a position to catch a glance of his bloodied and broken self.

After a while, the man’s ‘experiments’ became less frequent, leaving Gyrus completely alone for up to days at a time. It was better than the alternative, at least, but he was slowly being driven to madness. Eventually, the last visit came. But the man wasn’t there to do his usual business. He was there to collect Gyrus and drop him back by the dumpster where it had all started, likely leaving him to bleed out.

Chapter 2: Everything is Fine


Thank the stars, it's Kodya!

Chapter Text

“Hey,” a voice whispered. “Hey!”

Gyrus stirred. His senses were dulled, as per usual.

“Oh, thank God, you’re alive… Listen, I’m going to get you out of here.”

Huh? Gyrus took in the situation. This voice… was not his captor’s.

“Are you okay?” the person asked, attempting to untie the ropes.

“Nnh-mmph,” Gyrus tried to reply unsuccessfully.

The person scowled. “Ugh, they even gagged you… Here.” They lifted the bag and ripped the gag out.

“Haah!” Gyrus gasped, sucking in the air he had previously been so ungrateful for.

“Oh f*ck,” the person muttered upon seeing Gyrus.

“Whh?” Gyrus responded, in a daze. I probably look like sh*t, he figured.

“Nothing.” The person shuddered and patted his back, behind which his wrists were still bound. It wasn’t metal anymore, but the new ropes were thick. “Sorry, these are tied tight. I could try to cut them off, but I’m worried I would accidentally cut you.”

Gyrus took a few more breaths before responding. “I-I… Just do it, p-please,” he rasped with a cough. He hadn’t spoken in so long.

He could easily be distracted by this man. The person in front of him was gorgeous. A tall, muscular man with long brown hair and a blond streak that so perfectly complemented his electric blue eyes. So unlike Don.

“Alright,” Gyrus’ rescuer sighed. “Take a deep breath. I’ll try to make this as painless as possible, but it’ll probably still hurt… I’m sorry.” He pulled out a hunting knife. A familiar sight.

Gyrus gulped. “I-it’s okay… Th-th-thank you.”

“I’m Kodya, by the way.” The man smiled sadly, starting to cut at the rope.

“Gyrus,” Gyrus replied weakly.

A few moments passed before Gyrus felt the knife press against his skin. “Ghh,” he whimpered, tensing up. It wasn’t a new feeling by any means, but seeing a new face inflicting it was startling.

“Sorry,” Kodya winced along with him. He tried stretching the last piece of rope to snap it, but it held strong.

“HEY!” a familiar voice shouted. Gyrus’ head whipped around to see Don and shuddered.

“Блять,” Kodya muttered under his breath.

“Get out of here!” Gyrus pleaded quietly.

Kodya stood up and faced Gyrus’ assailant. “Well, hello,” he growled.

He’s trying to protect me, a total stranger. Why?

“Are you asking to die, Karevic?” the man snapped harshly, advancing.

…Do they know each other?

“I’m asking you to f*ck off.” Kodya held up his knife threateningly.

Gyrus tried to stand, but he was again tied to the dumpster. Kodya… I hope you know what you’re doing, he thought desperately.

Kodya stepped closer to Gyrus’ captor, pointing his knife at the other’s neck.

Don threw a punch before Kodya could react, sending him stumbling backwards. Kodya quickly regained his composure and swiped at Don but missed, and got struck in the side as a consequence.

Kodya’s eyes widened at something Gyrus couldn’t see.


“f*ck!” Kodya screamed, grabbing his face. Don wielded a familiar bloody dagger.

“Kodya!” Gyrus cried, struggling further.

“Two can play at that game,” Kodya snarled. He lunged at the man and stabbed him in the chest.

“Gah!” Don gasped, instantly collapsing. Blood oozed out of his chest.

“Oh sh*t,” Kodya muttered as the man stopped moving. He whipped out his phone and dialed what was probably emergency services.

Did he just kill him? Gyrus wondered shakily.

“Hello? Yeah, I’ve uh, I’ve been stabbed. The bastard kidnapped someone… Kodya… Don Santiago… I think I killed him… Yes… Yeah, I’m hurt, too… Uh, Gyrus is his name, he’s alive but really beat up… Hey, what’s your last name?” He turned to Gyrus.

“Umm. Axalei. Gyrus Axalei,” Gyrus said sheepishly. I must be on the missing persons list, he realized.

Kodya knelt down beside him and sat down. “Gyrus Axalei,” he relayed into the phone. “Ah sh*t, of course... Somewhere off of ROS University. Can you trace it from my phone?... Okay.” He didn’t look at Gyrus, but spoke to him. “Help is on the way.”

“Are you okay?” Gyrus asked, wide-eyed, looking at the gash on Kodya’s face.

“I’ve had worse,” he said plainly, putting pressure on his wounded eye. “We should probably wait for the first responders to untie you. You don’t look too good yourself.”

Gyrus nodded slowly. “Is he… dead?”

Kodya looked grim but unfazed. “Probably. You might need to be my witness in court.”

The man who had tortured him for who-knows-how-long laid limp in front of him. It was a striking contrast to Gyrus’ experience at his hands. He didn’t know what he was feeling, but he didn’t want to know. All he knew was that Kodya didn’t deserve to get in trouble for saving him.

“O-of course,” Gyrus whispered. “It was clearly self-defense. It’d be illogical for you to get in trouble for that…” he trailed off, trying not to ramble. He tried to adjust in his restraints.

Kodya slipped an arm around Gyrus’ shoulder. “It’ll be okay,” he whispered, pulling him in close. Gyrus felt a tear slip and he fell into Kodya’s warm embrace. They held each other silently until help came.

Soon enough, an ambulance arrived. “I’ll see you on the flipside, okay?” Kodya smiled with baggy eyes as he was placed onto a stretcher.

“Y-yeah,” Gyrus stuttered, the other responders untying him.

He barely noticed as he slipped into unconsciousness.

When Gyrus awoke, his head was pounding, and the bright lights of the hospital room were definitely not helping.

“Well — we’re not — but he may…” a voice whispered, passing in and out of Gyrus’ ears as he came to. “He’s — Axalei — need a miracle…”

As Gyrus stirred, the voices stopped. He couldn’t move well. “Don’t move!” a frantic voice said.

Gyrus flinched, flashing back to when he had told him that countless times.

“Sorry.” The voice softened.

As Gyrus’ vision slowly returned, he looked around the room. It was all blurry, but he could tell none of the people were him. Thank the stars.

His gaze landed on one man, the one standing beside him. “Kodya,” he whispered, reaching for him. The others left the room one by one as a doctor ushered them out.

Kodya placed a hand on his. “It’s okay. You’re going to be alright.”

Gyrus slowly turned to look out the window. There was snow… but he knew, it was only Halloween. How long was I…?

“Gyrus,” Kodya gently squeezed his hand, redirecting his attention. “Do you know what, ah, month it is?”

Gyrus thought. He had been abducted in early September, but he had no idea how long he had been kidnapped beyond Halloween, nor did he have any idea how long he’d been out cold. Kodya seemed to be healed well enough. Gyrus looked down to scan his own body; he was still exceedingly malnourished, but there were no open wounds, and the unwelcome scars appeared to be at least somewhat healed over.

“...November?” he guessed, although it was rare for them to see snow so early…

Kodya sighed and sat down in the chair next to Gyrus. “It’s February, Gyrus.”

What?” Gyrus cried, abruptly sitting up and facing Kodya.

Kodya placed a hand on Gyrus’ shoulder and guided him back down. “I’ll answer any questions you have. We can save my questions for you for later.”

I was gone for that long…? Gyrus almost couldn’t believe it. And how long had he been in the hospital? He was still in pain, but it was bearable. He didn’t think anything anymore could come close to what he had gone through. A million questions buzzed through his head: who was– had been– Don? Why did he recognize Gyrus? What did he have to do with his mother? How did he know Kodya?

He decided on one question. “Are you okay?”

Kodya snorted. “Seriously? I’m not the one who went missing for four months and then fell into a three week long coma when he was found.”

“Four months and then…” Gyrus repeated in the whisper. He turned to Kodya. “But… are you okay?”

“I’m fine. Spent a couple nights in the county jail before someone named Maria bailed me out, but it turns out there were other witnesses. The trial went surprisingly quickly, especially after recovering your phone.” Kodya shrugged.

Gyrus breathed a sigh of relief. Thank you, Maria. Another question came to mind. “Um. I can’t move that well… How bad is it?”

Kodya grimaced. “Pretty bad. Lots of welts and stab wounds; honestly, it’s a miracle you didn’t get sepsis with how long they went untreated. Some pulled muscles, burns, too many fractures, evidence of multiple concussions, and a lot of damage to your eyes. Pepper spray…?”

Gyrus groaned and let his head fall back onto the pillow softly. “Anything permanent?”

“One stab wound did a lot of nerve damage to your left arm… Try moving it?”

Sure enough, his left arm only twitched a little in response. “That’s going to need lots of physical therapy,” he muttered to himself. He turned to Kodya again, taking note of the scar over his right eye. “Is that because…?”

Kodya shrugged. “Yeah. I can still see, don’t worry.”

“I’m sorry,” Gyrus sobbed quietly.

“The hell are you sorry for?” Kodya scoffed. “I’d been trying to track the bastard down for some time. He had it coming.”

“You knew him?”

Kodya went pale. “Uh… yeah. We were in the military together.”

Gyrus didn’t press further.

Kodya looked at him sadly. “Can I ask you something now?”

Gyrus nodded.

“How did you end up with him?” Kodya asked gently.

Gyrus’ shoulders sagged and he stared at the ceiling. “I was walking home and he saved me from being hit by a car,” he said. “Then he tried to get me to ‘really’ thank him, I said no, but he took me anyway…” He grimaced.

“I’m sorry,” Kodya murmured sincerely. “sad*stic bastard,” he added under his breath.

“He said something about my mom,” Gyrus muttered. “Something about her giving him a hard time before I was born, and that he was taking it out on me. But my mom died during childbirth.”

Kodya scratched his neck. “Right. Some of that was uncovered during the trial.”

Gyrus turned to him slowly, careful not to hurt himself. “Really?”

Kodya nodded. “He and Amelia were best friends until they got into an accident with his family, who died on impact. He did horrific things to her because of that. Your mother, I mean. She escaped him, but he poisoned her with something first.”

“Poison?” Gyrus breathed.

“Something to weaken you… This all happened while she was pregnant with you,” Kodya said sadly. “Don’t worry, you aren’t his,” he added quickly.

Gyrus fought to even his staggered breathing. “How was I born healthy, then?”

“You weren’t.”


“You were born extremely premature, almost three months early. You were barely alive. I guess Don paid a fortune to rewrite your medical records.”

Gyrus didn’t notice himself crying until he sniffled. “And my mom…?”

Kodya’s eyes turned downward. “She technically died during childbirth, but not due to complications with the pregnancy…”

Gyrus could infer the rest. He sobbed, Kodya held him, and he sobbed some more, then some more, and some more after that.Over the next while, Kodya continued to visit him, and Gyrus found comfort in his presence. He was his savior, after all, and he just clicked with him. He was like this missing piece that he hadn’t known was missing.

The day Gyrus was discharged, which was surprisingly soon, Maria almost tackled him, Kodya pulling her away at the last second. “Stop, he’s still healing!” he snapped. It was true; Gyrus’ skin was covered in numerous bandages and varying degrees of healed scars and burns.

Maria frowned at Gyrus. “Why didn’t you let me visit??”

They were in the parking lot of the hospital. Gyrus was supposed to be discharged the night prior, but he had refused to go out at night.

Gyrus looked at her, but the sight was blurry. He could only recognize her from the voice. “Sorry,” he whispered. His voice was still hoarse.

Maria pulled him into a soft hug. “Sorry, I’m just really happy to see you,” she said, half- laughing. “Are you okay? When I saw you that night… And those pictures…”

“I…” Gyrus breathed, remembering the night he knocked Maria out in order to save her from Don. He saved her, but Kodya had saved him. “I’m… fine. Can I talk to him?” Gyrus asked, looking at Kodya, wobbly on his feet. Kodya uncrossed his arms.

Maria pulled away, looking hurt, but allowed Kodya to support Gyrus on his feet instead. Gyrus trembled and leaned into Kodya. “Gyrus? Is something wrong?” he asked.

“Please, I just want to go home,” Gyrus sniffled. I haven’t been home in so long.

Kodya nodded. “Okay. Do you live with anyone?”

“He lives with me,” Maria said defensively.

Do they not like each other?

Kodya raised an eyebrow. “Alright.”

“Come on, Gyrus.” Maria urged him towards her.

“W-wait,” Gyrus stammered, holding onto Kodya tighter. “I don’t want to leave him.”

Maria sighed and crossed her arms. “Fine. Who even is he?”

“Do you not like him?” Gyrus asked without thinking. He flinched at the thought of speaking out of line, and Kodya pulled him in closer.

