Sun-Journal from Lewiston, Maine (2024)

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I SATURDAY APRIL IB IBS I LEWISTON' EIE1Y1NO JOURNAL Church Women LEWISTON A CBLWN HAINE- Sen i OUR CHILDREN Sympathy and Real Understanding Should Be Instilled In Children JJ' mm Allomcy General Says Needs More Stringent Laws To Dig Reds OutOf Hiding Ureakfasl Will Launch JF Fund Drive The lewiston-Aiihurn Jew ish Federation opens its 54th annual fund drive tomorrow morning with a community wide breakfast at the Jewish Community Center at 930 speaker Reuben Dafnl Israel Consul In New York will he Introduced by Federation president Burton Wtlrv-r In addition to his duties with the Isralean Conaubte Dafnl senes as head of the Israel Information Service He is a veteran of the Iarael-Arab war and in World War 11 wm parachuted tie-hind the lines to assist with the organization of a resistance movement in Hungary All members of the Center arc invited to attend the breakfast fitted to hb hand He heard And) -he He to bakr end? ourj given without out ere pearly-enough and amt: a them some 4 aympa- suffer- them to children them' even such na- the truer By ANGELO PATRI We here the best achooislnthe world They are equipped with every thing possible to make teach-Lg and learning pleasant ami sure The teachers are trained for their w-ork and dedicated to it Our youth Intelligent and abb We have enriched the courses of study so as to leave no field of knowledge or action untitled All this that our yMith may be fitted to live Intelligently successfully happily to their time We hare not aucrpnled too well While the majority of our youth are endowed with "understanding" the minority who have it not are source of danger to (he future of the nation because their values art cut of balance To many of them knowledge power and there nothing beyond that The schools have not for the most part rultivatrd that spark of divinity that dwelb In every human breast waiting to Illumine knowledge to soften the hard facts to gentle potential -ruth-lessncss The ancient wisdom thunders "With all your getting get bu the roar of the machines drowns it out Science has unearthed the secrets of nature Skilled worker have applied them to service Air earth and water no longer awe man They an his way the way of understanding toob peak and' his voice around the world He encircle the globe with hb lightning: In every place at wliL weeps the sky with hb wings Spare time distance are cut hb measure God-like he dominion over all To what To what purport is thb majesty and powet to be bent by youth? What help have we them to "get which "though they seek witty they naughtT Not enough Not We give them "Crtnlcs they learn to bugh at brutality to think murder pictured Joke We show pictures of struggle for paltry end where crime brutality kin hare gladioui1 and no thy for righteousness stressed1 and they tough When we see injustice tag oppression slid pass off with a shrug when we bow power and wealth and material' goods we by example teach to value vacuity teach that sympathy and compassion and brotherliness are weakness and only power good We cannot afford to have a minority of our youth hold values Far the ufety of the tlon for tha salvation of world we must instill the LAURA MARIE TARD1F Mrs IxMiis Tardif Mrs Laura Marie Tardif 51 of 67 High 8L Lewiston the wlfo of Loub Tardif died last night after undergoing surgery at the Maine General Iloapital Portbnd had hern a ipatient at the hospital since Sunday Mrs Tardif wu born Deft 31 1902 at Lac Megantic Que the daughter of Alfred and Marie Labrecqtie Veilleux She had lived here 35 years and waa a member of St Ann's Sodality of SS Peter and Paul parish Surviving to addition to her husband tire three daughters Mrs Wesley Theresa) Andrews Auburn