“What? No, I– Gyrus, who is he?” Maria looked confused.

“He– he–” Gyrus stuttered, starting and stopping with hesitation. He couldn’t stop thinking about the rules. “He– he’s the one that saved me.” Kodya looked at him fondly.

Maria’s expression softened. “Oh sh*t, you’re Kodya?… Of course he can come.”

The three decided that Kodya would drive with Gyrus and follow Maria to their place, and off they went.

When they arrived, Kodya led Gyrus inside.

“Home,” Gyrus breathed. He glanced around and spotted a poster that had also been on the wall there and– “No!!”

“Gyrus?!” Kodya clasped onto him, trying to steady him.

But Gyrus dropped to the floor of the living room in Kodya’s arms. He trembled but knew better than to speak… otherwise, hehe would…

“He’s not here,” Kodya whispered, rubbing circles on Gyrus’ back. “He’s gone. You’re safe.”

Gyrus stopped shaking as hard, but didn’t so much as make a squeak. Maria gave him a pitying look. “What’s wrong?”

“That poster.” Kodya pointed at the offending item.

Maria moved quickly to take it down and even went as far as to rip it apart and throw it away. She sat next to Gyrus and Kodya after. The two waited for Gyrus to speak, but he didn’t. He couldn’t.

“You can talk,” Kodya finally said, realizing the situation.

Gyrus let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding and started sobbing, letting everything out. “I’m sorry… I’m so sorry…” he muttered repeatedly.

“It’s okay,” Kodya whispered. “It’s okay.”

“Can we do anything to help?” Maria asked gently.

Gyrus sniffled. “Company is nice,” he whispered, and so the two stayed by his side.

“The doctor said you should eat some real food,” Kodya said after a while. “What’s your favorite?”

Gyrus thought about that. “I… can’t remember.” He turned to Maria expectantly.

Maria looked at him, eyes narrowed in thought. “You really liked 만두,” she said.

“Oh!” Gyrus smiled for the first time in a long time. The others smiled, too, and Maria got up and headed towards the kitchen.

Now alone with Kodya, Gyrus turned to him. “What do you like?”

“Hmm,” Kodya hummed, “I like пельмени, I guess.”

“Dumplings!” Gyrus said excitedly. “Right? 만두 are dumplings, too.”

Kodya chuckled. “You’re really cute.”

Gyrus felt like a tomato for a moment. “Huh?”

“Sorry, was that crossing a line?”

“N-no! I just wasn’t expecting it,” Gyrus laughed quietly. “It’s… been a while since anyone has said anything like that…”

Kodya smiled sadly. “That’s too bad. Can I tell you that more often?”

Gyrus thought his heart might explode. “I-I guess??”

“See, this is what I mean,” Kodya laughed, gesturing at a very flustered Gyrus.

Gyrus covered his face with his good arm. “Thank you,” he whispered.

“Of course,” Kodya murmured.

The pair talked for hours as Maria prepared dinner, learning more about each other and catching Gyrus up on real-world events. A lot had happened, and it dawned on Gyrus that he would likely have to redo an entire year of college. He decided that was a problem for later; he, quite literally, was only functioning halfway.

He broke me, Gyrus thought. After everything, he was right. He sniffled and Kodya patted his back gently.

Gyrus barely felt himself drifting off, but as always, it was a welcome rest.

“Please! No!” Gyrus shrieked, flinching away from his captor’s rapier.

“Don’t remember lesson one?” his captor jeered. Without warning, he plunged the rapier into and through Gyrus’ knee and into the ground, trapping him.

Gyrus couldn’t help but scream, earning him a stamp to the stomach, sending him into a coughing fit as Don ripped out the rapier. He fought himself to stay silent so as to not provoke his captor further.

“It’s quite nice, really,” Don sighed, “seeing someone so helpless and utterly devastated. It’s exhilarating.”

I hate you, Gyrus cried internally. I hate you. I hate you!

Don stabbed the rapier into Gyrus’ side, yanked it out, and stabbed it back in the same place.

Gyrus pressed his eyes shut as hard as he could until even that hurt, knowing he couldn’t make a sound. He tensed all his muscles and sobbed silently, allowing the monster hovering over him to repeatedly wreak havoc on his body, somehow managing not to kill him...

He almost wished Don would just kill him…

===== WARNING: This scene contains graphic depictions of self-harm. Scroll until you see another message formatted like this if you would like to skip it. =====

When Gyrus startled awake without new physical pain, he instead felt it mentally. Not so much of a welcome rest anymore. He was so used to physical pain that being without it felt like a dream… Was this even real? Was this just another part of his nightmare? Kodya was by his side, asleep, but it could easily still be a dream. He had to make sure.

He dug his fingernails into his palm. It hurt, but he barely noticed it. It could still be a dream. Kodya had a hunting knife, he knew… and Kodya was asleep. He reached over and into his pocket. Bingo!

The reflected light of the metal was all too familiar, and it sent a wave of calmness over him. He sighed in relief… but it could still be a dream. Anxiety like this wasn’t new for Gyrus. Just as Don had many times before, Gyrus quickly lodged the knife deep into his shoulder before his good arm which held the knife gave out, still weak. Sharp pain shot down his arm and up his neck, and he heaved a sigh of relief. This is real. He was very familiar with the pain; he didn’t so much as flinch. It reassured him.

He shakily put the bloody knife down and to the side and sighed again, breathing deeply. That was one problem solved, but now he was bleeding onto Kodya. Oh no. He cringed with realization that that was an issue.

It was too late to do anything about it, though. Kodya was already stirring, and the blood seemed to alert him further. “Gyrus?!”

Gyrus frowned. “S-sorry,” he said, still not used to being able to speak. I shouldn’t have…

“О Боже, what happened?” Kodya yelped, eyes raking over Gyrus’ injury.

Don’t look at me like that, Gyrus pleaded internally. “I-I thought I might be dreaming,” Gyrus muttered, voice shaking. Kodya took notice of his hunting knife on the floor.

“You did this to yourself?!” Kodya said, staring at the knife in disbelief. “With–”

“I had to make sure it was real!” Gyrus spat out. “Because if it wasn’t, I’d wake up and still be there…

Kodya stood up abruptly. “Maria!” he called out, running towards the kitchen.

What’s he doing? Gyrus wondered, eyes dancing between Kodya and Maria from around the corner. He couldn’t quite make out what they were saying, but Kodya rushed back after a moment.

“Come on, we’re going to get you fixed up,” Kodya said, pulling Gyrus to his feet.

“What do you mean?” Gyrus mumbled, reluctantly following Kodya.

“Your wound,” Kodya said, leading him to the kitchen and bending him over the sink.

“Kodya?!” Gyrus flinched out of the way.

Kodya pulled away. “I’m just tending to your wound. I promise I won’t hurt you.”

Gyrus eyed him for a moment before bending back over the sink. He won’t hurt me. He won’t hurt me. He’s not like him. He won’t hurt me, he repeated to himself in his mind.

He watched as Kodya cleaned his self-inflicted wound and stitched it up, looking at him sadly when he didn’t even notice the stitching. Kodya then added a new bandage and led him to the couch.

“Gyrus,” Kodya said softly. “That’s your bad arm. If you do that, it’ll be harder to get back to moving it.”

“Okay,” Gyrus said, unblinking.

“That does not mean you can stab yourself somewhere else,” Kodya said sternly, guessing his thoughts.

Gyrus glared at him. “How do I know if this is real or not, then?”

===== End self-harm warning=====

“This is real,” Kodya reassured him. “If you ever need to check, just look at your hand. In dreams, it would be distorted. You’d have a weird amount of fingers or it would be a weird color. You’d know.”

Gyrus blinked and considered that. He glanced at his hand, which looked normal. “...Huh.”

Kodya gave him a weak smile before looking at the floor. “I get the feeling. Nothing about this is what you’re used to anymore.”

That was uncomfortably true.

“In the military, every decision was do or die,” Kodya continued. “Once you’re back somewhere peaceful, your guard never really goes back down.”

Gyrus nodded and Kodya slipped an arm around his shoulder in comfort. “Sometimes it feels like it’d be easier to go back,” Kodya murmured. Gyrus could feel his soothing voice vibrating.

“I think that’s what I’m feeling,” Gyrus whispered in agreement. He glanced at his hand again: five fingers, normal color.

“Dinner’s ready!” Maria called. Gyrus’ stomach growled immediately.

Kodya snickered and pulled Gyrus to his ever-unsteady feet and led him to the dining table.

“I tried my best,” Maria said. “It’s not perfect, but try it out?” She cracked a smile.

Gyrus bent over to eat it directly as he had done for months, but flinched at the last second and shot back up. The pair looked at him sadly, but not with pity, so he tried picking up the fork. It was harder than it looked, seeing as he hadn’t fed himself in months. Even the hospital had used a feeding tube.

After many failed attempts and fork-droppings, Kodya took the fork and fed him.

Gyrus immediately relaxed and savored the taste. It definitely wasn’t perfect, but it was the best damn thing he’d ever tasted. He swallowed and looked at Maria. “Thank you…”

Maria gave him a sad smile and turned to Kodya. “You. Eat,” she commanded, pointing her own fork at him.

“I’m fine,” Kodya huffed. His stomach promptly growled and he averted his gaze.

Gyrus bumped his shoulder with his own, forgetting about the wound. “It’s really good, try it.”

Kodya sighed and forked another dumpling into Gyrus’ mouth before eating one of his own. He instantly softened.

The trio ate and talked and laughed together until it was past dark, and Maria forced Kodya to stay the night. It was more than Gyrus could ask for, but he found himself giving in and falling asleep.

“I said don’t f*cking move!” Don growled, slugging Gyrus as he poured boiling water over his left hand, the wrist of which was nailed to something metal.

Gyrus tried his best to still himself, internally screaming at the searing pain. Why, why why? he thought repeatedly, trying to pull back into his mind. Every time he almost succeeded, Don slugged him again to bring him back to reality.

Don grabbed Gyrus’ hair and tugged it so he was facing him, mere inches from his face. He dug his fingernails into his scalp and cracked a wicked grin, pouring the rest of the boiling water and watching as Gyrus fought as hard as he could to not move, trembling in the process.

The man finally pulled away, the rope attached to Gyrus’ collar in his grip, dragging him towards the wall on which his weapons were displayed. The rusty nail attaching Gyrus’ wrist to the metal ripped through his arm.

f*ck! No, no, no! No more! Gyrus cried to himself, wriggling against his will and scratching at his neck with his good arm.

Don tugged especially hard on the collar, forcing coughs out of Gyrus until he stilled himself again.

Gyrus watched with bleary eyes as his captor plucked his choice of weapon off the wall: pliers.

No, no! Gyrus thought. “Mmmh! Nnh!” he fought, squirming. This is the worst one!

He tried to steel himself for the inevitable…

“HAAH!” Gyrus screamed, bolting up in a cold sweat. “No, no, no…” he sobbed. He quickly glanced at his right hand. Five fingers. Normal colors. Nails attached. “f*ck…” he whimpered. The pain of the nightmare still lingered.

“Gyrus?” Kodya was by his side, a hand on his shoulder.

“No, stop!” Gyrus swatted his hand away. “Don’t…”

“It’s just me,” Kodya said gently, moving so Gyrus could see his face.

Gyrus stared at him for a moment before burying his face in his chest and sobbing.

“It’s okay,” Kodya whispered, stroking his hair.

“I thought he was gonna…”

“He’s gone,” Kodya said firmly.

Gyrus nodded and Kodya wiped away his tears. “I’m sorry,” he whispered.

Kodya shook his head. “You have nothing to be sorry for.”

The two were sleeping together on Gyrus’ bed by his request; Gyrus had bigger issues to worry about than being embarrassed. He glanced at the clock: 3:36 AM. “Don’t you have work later…?” he asked quietly.

“Not on Tuesdays,” Kodya said. “But don’t worry about it, alright?”

Gyrus met his gaze. “Thank you for everything,” he murmured.

Kodya soothed him until he fell back asleep, and no nightmares plagued him for the rest of the night. He didn’t have normal dreams, either, but that didn’t bother him in the slightest. A peaceful sleep was all he needed.

“Hey,” a voice whispered.

Gyrus stirred. His senses weren’t dulled, which was odd until he realized where he was. Home.

“Kodya?” Gyrus rubbed his eyes. The clock read 10:30 AM.

“Yep,” Kodya yawned, stretching and cracking his back. “Come on, it smells like Maria made us breakfast.” He extended a hand to Gyrus with a genuine smile.

Gyrus returned the smile warmly.

It turned out Maria had made pancakes, much to his and Kodya’s delight. He still had a hard time moving, so Kodya fed him again. It was endearing, really.

“Gyrus,” Maria said softly. “How do you feel about talking to some friends?”

Gyrus stiffened. He hadn’t talked to much of anyone since he’d returned from captivity a month prior, although he was in a coma for most of it. “...Who?” he asked.

“Everyone’s been dy– wanting to talk to you,” Maria admitted, “but I’ve been holding them off for now.”

“Thank you,” Gyrus said. “I guess that’s okay.”

Kodya smiled. “I’m proud of you,” he said quietly, making Gyrus smile ever so slightly.

“I’ll call up Knox and Alastair, is that alright?” Maria asked.

Gyrus nodded. “It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”

“It has.” Maria pulled out her phone, tapped some buttons, and it started ringing.

“Maria?” Knox’s voice said at the same time Alastair’s said “Hello, beautiful!”

“Hey, Gyrus is with me,” Maria said, sighing at Alastair’s greeting.

“Gyrus. Are you well?” Knox asked through the phone.

Gyrus laughed bittersweetly. “I’m doing better, thank you.”

“It is good to hear your voice again, Gyrus.”

Alastair spoke up next. “Gyrus! You’re here! What happened to you?”

Gyrus grimaced and turned away from the phone, and Kodya frowned. “Seriously?” he muttered.

“Ooh, a new voice! Who are you?” Alastair said excitedly through the phone.

“Get your act together, weirdo,” Maria snapped at him, somewhat affectionately. “Do you even know what Gyrus has been through?”

“No, that’s why I asked!”

Maria took a toothpick Gyrus hadn’t noticed out of her teeth. “Did you not see him on the missing persons’ list?”

Silence befell the call for a moment. “Affirmative. I was most worried,” Knox said.

“Thanks, I think,” Gyrus said quietly. “Kodya, can you explain? I don’t want to…”

“Of course,” Kodya said. “You can plug your ears if you want to.”

Gyrus shook his head. “I’m fine, I just don’t want to say it.”

“Alright.” Kodya folded his arms on the table. “Five months ago, Gyrus was assaulted and kidnapped by a man named Don Santiago. He was tortured for four months until Don got bored and threw him away. I found him beaten and tied up by a dumpster and ended up accidentally killing the bastard. Don, I mean.”

Maria remained quiet for a moment, but a dark look crossed her face. “A couple months into his capture, he tried to escape,” Maria choked out. “He texted me. I found him shortly after… He was skin and bones, dried blood covered half his body, and he had literal pieces missing from his arms…” She hung her head. “I couldn’t do anything. Don gained on him too fast so he shoved me away to save me… I swear I heard him say ‘he’s gonna kill me’...

She heard that…?

“Don Santiago. Yes, I know of him,” Knox said after a few moments. “He was on the most wanted list for quite a while. Assuming your story is accurate, he deserved what became of him.”

“Yes he f*cking did,” Kodya muttered. “You should’ve seen how beat up Gyrus was. It was so f*cked up.”

“I’m so sorry,” Maria cried quietly, placing a hand on Gyrus’.

Gyrus finally locked eyes with her, feeling the tears forming. He didn’t speak.

“I searched all over for you before and after your escape… You just disappeared without a trace until I saw that you’d been found on the news, and I traced the story to Kodya’s imprisonment… His bail was $50,000, you know,” Maria sobbed.

“What?!” Kodya yelped. “How did you–”

“I have my ways,” Maria interrupted. “Besides, most of it got reimbursed by Don’s crew.”

Kodya looked down, his eyes wide.

“Thank you,” Gyrus said for the he-didn’t-know-how-many-th time to Maria. He turned to Kodya. “You didn’t know your own bail?”

“I remember it being big, but I was a little out of it at the time,” Kodya muttered. “And we were questioned separately, so…”

The five talked for a bit until Maria got sick of Alastair and hung up, which didn’t take long. The remaining three then chatted for a while before Gyrus realized he had a check-up appointment at the doctor’s.

Kodya took him in, and with Gyrus’ permission, went into the back with him.

“Neph? You’re his doctor?!” he exclaimed as soon as the doctor walked in.

“Kody? What’re you doing with Gyrus?” Dr. Nephthys asked.

“You know each other?” Gyrus asked, bewildered.

Kodya laughed. “She’s my best friend!”

Dr. Nephthys laughed a little, too. “Oh dear. Well, let’s look you over,” she said softly, eyeing Gyrus.

“R-right,” Gyrus stammered, allowing the doctor to examine him.

“Oh, Gyrus,” she whispered, taking note of all of his injuries. “I’m so sorry, dear. You’ve been through so much.”

“At least Kodya saved me,” Gyrus muttered.

Dr. Nephthys turned to Kodya. “Ah,” she sighed, “of course.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Kodya huffed.

She ignored him and went back to Gyrus’ injuries. “Which hospital did you go to?”

“Um, Saint Paul’s?”

The doctor cringed. “Ugh, of course. I’m going to order an x-ray right away.”

“Is– is something wrong?” Gyrus asked, voice hitching.

“You have many broken bones, dear,” Dr. Nephthys said softly. “I fear some may require surgery.”

Gyrus stared at her. “No.”

“Gyrus…” Kodya murmured.

“No!” Gyrus snapped. “I don’t want anyone cutting me open!” He started to shake. Not anymore! Not now that I’m in control of it!

“I’m sorry, Gyrus.” The doctor reached for him. “If we don’t do this, they may never fully heal.”

Gyrus pushed her away. “I don’t care! I don’t want anything to do with this!”

“Gyrus, snap out of it!” Kodya snapped back. Gyrus turned to him sharply, but he kept talking. “I know it’s hard. I know that first hand! But you won’t feel a thing!” He took Gyrus’ hands in his own. “Don’t let him get in the way of your healing!”

“I…” Gyrus choked out.

Please,” Kodya said, squeezing his hands.

Gyrus looked down. He’s right, he admitted to himself. “Okay…”

“Let’s get you back to the lab,” the doctor said, gesturing for Gyrus to come with her. “Actually… let’s put you on wheels first.” She placed him in a wheelchair.

The pair followed her, Kodya wheeling Gyrus into the x-ray room after he changed into an uncomfortable gown. After a few minutes of instructions and awkward shuffling, it was over and they headed to the waiting room.

Kodya held Gyrus as they waited, letting Gyrus get his feelings out in tears until Dr. Nephthys returned, beckoning them back into a room.

The doctor looked grim, and Kodya squeezed Gyrus’ hand as he trembled. “You have a total of thirteen broken bones,” the doctor said, starting to count on her fingers, “three of which are comminuted, four are transverse or segmental, one is spiral, and the rest are greenstick. Five require surgery. Your shoulder is also dislocated, but we can fix that here.”

“I don’t know what any of that means, but it sounds bad,” Gyrus shuddered.

“...It is. I don’t know how the doctors at the hospital missed it all. You shouldn’t even be walking.”

“How have you not been in pain?” Kodya asked incredulously.

Gyrus turned to stare at him with blank eyes. “I have been in the worst pain in my life for five months straight.”

Kodya’s mouth opened and closed a few times. “...I suppose you stabbed yourself without hesitation…”

“You did what now?” Dr. Nephthys questioned, putting her arms on her hips and furrowing her eyebrows in worry.

Gyrus turned to glare at the doctor and tried crossing his arms, forgetting one was effectively paralyzed.

“Are you having suicidal thoughts, Gyrus?”

“What?” Gyrus startled. “N-no, not really… I just wasn’t sure I wasn’t in a dream.”

The doctor let out a sigh of relief and pinched the bridge of her nose.

“Wait, what do you mean ‘not really’?” Kodya asked, voice hitching.

“Do you think I want to live with these memories?” Gyrus mumbled. “I’d give anything to go back and not be there at that time.”

“Gyrus–” Kodya started.

“Unfortunately, you’re stuck with us,” Dr. Nephthys interrupted with a small smile. “Although, I’m inclined to believe that we’re not all that bad.”

“Can we just go home?” Gyrus murmured, tugging on Kodya’s armband.

The doctor scratched her neck. “As much as I’d like to send you home to rest, we should do what we can for now and schedule your surgeries.”

Gyrus nodded after a moment and let Dr. Nephthys patch him up as much as she could, which included relocating his shoulder. Unsurprisingly, the pain didn’t faze him. She then sent the pair on their way.

“You know, I was a soldier on the front lines and even I don’t have as high a pain tolerance like that,” Kodya said as he wheeled Gyrus to the car.

Gyrus grunted something unintelligible in reply and slid into the car. Kodya hoisted the wheelchair into the trunk and slid in next to him.

The two rode home in silence, Gyrus staring out the window. Nothing is ever going to be the same, he realized. Not the way it was before. He watched as his reflection shed a single tear.

When they got home, Kodya carried Gyrus inside before going back out to retrieve the chair.

Maria gaped at him, eyeing his casts and splints. “Holy sh*t.”

Gyrus glared at her in return. “Don’t pity me.” He pitied himself enough. He didn’t need this stupid chair and care drawing attention to his dismal state.

“I’m not!” Maria’s palms shot up. “It’s just… You’re so strong, Gyrus. I’m glad that monster is dead. I would have killed him if not…” she muttered under her breath.

“Trust me, you don’t want that on your conscience,” Kodya said grimly, rolling the wheelchair inside.

“I don’t care,” Maria spat.

“How long will it be until I can walk again?” Gyrus asked.

Kodya raised an eyebrow. “...A long time. It’s really bad, Gyrus.”

“I could walk just fine before this,” Gyrus grumbled.

“Yeah, sure, because you have a hellishly high pain tolerance and didn’t notice your own bones splintering.” Kodya plopped himself down next to Gyrus.

The three sat in silence for a few minutes.

“...Is he really dead?” Gyrus whispered.

“Yes.” Kodya held an arm out, offering a hug, and Gyrus took it.

“I almost don’t want him to be,” Gyrus laughed. “Isn’t that crazy? Am I crazy?”

Maria and Kodya remained silent for only a heartbeat before Maria spoke. “...No. I think what he did just messed with your mind,” she said.

“No, you’re not crazy. You’re just hurt,” Kodya added.

For hours and hours, the trio talked and talked until Gyrus felt the familiar pull of exhaustion creeping up on him. He allowed Kodya to bring him to his room. It didn’t take long after that for him to fall asleep.

Chapter 3: Even Now


A little spice after something not so nice.

Chapter Text

Months passed by, and soon enough, it was August and Gyrus was back in school. He adjusted his bag strap and wheeled into the building, Maria by his side.

He knew he looked different. His hair was longer, many scars and old burns adorned his skin, and his arm had an eternal twitch. He had taken to wearing more modest clothes to cover his scars, in contrast to his previously usual loose outfits, but it was almost impossible to hide everything. The reminders of his abuse covered just about every inch of his body. Of course, the most obvious change was his inability to walk without aid.

Maria walked him down the halls, but it didn’t stop the stares. Those that used to be friendly faces now looked at him with a mixture of disgust and pity.

They arrived at Gyrus’ first class and he waved goodbye to Maria, not without a tremendous amount of anxiety. He slowly rolled in, wary of familiar faces.

“Gyrus?” a familiar voice called. He flinched and looked up to see Tori. He cracked a small smile and went to place himself next to her.

“Tori. Long time no see,” he laughed bittersweetly, setting his bag on the floor.

Tori returned the small smile. “It is good to see you, Gyrus. I saw the story on the news.”

“Let’s not talk about that,” Gyrus suggested. His therapist had advised as much until he was ready.

“Ah, my apologies,” Tori said sheepishly. “I must warn you of something, though. I believe a woman by the name of Ragan Turgard is planning something against you.”

Gyrus paused and stared at the desk in front of him. Why did that name sound so familiar? Calm down. Kodya taught you how to defend yourself. You’ll be okay, he reassured himself.

Class came and went, and Tori left for her next class in the opposite direction, leaving Gyrus on his own.

A blonde woman approached him as soon as he was in a quiet area. A sense of dread washed over him.

“Are you Gyrus Axalei?” the woman barked out.

Gyrus froze, immediately forgetting everything Kodya had taught him.

“I thought so.” The woman laughed devilishly, a sound Gyrus hadn’t heard in half a year.

The woman he presumed was Ragan snagged the collar of his shirt and Gyrus couldn’t unfreeze himself. The situation was all too disgustingly familiar. She pulled him out of his wheelchair and slammed him against the cold wall, grinning wickedly.

“Kgh!!” Gyrus whimpered, struggling around Ragan’s grip. It was hard to breathe, let alone move.

“I figured you’d be a weakling,” she laughed. Gyrus wriggled beneath her, but Ragan had him pinned. “Don’t make this harder than it needs to be.” The words pierced his heart and he felt faint.

Ragan punched him in the stomach and dropped him to the ground. He coughed but couldn’t move much further; his body was too weak after just one hit.

“Not even gonna try?” Ragan scoffed.

“P-please, don’t,” Gyrus managed to squeak out, shrinking into himself.

“Heh.” Ragan roughly grabbed his wrist and dragged him along the hall, Gyrus squirming as his wheelchair quickly seemed to get smaller and smaller.

Gyrus tried to struggle, but her grip was even stronger than Don’s. “Please!” he cried weakly.

He was thrown into a closet and Ragan closed the door behind them. He heard the flip of a switchblade.

“No!!” Gyrus screamed as loud as he could, flinging his arms over his face protectively.

Ragan promptly covered his mouth with her hand. “This is what you get for what you did to Don.” She grabbed his wrists, holding them to his mouth and shoving him against the wall.

Gyrus trembled under her grip. “Mmnh!” he tried to cry, squirming to no avail. He felt the cold blade press against his chest. “NNNH!” he grunted as the knife slid in.

Not again!! he thought as his body gave out and he went limp. Kodya, I’m sorry…

The door suddenly slammed open and Ragan hissed. In a rage, she drew the knife out and stabbed it into his bad shoulder.

Gyrus couldn’t make anything else out as he slipped under.

The room faded in and out as Gyrus blinked himself awake. Some people were talking… Kodya? He let his eyes focus. He was in one of Neph’s rooms at the office.

“How was Ragan at R.O.S.?!” Kodya was saying.

“I wish I knew,” someone else replied with a sigh. “At least she’s in custody again.”


Gyrus quickly took a mental scan of his body. There were definitely new bandages on his neck and chest, and he felt the familiar throb of fresh stab wounds. He was also hooked up to several monitors which hurt his ears. He groaned.

“Gyrus!” Kodya exclaimed, rushing to his side. Nephthys smiled and quietly left the room.

Gyrus met his eyes with a tired smile. “How long…?”

“Don’t worry, you’ve only been out for a few hours,” Kodya reassured him. “She missed anything important. You’ll be okay, I promise.”

“...Okay,” Gyrus sighed weakly. “Kodya?”

Kodya’s eyes gleamed with worry. “Da?”

Gyrus snickered at the Russian answer. “I just wanted to say thank you.”


“I’ve gotten to know you so well over the past six months, and you’ve done everything possible to help me,” Gyrus murmured. “If anything happens to me… I want you to know this first.”

“Don’t talk like that,” Kodya pleaded, taking his hand.

“I love you.”

Kodya blinked. “What?”

Gyrus laughed, coughed, and laughed again. “Y-you heard me.”

“Don’t joke like that, you’ll get my hopes up…” Kodya gasped, a tear forming in his eye.

Gyrus gripped his hand. “I’m not joking.” He stared into Kodya’s shining eyes. They danced like stars about to collide.

“Gyrus…” Kodya choked out.

“I get it if you don’t feel the same.”

“No, that’s not it! It’s just… Are you sure? And it’s not just because I saved you?”

Gyrus gave him a look. “You think I’ve cuddled you almost every night for the last six months just because?”

“And you think I did that because I liked you platonically?” Kodya countered.

Gyrus smiled weakly. “You love me back?”

Kodya threw his arms around Gyrus, making sure not to use too much force. “Idiot. I love you so much.”

Gyrus accepted the warm embrace, although he couldn’t do much to reciprocate. Kodya didn’t seem to mind. He was just perfect like that.

“I’m sorry, I’m really tired,” Gyrus admitted quietly. “I might… rest.”

Kodya pulled away. “Okay. Do you want to go home?”

But Gyrus was already asleep.

Kodya chuckled a little and sat down next to Gyrus. He stroked his emerald green hair, admiring the way it flowed around his shoulders. Every inch of this man was perfect, and his heart ached knowing how much pain he’d had to endure.

Was he usually this still as he slept?... No. The monitors started beeping loudly and everything fell apart as time seemed to slow down, only for it to quadruple its pace as Gyrus quickly flatlined and stopped breathing.

Kodya didn’t waste a second. He shot up just as Nephthys rounded the corner. His training kicked in and he started compressions. No time to think, he just had to move. He was not losing Gyrus, especially not right now.

After several intense minutes of CPR and electric shocks, Gyrus started breathing again and his heartbeat rose steadily. Kodya let out the biggest sigh of relief he thought he had ever released and fell back into his chair.

Nephthys continued to monitor Gyrus as Kodya caught his breath and brought himself back to reality. It all happened so fast, his brain couldn’t keep up. His brain had gone into overdrive immediately. It reminded him of the more unpleasant parts of his deployment.

Once Gyrus was stable, which took a few hours, Nephthys gave the all-clear and sent him home with Kodya. “Do not hesitate to call me if anything happens,” Nephthys warned him.

Gyrus woke up in his bed at home, but the looming sense of dread hadn’t left.

To make matters worse, Kodya wasn’t there.

He stared at the ceiling for a few minutes before Kodya walked in and his wonderful blue eyes lit up. “You’re awake!”

“Hey,” Gyrus managed to say, softly.

Kodya ran over to him and seized his hands. “You almost gave me a heart attack,” he laughed sadly.

Gyrus blinked at him.

“You… stopped breathing. Your heart stopped, Gyrus.”

“...Oh.” No wonder he’d had that overwhelming sense of dread. “One step back into school and I land back in the hospital and my heart stops.” He laughed, pressing a hand to his forehead.

Kodya leaned his head on Gyrus’ arm and shook in silent laughter. After a moment, he lifted his head back up and locked eyes with Gyrus. “I have a secret,” he said.

“Yeah?” Gyrus smiled, urging him on.

“I’m actually back in school, too.”

“Huh??” Gyrus gripped Kodya’s face, eyes wide. “When? Where? What??”

Kodya smiled and snickered. “This semester. Your school. Veterinary medicine.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?!” Gyrus cried. His left arm twitched and he accidentally slapped Kodya.

Kodya only laughed, being used to the twitches. Physical therapy hadn’t fixed everything. “You inspired me to go back… I was going to surprise you at the dining hall,” he said. “It didn’t quite work out.”

“This is great!” Gyrus was practically bouncing into Kodya’s arms and pulling him onto the bed. “We can be the school’s power couple!”

Kodya blushed and adjusted himself on the bed. “Power couple?”

“You can stay by my side and protect me,” Gyrus said, closing the distance between his and Kodya’s faces as they laid side by side.

“Now, that I can do,” Kodya whispered. He let Gyrus pull him into a kiss.

Kodya’s lips were soft against his, gentle but wild. He savored the taste and fluttered his eyes closed, relaxing in Kodya’s embrace, not wanting this one perfect moment to end.

“You’re so silly,” Kodya laughed into his mouth.

“You say that as if you aren’t equally as guilty,” Gyrus protested with a giggle, biting at Kodya’s lip.

A small moan escaped Kodya and he leaned in further, tentatively tapping his tongue against Gyrus’ lips. Gyrus let him in and they explored each other’s mouths, probing deeper and making louder noises.

“Kodya…” Gyrus panted, briefly pulling away.

“Mmh?” Kodya hummed, eyes half-lidded.

Gyrus tapped their noses together. “Mark me.”

Kodya’s eyes flew open. “Mark you?”

Gyrus tugged at the bottom of his shirt. “Mark me,” he repeated. As if to show him what he meant, he adjusted positions and breathed a puff of hot air on Kodya’s neck.

Kodya shook beside him. “I-I would love to, but are you sure?”

Gyrus smirked and sat up with surprising strength, pulling his loose shirt up and over his head. Underneath, he wore a compression shirt for his wounds, but there was plenty of space for Kodya to ravage. He laid down and tugged Kodya closer.

“But your scars, you said–” Kodya stammered, staring at the newly exposed Gyrus, but Gyrus pressed a finger to his lips.

“I know,” Gyrus whispered. “I trust you.”

Kodya heard enough and pushed himself on top of Gyrus with a sly grin, straddling him. He leaned down and placed a wet kiss just below Gyrus’ ear.

Gyrus let a lewd moan fall from his lips as Kodya bit at his ear lobe, kissing lower and lower until hitting his clavicle and sucking hard.

“Kodya… Ngh!” Gyrus panted, arching his back in pleasure.

Kodya glanced up at up and smirked, but kept sucking and biting. He inched back up and caught Gyrus’ Adam’s apple with his teeth.

“f*ck,” Gyrus whimpered. He’d never felt so good before.

“Can I touch you?” Kodya asked suddenly.

Please,” Gyrus whined. He didn’t care if he was begging. This felt too good to stop.

His partner smirked and placed a feather-light touch on his inner thigh, resuming the onslaught of Gyrus’ neck at the same time.

Gyrus shuddered and felt his heart race. Wait, he thought. My heart literally just stopped, I probably shouldn’t…

Kodya seemed to make that realization at the same time and pulled away. He wiped the sweat off of his forehead and pursed his lips. “Oops.”

“Pfft.” Gyrus covered his mouth in a laugh.

“For what it’s worth, that was still amazing,” Kodya said with a wink, helping Gyrus back into his shirt.

Gyrus beamed at him. “Thank you,” he whispered earnestly.

The pair headed into the living room and Gyrus noticed it was sunset. “Ugh,” he grumbled. “Now I won’t be able to sleep all night and I still have class tomorrow.”

“You seriously plan on going to class?”

Gyrus scrunched his face up. “I… I know how to deal. And I don’t want to miss more school.”

Kodya sighed. “Alright, but I’m coming with you.”

“Please do!” Gyrus smiled, seizing Kodya’s hands. “We’ll be the power couple, like I said!”

“So, are we boyfriends now, or…” Kodya scratched the back of his neck nervously.

“Duh.” Gyrus stuck his tongue out. He enjoyed the blush on his boyfriend’s face as he pulled out his laptop.

“What are you doing?” Kodya asked, sitting down with Gyrus.

“Checking the school site,” Gyrus explained. “Luckily, all my classes from last year are still available this year.” He frowned. “I still can’t believe I have to repeat an entire year.”

A warm arm wrapped around Gyrus. “At least we’re in the same year now. I stopped after my bachelor’s a couple years ago.”

Gyrus sucked in a breath. “Oh my stars, I never asked your age!”

“Of course not. You’re you,” Kodya chuckled. “I’m 24.”

“I knew you were older than me,” Gyrus groaned, “but I wasn’t sure by how much…”

Kodya squeezed Gyrus’ arm and clicked something on his laptop. “Hey!” Gyrus protested, but let Kodya pull up a tab and Google help my boyfriend is a dork.

Gyrus harrumphed and weakly crossed his arms with a twitch. “How rude. Your boyfriend got stabbed and went into cardiac arrest, and you’re calling him a–”

Kodya silenced him with a peck on the lips, leaving him reeling.

“Mmm, I dare say he enjoys it,” Kodya murmured, fiddling with Gyrus’ hair, “and that I’m only doing it to cheer him up…”

“You flirt,” Gyrus joked, lightly hitting him in the chest. He left the new tab open but moved back to the school one and looked over his syllabi.

He clicked through the classes and determined he would be okay. None had assigned homework yet. He turned to Kodya. “What’s your schedule like?”

“I actually planned mine around yours,” Kodya said without hesitation. “All my classes are pretty close to yours in terms of location, and the times are close but don’t overlap, so we can always be together.”

Gyrus blinked at him. “How did you–?”

“Worked with the registrar.”

“Of the university?!”

Kodya co*cked his head sweetly. “What else?”

Gyrus paused for a second. “I can’t believe you’ve done this,” he said with a mock English accent.

“Pfft!” Kodya startled, eyes wide, and almost doubled over.

Gyrus beamed at him and they genuinely laughed together. Maybe life really could get better, Gyrus thought.

“Gyrus. Good to see you back on your feet,” Dr. Mimi greeted him.

Gyrus stared at her from his wheelchair.

“Ahem. Who is this?” Dr. Mimi awkwardly gestured to Kodya.

“Ah, this is Kodya, my boyfriend!” Gyrus gleamed, tugging at Kodya’s sleeve.

Kodya nodded and blushed at the term, taking hold of Gyrus’ hand. “I’m here for physical assistance and protection.”

“Of course,” the professor said, nodding and gesturing for the pair to join the other students.

Kodya wheeled him halfway up the ramp of the lecture theater before Gyrus stopped him.

“Ragan,” he whispered, eyeing the brute a few rows up. She scowled at him.

“How is she not in prison?” Kodya growled under his breath, turning Gyrus around to sit somewhere near the front. It had only been a few weeks since the incident with Ragan; they hadn’t expected to see her that soon.

Class was uneventful, but Ragan approached the pair afterwards, somewhat mirroring their first encounter.

“Ragan,” Kodya hissed, stepping in front of Gyrus protectively.

“I haven’t seen you in a while,” Ragan spat.

“For good reason,” Kodya shot back.

They know each other too? Is Kodya not telling me something? Gyrus wondered painfully.

Ragan jerked her head toward an empty classroom. “We’re not settling this here.”

“Who do you take us for?” Gyrus snapped, startling both Kodya and Ragan as he wheeled to Kodya’s side. “I’m not falling for your bullsh*t again. We’re talking this out here or not at all.”

“Gyrus,” Kodya whispered, “this won’t end peacefully.”

“Hah! You’re right about one thing!” Ragan barked, not giving either of them further warning before kneeing Kodya in the groin.

“Oomf!” Kodya’s knees buckled and he grabbed Gyrus’ chair arm for support. “That’s dirty!” Kodya growled.

“Kodya, let’s leave,” Gyrus pleaded.

“LeT’s lEaVe!” Ragan mocked, bringing her hand to her forehead. She swiped Kodya’s feet out from under him and sent him toppling to the ground.

Gyrus reached for him but missed. “Kodya!”

Ragan used the opportunity to grab Kodya’s ankle and drag him across the hallway, much like what she had done to Gyrus.

Stop!” Gyrus cried, wheeling after them.

The hallway entertained more than just the three of them, but no one seemed to pay much attention to the commotion other than to move out of the way.

Kodya kicked at Ragan’s arms and freed himself, hooking an ankle around her arm and taking her to the floor. She landed with a hearty thud.

Ragan tch’d and rocketed back up. She tapped something on her ear, crossed her arms, and leaned back against a wall.

“What are you doing?” Kodya demanded, hoisting himself back up.

Ragan shrugged with a smirk.

“I asked–” Kodya slammed a hand to the wall beside Ragan– “what are you doing?”

The blond uncharacteristically flinched and shrunk.

“Excuse me.” A commanding voice came into earshot. “What do you think you’re doing?”

Dean Anan?!

“He just came at me out of nowhere!” Ragan cried, feigning innocence.

“That’s not true!” Gyrus exclaimed.

The dean considered both of them. “I’ll have to review the camera footage. For now, you are coming with me.” He put a firm hand on Kodya’s shoulder.

The situation dawned on Gyrus, and he could tell Kodya felt the same chill. “No,” Kodya murmured. “She’ll go after Gyrus! She stabbed him!”

Ragan put on a face of confusion. “You’re delusional.”

“It’s literally on the news!” Kodya retorted.

“I’ve heard enough!” Dean Anan snapped. He gripped Kodya’s shoulder and tugged him along.

Kodya yanked himself away. “No!”

“Security!” the dean whistled.

Gyrus swore he saw a smile on Ragan’s face as men in uniforms stormed the hallway. His ears rang and it wouldn’t stop. His breathing was becoming erratic. And they took Kodya.

“Kodya!!” he screamed, tailing after them, but something caught him.

“Think you’re going somewhere?”

Ragan. She was grabbing the handles of his wheelchair.

Gyrus grit his teeth and stood up. He wasn’t supposed to be standing on his own, let alone running, but he didn’t exactly have a choice. He took off.

“HEY!” Ragan ran after him.

No, no, no, no, no, Gyrus cried internally. He was greatly outmatched. Everything was going wrong!

“Ngh!” Ragan tripped Gyrus and he hit his chin and elbows on the carpet. “No! Stop!” he cried, clawing at the ground helplessly as he was dragged backwards, away from Kodya, away from safety.

He only briefly saw a flash of blue eyes before Ragan slammed the door behind them.

The room was darker than the hallway with only a bit of natural light to guide them, and it took a moment for Gyrus’ eyes to adjust. When they did, he saw exactly what he feared the most.

“This is it,” Ragan said slowly. She knelt down to Gyrus’ level where he was sitting and took his hand in hers.

Gyrus let the tears fall. If he was going to die today, there was no point in holding back. “Why? Why are you doing this?” he choked out.

“You killed Don. What did you expect?” Ragan placed the pliers in position.

“I–” Wait, but Kodya– “AAAGH!” he cried, feeling every bit of pain he had once silenced as Ragan tore off his first fingernail.

Stop screaming,” Ragan growled, eerily mirroring Don.

“Why?!” Gyrus cried. “You’re going to kill me anyway!”

Ragan silenced him by slamming his head against the wall, palming his neck and squeezing.

Kghh!” Gyrus sputtered.

I might as well use all my strength while I still can. With a burst of energy, Gyrus kneed Ragan in the chin and shot up to his feet, throwing the door open, and running as fast as his splintering legs could manage.

He tore through the hallways straight for the main office where he knew security had taken Kodya, and Ragan quickly followed suit, but he grit his teeth and pushed on. Don and Ragan had tormented him and his mind for far too long.

Just as he was about to turn the last corner, he was thrown to the ground by a familiar force. He couldn’t fight this time. He just didn’t have the strength left.

“HELP!” he screamed with all his might.

His luck was not in tune, and his pleas fell on deaf ears. He cursed as Ragan gripped his wrist again.

“If you try that again, you’ll only make this worse,” she growled in his ear. “Stop moving.”


Ragan’s head snapped to the side and Gyrus saw a petite blue haired woman facing the brute. “Cibby?” Ragan whispered quietly.

Tip, tap, tip, tap! “What are you doing??” the short woman demanded, hauling Ragan off of Gyrus with mysterious force.

While the curious woman distracted Ragan, Gyrus took his chance and got to his feet, stumbling the rest of the way to the office. By the time he swung the door open, he was bleeding from multiple orifices and was on the verge of collapsing.

He spotted Kodya being held down and tried to scramble to him, but something got in his way.

“Wow, what trouble have you gotten into now?” Dean Anan scoffed, a hand on Gyrus’ chest.

“GYRUS!” Kodya yelled at the same time Gyrus yelled “KODYA!”

He’s okay, Gyrus thought, smiling ever so slightly. He slid to his knees.

“I’m okay,” he half-whispered, half-mouthed to Kodya, allowing himself to slip under again.

Gyrus hit the ground and the security guards finally released Kodya. He wasted no time as he raced to Gyrus’ side. “О Боже, Gyrus?! Stay with me!” he cried, shaking Gyrus’ shoulders, but he was unresponsive.

Kodya whipped his head around. “This is your fault,” he snarled at the dean. “I told you this would happen!”

The dean considered Kodya and smiled. “Yeah.”

The f*ck does he mean, ‘yeah’?! Kodya fumed.

His vision temporarily blacked out as the dean kicked the back of his head, and before he could see again, he heard the click of the door closing.

Everything happened in a blur of betrayal. Gyrus was pulled away from him by one of his own school’s guards and Kodya couldn’t stop it. He was being restrained by the others again.

He fought as hard as he could, but even he was no match for six burly security guards. Pain surged through his arms as he was pinned to the floor. I’m sorry I couldn’t save you!He could feel his consciousness fading. Is this what you felt for so long? he wondered last.

Chapter 4: Lost Love


I swear every time there's a time skip or it shifts perspectives, Gyrus either dies or falls asleep or passes out.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Gyrus stirred awake to the worst possible scenario he could have possibly imagined.

The scene itself was bleak. Kodya, his savior, his love, was sat down and tied to a pole in front of him, and he was beaten, albeit mildly. The room was dark. He couldn’t tell how big it was, only that there was a dim light bulb hanging from between the poles he and Kodya were tied to. The place felt familiar, but from whence, he couldn’t place.

Gyrus took in the state of his boyfriend. He was almost stripped naked; only ripped up shorts remained. His body was peppered with bruises, his lip was torn and bleeding, and blood dripped from his nose. But he was awake and breathing heavily.

“Gyrus?” Kodya whimpered quietly.

“No… Kodya,” Gyrus cried as softly as possible. He shifted but felt the godforsaken burn of rope against his wrists. He hung his head and let the tears fall.

“You look like sh*t,” Kodya said suddenly, snapping Gyrus’ attention back to him.

“Do I?” Gyrus chuckled hoarsely. Kodya was right. He hadn’t noticed at first, but he had multiple gashes and open wounds scattered across his body, some shallow, some deep. All were accompanied by large bruises. It must have happened while he was unconscious.

He couldn’t stop himself from laughing at the situation. “How does this keep happening?” he asked rhetorically.

Kodya laughed along with him. “I don’t know, but we’re in deep sh*t now.”

The pair slowly stopped laughing. “...Yeah.” Gyrus looked around, but there was nothing more to take in. The room was simply too dark.

“It’s not that tall,” Kodya said.


“The thing you’re tied to. It’s pretty short. If you’re flexible, you might be able to get over it.”

Gyrus tried to turn to look at the pole, but it was useless. His neck was also tied in place. Instead, he turned to Kodya. “Yours is… I think it goes to the ceiling.”

Kodya looked to the side grimly. “Oh.”

“I’ll try,” Gyrus said slowly. He tried to stand up, scraping the rope against the pole. It took a few tries because he was weak and kept falling over, but he eventually made it to his feet. “How much taller is it?” he asked, panting and heaving.

“Maybe a few inches taller than you,” Kodya rasped, then coughed.

Gyrus noticed the curved, bruised line around Kodya’s neck. “Did they try to hang you?” he asked between breaths.

Kodya nodded.

Gyrus scowled.

“I need to tell you something,” Kodya murmured.

“Tell it to the whole class,” a new voice laughed.

Gyrus and Kodya turned to see a new person enter the lit area. They had long purple hair and bangs that covered their eyes.

They approached Gyrus first, who stared at them, even more shaky than normal. After a second, the person grabbed his shoulders and forced him back to the floor.

“Oof,” Gyrus muttered, hanging his head.

The person stepped below the light bulb, casting shadows on the men. “My name is Feather,” they said, “and I’m here to get some answers.”

“What could you possibly want to know now?” Kodya growled.

Feather put their hands on their hips and tossed their head. “Oh, nothing,” they whispered, leaning down to get in Kodya’s face, “maybe just how you happen to so closely know Amelia’s son.”

Gyrus squirmed in his restraints. “What does this have to do with him?” he asked desperately. “Did you know Don, too?”

“He didn’t tell you?” Feather murmured with mock sympathy. “We worked for Don.”

Kodya’s face fell into horror and his eyes darted between Gyrus and Feather.

“You…? Worked for Don?” Gyrus asked, staring at his boyfriend, voice cracking.

Feather turned and knelt beside Gyrus. “Not only that. He killed for Don.”

“No,” Gyrus whispered. “You’re messing with my head.”

“Why don’t you ask him?” Feather smirked, backing away and gesturing to Kodya.

Kodya’s face revealed the answer. He blinked at Gyrus, locking eyes, and a tear slipped.

No! Gyrus internally sobbed. Why?!

“How could you?” Gyrus cried, struggling within the ropes. “I trusted you! And you… You…!”

“You don’t understand,” Kodya said, voice hitching.

“What is there to understand?” Gyrus snapped.

And then Feather reappeared behind Kodya, holding some sort of needle to his neck. Kodya’s eyes widened but remained locked on Gyrus.

“That’s right. He betrayed you,” Feather said smoothly. “He did unimaginable things for the one that hurt you.”

Gyrus shook violently. “N-no…”

Feather continued. “He was buddy-buddy with Don…” They pressed the needle against Kodya’s skin. “Don’t you think he deserves to die?”

More tears slipped from Kodya’s eyes and he squeezed them closed, arching his neck instinctively at the needle.

Gyrus stopped to think about it. Don, he knew, was some sort of psychopathic sad*st that drew pleasure from hurting others. And Kodya, Kodya took pleasure from helping others. He would not willingly hurt others. Gyrus knew that. Don must have either forced him to kill or forced him to choose between two evils, like killing or torturing, of which Gyrus personally knew the less evil option.

With that, he came to a conclusion. “No,” he said sternly.

Feather narrowed their eyes at Gyrus and Kodya peeked his open, breathing hard.

“I-I know Kodya. If he did anything like that, it either wasn’t by choice or he had a reason.” Gyrus’ words wobbled. “And you’re not going to kill him.”

“Oh?” Feather raised an eyebrow and pressed the needle harder against Kodya’s skin, making the brunette wince.

“You need information from him,” Gyrus said simply, trying to remain calm. “This… This is just to provoke me.” He looked them in the eye. That was their plan, and he wouldn’t let them.

Feather smirked and released his neck. Kodya instantly relaxed, falling against the pole, shoulders shaking. He looked at Gyrus with an expression he couldn’t quite place.

“I underestimated you,” Feather said, putting the weapon in some sort of pouch. They quietly maneuvered their way to Gyrus, grabbed his chin, and forced him to look at his bound lover. “Kodya. Go ahead and tell him.”

Gyrus trembled beneath Feather as he watched Kodya steel himself.

“I-I did meet Don in the military,” he stuttered, sweat dripping from his brow. “He was on the other side of the war and took me prisoner. But he offered me safety in exchange for… jobs.” He shuddered.

Kodya took a moment to calm himself before speaking again. “He said all I had to do was execute whatever other prisoners he brought in.” He shook his head. “I-I-I shouldn’t have done it. They were s-soldiers from my side of the war. They had families. I…”

“But–” Gyrus tried to say, but Feather snapped his jaw shut.

Kodya glared daggers at Feather. “Feather was on the other side, too. And Ragan, and a few others. After the war, we became a sort of gang, I guess… I couldn’t leave.” He bit his lip and winced. “I knew Don had some… thing against Amelia, and that he wanted revenge, but I wasn’t part of that,” he said. “I fled when I could.”

“Even Kodya here doesn’t know the full story of Amelia,” Feather whispered into Gyrus’ ear.

“W-what do you–” Gyrus started, but Feather forced his jaw shut again. Kodya scowled.

“Do you even know who Iro is?” Feather asked Kodya.

My father? Gyrus thought, eyes wide.

Kodya paused for a moment, noticing Gyrus’ reaction. “No…” he said truthfully.

Feather turned back to Gyrus. “Iro planned and intended for the ‘accident’ to kill Don’s family.”

Gyrus could feel his heart skip a beat, but not in a good way.

“I’m surprised neither of you knew!” They barked a laugh. “Oh, yes. Iro jammed the brakes and drove the other car.”

“But my mother–”

They clapped a hand over his mouth. “Ugh, stop yapping. She wasn’t supposed to be in the car.”

But what did he have against Don? Gyrus tried to convey as much out loud, but Feather didn’t let him.

“Iro, the dumbass. Couldn’t do anything right,” Feather sighed.

“Nrrng?” Gyrus mumbled beneath Feather.

Feather smirked. “You want to know more? Your parents were in the early war.” They released Gyrus’ mouth but didn’t stop talking. “Classic enemies to lovers trope. Opposite sides of the war, fell in love, Don took advantage of that.” They leaned in close to Gyrus and whispered in his ear. “Just like he did to your dear love, Don had Iro kill for him.”

“That’s why Iro wanted revenge,” Gyrus whispered, the pieces finally falling into place. “And Don… Don killed him, didn’t he?”

Feather didn’t need to say more. They stood up and marched back to Kodya. “Alright, buddy. Speak up.”

Kodya glared at them. “What do you need to know?”

They rolled their eyes. “What are you, a goldfish? How do you know him?” They jerked their thumb at Gyrus.

“I saved him from Don,” Kodya growled.

No sh*t,” Feather growled back. “How? How did you kill Don? How did you become so close with green-head here?”

Kodya scowled at them.

“Don was going to kill both of us, so Kodya stabbed him and he bled out. We got close because he’s my savior,” Gyrus snapped. “Is that what you wanted to hear?”

Feather put Kodya’s chin in a death-grip-like vice and jerked it to face Gyrus. “I want to hear it from Kodya Karevic.” The full name sent chills down Gyrus’ spine.

Kodya trembled as he stared at Gyrus. “Fine! I stabbed him in the heart, damnit! It was on purpose! I wanted to kill him!” he yelled, his face scrunched up and eyes barely open. Tears streamed down his cheeks.

Gyrus’ mouth fell agape. Why was he so surprised? Don deserved to die after what he did to Gyrus, to his parents. After what he did to countless people. After what he did to Kodya.

Feather smirked and lifted a small device that was blinking red. “Thanks, man.”

Kodya went deathly still, eyes locked on the device. Feather clapped him on the shoulder and left the room, slamming the door shut behind them.

That was what they really came for. Evidence.

Gyrus and Kodya locked eyes for a heartbeat before Kodya tore his gaze away and sobbed.


“I’m sorry!” Kodya cried. “I f*cked everything up!”

Gyrus ached to go hug his boyfriend, but it was hopeless. They were quite literally tied up.

“I-I thought… I didn’t want to think about it. I wanted to leave it all behind. I was going to tell you… eventually…” The pain in Kodya’s voice was almost tangible. “And now Feather has evidence against me! And I won’t be able to protect you!” A sob tore itself from Kodya’s broken lips.

“Why are you like this?” Gyrus cried quietly. Kodya shot him a quick look of confusion, anger, and misery. “Every time something happens to me, you try everything you can to save me regardless of the consequences for yourself. You didn’t run when Don came back. You attacked Ragan and the security guards knowing you’d get in trouble. You keep risking yourself for me. And now!” Gyrus sobbed, “Now you’re worried about protecting me when you face life in prison, death, or torture!”

Kodya didn’t answer or look at him. He just kept crying and shaking.

Gyrus stood up against the pole. “We’re going to get out of here,” he said through gritted teeth.

“How, exactly?” Kodya said in barely a whisper.

“I’m going to get over this thing.”

“No! That was a stupid idea!” Kodya cried. “You’ll get yourself even more hurt…”

Gyrus stared at him. Kodya was still looking away, cheeks red and inflamed.

“Look at me,” Gyrus demanded. When Kodya didn’t move, he raised his voice. “Look at me, Kodya!”

Kodya finally snapped his gaze to his boyfriend.

“You’ve done everything for me. Let me do this,” Gyrus said, the words easily falling out of his mouth even if Kodya wasn’t ready to hear it.

With a hic and a sob, Kodya nodded.

Gyrus shot him a weak smile and set to work. After secondary school, he had gone to an astronaut training camp. He could use those skills now, even if he was rusty.

With strength that surprised even himself, he hoisted his legs over his body as he would for a backflip and hooked them around the pole. It was a risky move with his neck restrained, but the movement forced his neck free, as he had hoped. He could see an upside-down Kodya gaping at him.

He shuffled his way up the pole with the friction of skin-to-metal contact until he reached the top.

“Wait!” Kodya cried.

Gyrus paused.

“I think the top comes to a sharp point,” Kodya said, squinting his eyes.

Gyrus moved his leg so he could feel the top. “Ah, f*ck,” he murmured. “I’m still going to do it.”


He threw himself over the top, tearing the point through his thigh but making it and landing hard. He almost immediately toppled over after hearing a sickening crack.

“Gyrus!” Kodya cried.

“Shh!” Gyrus hushed. He didn’t want to make too much of a fuss. His thigh was bleeding pretty bad now and he was pretty sure he just broke his ankle, but he’d have to deal. He pushed himself up to his knees.

He looked around. There seemed to only be one door, the one Feather came through, but there were two windows.

He flashed back to when he had tried to escape Don and grit his teeth. They’d be successful this time.


Feather has evidence against Kodya. We need to go after them first.

He forced himself up and dropped beside Kodya.

“Gyrus, you’re bleeding,” Kodya said with the softest voice, hoarse from crying.

Gyrus nodded. “I’ll be okay. We need to find Feather’s recorder.”

“No, we need to get out of here,” Kodya snapped.

Gyrus sighed. He longed to cup Kodya’s cheek, but seeing as that was impossible at the moment, he opted to rest his head on his chest. “I’m not scared. We’ll figure this out.” He pulled away and offered a shy, weak smile.

Kodya sniffled and looked Gyrus in the eyes before leaning forward as much as he could. “I trust you,” he murmured, then planted a small kiss on Gyrus’ lips.

“Dios mío, how charming.”

Both men jolted and stared at the figure that suddenly loomed over them.


“Don,” Gyrus muttered.

“The one and only,” Don snickered. He hefted something over his shoulder.

“How are you not dead?!” Kodya shouted.

Don chuckled. “I am not so easy to kill, amigo. It is a good thing the others covered for me."

Gyrus stood up and faced Don directly. “Why do you do this, Don?”

The monster had the audacity to smile. “Revenge, of course.”


“f*ck!” Gyrus screamed, staggering backwards. Don wielded a familiar bloody dagger.

“Gyrus!” Kodya cried, struggling.

Gyrus grit his teeth. Sharp pain pounded his side where Don had sliced him. “You’re not going to get away with this,” he growled.

“Still haven’t learned your lessons, I see,” Don snarled. He lunged for Gyrus again, but Gyrus dodged and sent him tumbling to the ground. “Mierda!”

Gyrus took the opportunity to stomp on Don’s back and pin him to the ground. He leaned all of his weight onto the man and grabbed the dagger with his teeth.

“NO!” Don screamed, thrashing, but Gyrus held him down with his legs.

“Kodya, forgive me for what I’m about to do,” Gyrus pleaded through the dagger and plunged it into Don’s neck.

Don’s body jerked and went limp below Gyrus and in front of Kodya, who stared at him blankly.

Gyrus drew the dagger out and stabbed it back into Don’s neck and chest several times, making sure he was dead before dropping it and panting heavily.

f*ck,” he whispered. “I just killed someone…”

“You had to,” Kodya whispered back.

Gyrus shook his head and recollected himself. He took the dagger in his hands behind his back and shuffled to Kodya, cutting at the ropes. Once Kodya’s wrists were free, he dropped the dagger and collapsed. “Save us,” he pleaded. “I’m… going to pass out, I think.”

“It’s okay. You’ve done more than enough,” Kodya whispered, grabbing the dagger.

Gyrus smiled weakly and surrendered himself to sleep.

Kodya pat Gyrus’ head as he passed out. Okay. It’s on you now, Karevic. He grit his teeth and worked at cutting the rope at his neck.

The dagger was sharp; the rope gave way without much resistance. Once he was free, he cut off Gyrus’ restraints and checked Don’s pulse. Definitely dead, but he had managed to live before, like some sort of damn co*ckroach…

Don’t think about it. He took the dagger and in one swift motion, he beheaded the co*ckroach. He pocketed the bloody dagger, hefted his bloody boyfriend over his shoulder, and stood his bloody ass up.

Kodya stepped over Don’s finally lifeless body and to the door. He needed to find something to stop Gyrus’ bleeding, both from the pole and Don’s assault.

“Kodya? Tell me that’s you, Kodya!”

“Huh?” Kodya sprinted through the door and saw a familiar face. “О Боже, Maria?! What are you doing here?!”

Maria’s gaze pierced Kodya as she took in his and Gyrus’ states. “Saving you– sh*t! We need to get out of here!” She grabbed Kodya’s elbow and tugged him along through a dimly-lit hallway.

“Where are we?!” Kodya shouted, sprinting beside Maria.

“The abandoned restaurant behind R.O.S.,” Maria answered, not looking away from wherever they were running.

“Wait! We left evidence behind and Feather has more!”

Maria shot a look at him that he didn’t like and abruptly stopped them. “Damnit,” she growled. “I don’t know where they went.”

Kodya frantically looked around. “Don wasn’t dead. He came back. But Gyrus killed him. f*ck!” Kodya paced, head spinning.

The purple-haired menace rounded the corner. “HEY!” they yelled.

“Блять,” Kodya grumbled. He gently set Gyrus down by the wall and turned to Maria. “Think we can take them?”

Maria balled her fists and shifted into a fighting stance. “Come at me, bitch!”

Feather held their palms up in surrender. “Wait!”

Kodya and Maria stopped for a moment.

Feather looked around before returning their gaze to the pair. They took the device Kodya had seen earlier out of their pocket, held it up, and threw it to the ground. They stomped on it until it was in several pieces.

Kodya stared at the mess in confusion.

“Go!” Feather urged them. “Ragan’s coming!”

“No way in hell! You probably backed up that sh*t!” Maria shot back.

Feather’s face fell as Ragan rounded the corner. “FEATHER!” she yelled.

“GO!” Feather yelled one last time before Ragan pulled out Don’s rapier and plunged it into their side.

“Traitor!” Ragan snarled, tackling Feather and attacking them. Feather’s screams quickly died out.

Kodya and Maria swapped glances of immense confusion and frustration before scooping Gyrus up and taking off. They ran until they couldn’t, then some more.

They ran straight to Nephthys’ office, in, and right to the back.

Kodya slammed the door to Neph’s personal office open. “Neph!” he panted.

“Oh my god!” Nephthys shot up and ran to his side. She wasted no time and took the trio to her mini emergency room.

Kodya handed Gyrus to Neph and immediately collapsed onto one of her beds.


Last two chapters will be uploaded tomorrow (19 May) :)

Chapter 5: I Killed Him


This chapter is a lot less violent, although it references Gyrus' story. Enjoy :)

Also, the song referenced is Space Oddity by David Bowie!

Chapter Text

Gyrus, for the gazillionth time, woke up in Dr. Nephthys’ infirmary. He blinked for a minute, trying to recollect what had happened.

“Holy sh*t, I killed him!” he shrieked in realization, rocketing up to a sitting position, gripping his face. He saw numerous bandages wrapped around himself, almost as many as when he had first returned from his abduction.

“Gyrus!” Kodya’s warm voice called. He whipped his head in the direction of the noise and saw Kodya sitting down in the chair next to him. “You’re awake,” Kodya said with a small smile. He also had many bandages and a couple casts, but not nearly as many as Gyrus.

“Kodya,” Gyrus cried softly, burying his face in his hands. “f*ck…”

Now that his brain wasn’t in fight-or-flight mode, the whole situation washed over him like a tsunami. It threatened to tear his world to shreds for the who-knows-how-many-th time.

He felt a warm hand on his thigh. “It’s okay,” his boyfriend said reassuringly. “I promise, it’s okay now.”

Gyrus put his hands to his temples. “But Feather–”

“Sacrificed themself for us,” Kodya finished morosely. “They destroyed the evidence. Ragan…” He sucked in a sharp breath. He didn’t need to say more.

“Oh…” Gyrus felt incredibly confused. “But Don…”

“He was already legally dead. The authorities know the whole truth now, but the new case for his murder went nowhere.”

Gyrus sobbed. Was everything really okay now?

“Ah, and Ragan is actually in prison now,” Kodya said, running his hands through Gyrus’ hair lovingly.

“Wait, how long have I been out?”

“Mmh, two weeks?”

Gyrus let out a sigh of relief. No need to repeat the school year again.

Kodya continued to play with Gyrus’ hair. It felt nice. “Gyrus,” he said softly. He guided him back to a sleeping position.

Gyrus lazily looked at his boyfriend.

“I got something for you.” He stood up and limped out of the room for a moment.

Kodya produced a rough blueprint of what looked like legs. “I know it looks weird,” he said sheepishly, “but I came up with it. It would help you walk without hurting your legs or having to use a wheelchair.”

Gyrus snagged the blueprint. It was brilliant: mechanical covers that put pressure on the entire leg, concentrated per injury, and reacted to the wearer’s own neurons to move.

“This is an amazing idea!” he gasped. “I could totally design this! I don’t think I could build something so intricate, though…”

“That’s where my friend Olimedes comes in!” Kodya smiled. “He’s an engineer and can work with fine detail. I talked about it with him.”

Thank you,” Gyrus sobbed, throwing his arms around Kodya.

“Woah, your arms aren’t quite healed either!” Kodya laughed, gently hugging him back.

They laughed and talked and held each other for a long while, finally in safety.

The two quickly set to work with Olimedes to create what they were calling the Walkinator. Maria pitched in as well, being a mechanical engineering major, but she had enough on her plate: she was building an entire android.

By the end of the semester, the Walkinator was complete and Gyrus was walking on his own.

On the first day of the winter semester, the power couple walked into the science building arm in arm. The new dean, Ainju Hanh, greeted them with a friendly smile. The hallway crowds parted ways for them happily. They looked into each other’s eyes longingly.

Kodya slid his arm around Gyrus’ shoulder as they walked. “Babe?”

“Hmm?” Gyrus looked up at his boyfriend sleepily. He hadn’t slept well due to… reasons.

Kodya smirked. “I love you.”

Gyrus smiled and leaned on Kodya. “I know.”

They walked to the end of the hallway where they had promised to meet Tori and Olimedes, but they noticed a new girl alongside Oli.

“You made it,” Tori said, grinning.

“Who’s this?” Gyrus asked, looking at the girl with fluffy pink hair beside Oli.

Oli put an arm around her and patted her head. “Uhm, this is my girlfriend, Sylvia!” Sylvia flashed a toothy smile. “She doesn’t talk.”

Kodya squeezed Gyrus’ shoulder from where he was holding him. “See, not everyone is your definition of ‘normal.’”

Gyrus huffed. Earlier, he had had a panic attack about never being able to be ‘normal’ again. He still felt bad, but he couldn’t deny that this made him feel a bit better.

“It is almost time, Gyrus.” Tori bumped his shoulder. “Time must make haste. I cannot wait.”

“Time for what?” Kodya questioned.

Tori grinned. “You shall see.”

Gyrus pulled away from Kodya and kissed his cheek. “Trust me,” he said softly, looking into his eyes.

Despite his confused expression, Kodya nodded and returned the kiss. He waved shyly and left for his class, Oli and Sylvia following suit in their respective directions.

“Are you ready??” Tori exclaimed, sounding like she was letting out a lifetime’s worth of excitement.

Gyrus went to scratch his neck nervously but his arm twitched and he hit his ear. “Ack! Yes! Maybe?” he stammered. The box in his pocket felt as heavy as a black hole.

“Just a few more hours!” Tori winked.

The next hours couldn’t have possibly gone by slower. To make matters worse, he didn’t want to tell anyone of the plan for fear they would ruin it and tell Kodya. Only he and Tori knew, and the tension was killing him.

Until finally, finally, it was six-fifty and Kodya was done with his classes. Gyrus waited outside of his classroom, fidgeting with his collar.


Gyrus grabbed onto Kodya for stability as he startled. “Stars, don’t scare me like that,” Gyrus giggled.

Kodya laughed. “Why do you look like the Earth is about to explode?”

“Maybe it is,” Gyrus joked. He pulled on Kodya’s sleeve. “Come on, I have something to show you!”

This is it, Axalei. Don’t screw this up!

He led his boyfriend up the hill behind the university, where the stars were already twinkling and the moon was full.


Gyrus turned and smiled, his teeth sparkling in the moonlight. He pulled Kodya to the very top of the hill and leaned on him, gesturing to the sky. “Isn’t it gorgeous?”

“It is,” Kodya said, tugging Gyrus closer. “Just like you.” He tilted Gyrus’ chin up.

“Hey, that’s my line,” Gyrus protested, giggling.


Gyrus felt a blush settle across his cheeks. “Um…” he stepped back. “Kodya.”

Kodya’s eyes shone brighter than supernovae in that moment.

“You are the light of my life,” Gyrus said softly, taking his hands in his. “I, quite literally, owe my life to you.” He put Kodya’s warm hand to his heart. “You saved me once, twice, so many times I lost count. You’ve been there for me when I couldn’t even be there for myself.”

Kodya pressed his remaining hand to his mouth, tearing up.

Gyrus tried to get on one knee, but had to grip Kodya’s arm for stability as he shook. “I love you so, so, so much,” he whispered, pulling out a box decorated with little drawings and stickers of animals. “I hope you’ll grant me the honor of having you as my savior again.” He shook himself in preparation and locked eyes with Kodya. He opened the box.

Inside the box laid a beautiful indigo ring as blue as the sky just after dusk, resting softly in silver silk.

“Kodya Karevic. Will you marry me?”

“Goddamnit,” Kodya cried softly, burying his face in his hands. He fell to one knee beside Gyrus and took his hand. “No!”

“No??” Gyrus almost laughed.

Kodya immersed himself in Gyrus’ eyes before pulling out his own little box lined with mini stars and galaxy stickers.

He opened it, revealing a ring as dark emerald green as the gemstone itself. “I was going to ask you, you idiot! Marry me!” he sobbed.

“What??” Gyrus burst out laughing. He snapped the boxes shut and tackled Kodya, and together they rolled down the hill, a bundle of sobs, laughter, and joy. He reminisced in Kodya’s stupid puffy face, knowing he would never get tired of it.

“That’s a yes, just so you know,” Kodya said between laughs, wiping his tears away.

“Really? I thought I heard a loud and clear ‘no,’” Gyrus teased.

“I– ah–” Kodya seemed to stutter, and his face scrunched up. “AAAAHH!” he screamed.


Kodya sniffled and rubbed his nose. “Sorry.”

“Was that a sneeze?!”

Gyrus’ fiancé glared at him with mock anger. “It’s cold outside!”

Gyrus buried his face in Kodya’s chest and shook with laughter. “I love you,” he murmured, mindlessly massaging Kodya’s back.

“I love you so much.” Kodya held him closely. “I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”

“You can’t just say that,” Gyrus pouted.

“Why not?”

“B-because!” Gyrus sputtered, laughing into his fiancé’s chest. “It makes me all happy inside…”

Kodya raised an eyebrow. “And that’s bad because…”

“Gahh, nevermind!” Gyrus grumbled.

“Pfft.” Kodya sat up and pulled Gyrus up with him. “You’re really cute.”


“Sorry, was that crossing a line?” Kodya joked. He fully knew Gyrus’ boundaries– but Gyrus remembered what he was referencing and smiled.

“L-let’s just go inside,” Gyrus stammered, pulling Kodya up. “It’s c-cold.”

“Alright, but first,” Kodya said, dropping onto one knee again, “you didn’t answer me.” He re-opened the box.

Gyrus giggled gleefully. “Yes!”

Kodya slid the ring onto Gyrus’ finger and kissed him tenderly, allowing Gyrus to slip the other ring onto his finger.

Gyrus shivered and tugged Kodya along, who shrugged and started walking with Gyrus. “Told you it was cold.”

The newly engaged couple walked home arm-in-arm, laughing the entire way, ignoring any and all other variables… including the weather.


“Bless you! Hahaha!”

As soon as Gyrus and Kodya came within sight of their building, they knew something was up. Lights of all colors bounced around the block, emanating from none other than their windows.

“I-is Maria having a party or something?” Gyrus groaned, hugging Kodya’s arm tightly.

“Maybe it’s for us,” Kodya joked, rustling Gyrus’ hair.

“If it is, they didn’t do a very good job of hiding it.”


Gyrus checked his phone.

– 12 January 2XXX –

7:34 PM maria_34: where r u??

“There it is,” Gyrus laughed.

7:34 PM gyrus_axalei: almost home

maria_34 is typing . . .


7:35 PM maria_34: get here faster loser

“Does she always bully you like that?” Kodya asked, sounding a little concerned, but mostly amused.

Gyrus chuckled. “Yeah, haven’t you noticed?”

Kodya went quiet for a moment. “Good point.”

They finally reached the doorstep and Gyrus went to put in his key, but the door flung open first, revealing Maria sporting a lamp shade as a hat.

“Maria what the hell.” Gyrus face-palmed.

“Whaaat? Don’t you like it?” Maria giggled. She eyed the pair’s rings. “Heh. Called it.”

Kodya smirked and rolled his eyes, pushed her aside, and dragged Gyrus inside.

“HAPPY ENGAGEMENT!!” the room sang as soon as they stepped in. All of their friends were there: Maria, of course, Tori, Oli, Sylvia, Knox, Alastair, Vela, Bronzo, and was that Vee?

“Ahh! Thank you!” Gyrus squealed, grinning ear to ear and not letting go of his fiancé.

“What were you all going to do if he– if I– if the answer was no?” Kodya laughed.

“Impuss*vle,” Vee slurred, one arm slung over Bronzo.

Bronzo rolled his eyes. “Sorry, she drank too much.”

“You know Vee? What is she even doing here?” Gyrus chuckled. Kodya eyed her suspiciously.

“She’s sort of like a sister to me,” Bronzo said. “She said you were friends?”

“Hardly.” Gyrus patted Vee on the head. “But it’s okay. If you trust her, I trust her.”

“Who’s this?” Kodya asked, gesturing to Bronzo.

“Ah, this is Bronzo! I forgot you hadn’t met!” Gyrus pulled their hands together for them to shake.

Bronzo looked Kodya up and down. “So you’re the infamous savior,” he said in a low, calculating voice. Kodya gulped. “Nice to meet you!” Bronzo perked up and clapped Kodya on the shoulder.

Kodya looked confused, but nodded. “Uh… Thanks?”

Maria rounded the corner with two wine glasses in hand. “Here!” She shoved the glasses towards the couple.

Kodya took one, but Gyrus held a palm up. “Um, I don’t drink, remember?”

“Oh, come on, you just got engaged! Don’t you ever rebel?”

Gyrus froze. “What?”

“What?” Maria repeated, looking dizzy.

Kodya pushed Maria and the remaining glass away with a glare. “He said he doesn’t drink. Back off.”

Gyrus continued to stare at Maria. His sight began to blur and his ears began to ring.

What did she say?

That was what Don had asked him when they had first met. That was what he had wanted from Gyrus. To rebel.

He couldn’t take it. He ran past the crowd and into his and Kodya’s room. He only allowed Kodya in before slamming the door shut and sinking to the floor in tears.

Kodya slid down beside Gyrus, not saying a word, just holding him. Gyrus cried for a while before wiping his tears.

“What’s going on, Gyrus?”

Gyrus sniffled. “Th-that was what Don asked me. She asked– she…”

He couldn’t finish his sentence, but it was okay. Kodya held him anyway. The wine glass was nowhere to be seen– he must have left it behind– they held each other without anything between them.

“Breathe with me,” Kodya whispered. He inhaled and exhaled at a steady pace.

Gyrus tried his best to match his fiancé’s rhythm, and soon enough, he was a little bit calmer. “Thank you,” he murmured, nuzzling his head in the crook of Kodya’s neck.

“Of course.” Kodya played with Gyrus’ hair. It was oddly calming for him, and Kodya knew that.

A knock sounded at the door.

“Not right now,” Kodya called.

“It’s Neph,” the knocker called back.

When did Nephthys get here? Gyrus wondered.

Kodya looked at him, and he nodded, so he let her in.

She sat in front of the couple. “Hey.” She gave a small wave and Gyrus looked up, brushing the tears away. “Do you want to talk about it?”

“I-I thought I was over this,” Gyrus hiccuped. “But when Maria… She asked if I– if I ever rebel. He asked that, too. When we first met. I guess it stuck with me…”

Nephthys cupped Gyrus’ cheek. “Oh, baby. It’s okay. These things take time.” Her golden bracelets shone in the lamp light, shining right into his eyes. Somehow, even that part about her was calming.

Kodya squeezed his hand in reassurance as he nodded. “I-I don’t want… this party. I want to be alone.” Although both he and Kodya knew that meant being alone with him.

Nephthys nodded and stood up. “Rest up, lovebirds. I’ll take care of this,” she said with a wink and exited the room.

“Everyone needs a Nephthys,” Kodya chuckled as the door shut.

“They really do,” Gyrus agreed, leaning on Kodya’s shoulder.

Kodya picked him up bridal style, set him down on their bed, and joined him. “So, fiancé…” Kodya teased, fidgeting with his engagement ring, “big or small?”

“My dick or spoon position?”

Kodya blushed madly. “The wedding.”

“I know,” Gyrus laughed. It was rare for him to even be able to see the bright side in these moments, so he took the chance to joke when he could. “I’m thinking small.”

“Are you sure? I’ve seen you…” Kodya gently nudged Gyrus’ crotch with his knee.

“Kodya!” Gyrus giggled.

“Hey, you started it.” Kodya booped his nose. “Why a small wedding? Crowds?”

Gyrus shrugged. “It feels more special when it’s smaller. More personal.”

“Fair enough.”

“I’m so happy I’m gonna get to have you as my husband,” Gyrus giggled. “It feels like a dream.”

Kodya took Gyrus’ hand in his and held them between them, open palms facing Gyrus. “Is this a dream?”

Their hands were normal. Five fingers each, normal colors. “...No.” He smiled.

“This is real,” Kodya said, pulling Gyrus into a strong hug. “This is real…” he repeated after a moment, as if he still needed to convince himself.

Gyrus was about to say something when he felt his fiancé shaking. He pried Kodya’s hands away from his face and noticed his tears. “Babe,” he said softly.

Kodya sniffled and didn’t answer.


He finally reacted, albeit with a slur of Russian curses.

“Kodya, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing! I’m fine,” Kodya whimpered.

“...You’re not fine,” Gyrus whispered, holding Kodya’s face.

Kodya sobbed into Gyrus’ embrace. “...I don’t want to lose you.”

Gyrus fidgeted with Kodya’s engagement ring. “I know the feeling. But this is my promise to you that I’m not going anywhere.”

Hic. “You’re too good to me,” Kodya sobbed. “You know what I’ve done.”

“I know that you’ve been the perfect boyfriend,” Gyrus murmured, “and I know that you’ll be the perfect husband…” He placed a kiss to the back of Kodya’s hand.

“I love you,” Kodya cried softly.

“I love you, too.”

.•° Though I’m past one hundred thousand miles, I’m feeling very still…

Gyrus rubbed his eyes and glanced at the clock. Who could be calling at four in the morning?

.•° And I think my spaceship knows which way to go…

He rolled over to check who it could possibly be.

.•° Tell my man I love him very much, he knows

NEPHTHYS is calling . . . Answer | Deny

Gyrus groaned. Was this about last night?

.•° Ground Control to Major Tom–

Answer tap!

“What is it?” Gyrus asked groggily.

“Gyrus! How are you doing?” Nephthys responded cheerily.

Kodya stirred beside Gyrus. “Neph, it’s four o’clock in the morning,” Gyrus groaned. “I’m tired.

He could hear chatter in the background. “Is it? Oh dear! Sorry! I’m working the night shift,” Nephthys laughed.

“After the party??” Gyrus gawked.

“Yes, that’s why I called,” the doctor explained. “How are you doing?”

“Oh. I’m okay,” Gyrus sighed. “Thanks for checking up on me.” Kodya murmured something in his sleep and Gyrus ruffled his hair lovingly.

“Of course.” Gyrus could hear Neph’s smile through the phone. “Tell Kody I said hi, okay? Have a good day!”

“I will,” Gyrus laughed quietly.

Hang up tap! – boowoowoop –

“Hi,” Kodya murmured sleepily.

Pfft. Gyrus smiled down at his fiancé. He’s perfect.

He nestled back in beside him contentedly. I really couldn’t ask for a better husband, he thought happily.



Ya tebya lyublyu…

Gyrus felt his face heat up. Kodya spoke in his native tongue in his sleep sometimes, although he refused to translate anything Gyrus repeated back to him. But Gyrus knew this phrase.

“I love you, too,” he whispered back.

Chapter 6: Today


Today, we celebrate!


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

On the day of their wedding, Gyrus and Kodya were the happiest either of them had ever been. It was a small wedding: only their closest friends were invited, but it didn’t make the occasion any less grand.

Nephthys was in the other room with Kodya, and Tori had offered to help dress Gyrus. Sylvia had tagged along too, having gotten close to Tori.

“Well, astrobutt, thy husband will be impressed,” Tori commented as Sylvia added a flower to Gyrus’ hair.

“What’s with the Shakespearean speech today?” Gyrus chuckled. His heart warmed at the word husband, although it wasn’t official yet. Still: he was really marrying Kodya!

Tori shrugged. “It is a formal ceremony, is it not? Thy speech must meet the occasion.”

“This ‘astrobutt’ begs to differ,” Gyrus joked.

“That does not count!” Tori huffed.

Sylvia backed up so Gyrus could see her and gave a thumbs up. Gyrus turned to look in the mirror and grinned: he really did look good; just how he wanted to, as well. His hair was styled similar to his usual half-up-half-down look, but instead of a bun, it was in multiple braids shaped into a 3D heart with a blue azalea poking out the middle. Below, he wore a tailed white suit adorned by a midnight blue rose boutonnière and a tie of matching hue.

He couldn’t wait to see how his fiancé looked!

Sylvia clapped her hands to direct his attention to her, then fired off some signs. “You look amazing! Kodya will love it!” she signed excitedly.

“Thank you,” Gyrus signed back with a giggle.

Tori looked between the two, not knowing how to sign. “She said I look good,” Gyrus translated.

“She is right,” Tori agreed, shooting him a sincere smile.

“I am always right,” Sylvia corrected haughtily. She pointed to the door. “Time to go!”

“What? Already?” Gyrus gasped.

The fluffy pink-haired girl grinned and nodded. “Are you ready?”

“I-I guess??” Gyrus stammered. He looked to the door nervously and Sylvia patted his shoulder in reassurance.

Tori hooked an elbow around Gyrus’ and opened the door grandly. She led Gyrus down the hall and to the entrance to the beach, Sylvia trailing not far behind.

“This is really happening!!” Gyrus whisper-yelled, unable to contain his excitement.

“Aye,” Tori laughed. She pressed her head against Gyrus’ and pointed ahead, guiding his line of sight to Kodya. “There he is.”

Gyrus’ heart almost gave out as he took in the sight of his fiancé. He was always easily distracted by this man, and this day was no different. The person before him was gorgeous. A tall, muscular man with long brown hair and a blond streak that so perfectly complemented his electric blue eyes… He wore a jet black suit, a bell of Ireland boutonnière, and an emerald green bowtie, his silky brunette hair pulled back in a high pony with a magnificent green hellebore tied tightly around it.

“Absolutely stunning,” Gyrus whispered.

Kodya caught his gaze and gaped at Gyrus. “Beautiful,” he mouthed, and Gyrus giggled.

Tori led him down the aisle, and when they reached the altar, Tori handed him off to Kodya with a silly bow.

Nephthys stood beside Kodya as his best woman, and Maria stood by Gyrus’ place as his. Alastair, the celebrant, cleared his throat. “Good evening, friends and loved ones. My name is Alastair and I am today’s celebrant. Today, we come together to celebrate the love of Gyrus Axalei and Kodya Karevic.” He turned to the grooms. “Gyrus and Kodya, you have chosen to come together in this union, not out of a religious or traditional obligation, but because of your deep love and commitment to each other. We are honored to stand as witnesses to the power of human connection. Your love inspires us all.” He turned to face the audience again. “Now we will hear a reading to celebrate this wondrous occasion.” He gestured to Nephthys, who stepped forward to the podium.

The doctor smiled at the crowd. “Here is ‘The Space Between Us’ by James A. Pearson.” She cleared her throat. “Don’t try to give me all of yourself– as if you would, as if the wilderness that bears your name was yours to give.” She looked up to the dusking sky. “Instead let’s live like mountains: two worlds rooted together but each cutting its own shape into the changing sky.” Nephthys gestured to the couple meaningfully. “I’ll be the one to see you radiant in the morning light, and to watch as evening’s last glow anoints your head.

I’ll be your companion as the seasons paint you green and gold and white and green again.” She stopped to make a digging motion. “And as the snows melt and the rains fall, carving ever deeper the beautiful grooves of your being, let them flow into the sacred space between us– the quiet valley our bodies make, where deep waters and the dark earth take everything we’ve lost and everything we’ve given and make new life…” she stepped back and placed a palm to her heart, “for all those who call this place home.

The small audience erupted into applause before Alastair stepped back up. “This couple met due to very unfortunate circ*mstances, but these two have stuck together through thick and thin since first sight.” He took Gyrus’ hand and held it up for the crowd. “Gyrus Axalei, would you like to share your story?”

Gyrus took a deep breath and joined Alastair by the podium. He glanced at Kodya, who gave him a warm smile, and knew he could do this. “Right, um…” He laughed a little. “A little under two years ago, I was kidnapped and held for four months before the monster– er, my captor– tried to leave me to die. But Kodya–” he shot him a gentle grin– “rescued me, endangering his life for me… So stupid…” He laughed despite himself. “When I woke up from my three week coma, Kodya was by my side, and he never left. I will forever thank him for that.” He accepted the applause before stepping back down.

Alastair cleared his throat. “Thank you, Gyrus. Now–” he turned to Kodya– “the one and only savior. Kodya Karevic has his own story, one that he holds close and far away from others and plans to keep it so— which is okay, mind you! Upon his return to the normal world, he was a lost soul until he met Gyrus, the so-called light of his life, which I might add is true, seeing his bright red face.” The audience collectively laughed before Alastair continued. “Kodya Karevic, please speak your vows to Gyrus Axalei.”

Kodya stepped forward and seized Gyrus’ hands. “Gyrus. The day I met you, I knew my world had changed, and not only because I almost killed someone…” He laughed morbidly. “I have stayed by your side since the beginning, and I vow to never leave. I vow to be a shoulder you can cry on. I vow to be someone you can trust with your whole self. I vow to love you forever, as I do now, and always will. I love you, Gyrus.”

“WOOOO!!” someone in the audience roared, and the rest clapped delightedly.

“Gyrus Axalei, please speak your vows to Kodya Karevic.”

Gyrus cupped Kodya’s cheek. “Kodya… You have saved my life more times than anyone should have to,” he laughed, “yet you’re still here, willing to do it all over again. I promise to do the same. I promise you that I will always love you, even if your sneezes sound more like screams than anything else.” The audience collectively chuckled. “I love you, Kodya.”

He would have leaned in to kiss him if not for the fact that it was a wedding and he would have to wait.

After the applause and shouting died down, Olimedes stepped forward with the rings.

Alastair smiled. “With the love you feel in your hearts, you want to seal your vows by exchanging wedding rings. These precious rings are a symbol of unity, and the unbroken circle of love. Kodya, please take the ring and place it on Gyrus’ left hand and repeat after me.” Kodya did so. “I choose Gyrus to be my lifelong partner and give you this ring as a token of my love. I join my life to yours forever.”

“I choose Gyrus to be my lifelong partner and give you this ring as a token of my love. I join my life to yours forever.”

Alastair turned to Gyrus. “Gyrus, please take the ring and place it on Kodya’s left hand and repeat after me.” Gyrus did so. “I choose Kodya to be my lifelong partner and give you this ring as a token of my love. I join my life to yours forever.”

“I choose Kodya to be my lifelong partner and give you this ring as a token of my love. I join my life to yours forever.”

“Kodya. Do you promise to love, cherish, comfort, honor, and keep Gyrus in sickness and in health, for good or for bad, for rich or poor and shelter him for as long as you both shall live?”

“I do.”

“Gyrus. Do you promise to love, cherish, comfort, honor, and keep Kodya in sickness and in health, for good or for bad, for rich or poor and shelter him for as long as you both shall live?”

“I do!”

“I pronounce you husbands– you may now kiss the groom.”

.•° And I think it’s gonna be a long, long time


.•° ‘Til touchdown brings me ‘round again to find I’m not the man they think I am at home


.•° Oh, no, no, no

Gyrus and Kodya spun each other around on the sand like children playing, swimming in each other’s love and dancing like they had all the time in the world. The sun set peacefully behind them, disappearing behind the horizon in a splash of orange and red against the blue sea, giving way for galaxies to shine above them.

.•° I’m a rocket man

“I have a secret,” Gyrus whispered in Kodya’s ear.

“Me too,” Kodya whispered back.

.•° Rocket man

“I love you,” Gyrus giggled.

“That’s what I was gonna say!”

“I know!”

.•° Burning out his fuse up here alone

.•° And I think it’s gonna be a long, long time…


I'll be posting a censored version of this work as a 2nd work to a series in a bit.

Thanks for joining me on this journey :)

The Scars We Share - ros104 (2024)


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Author: Frankie Dare

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Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.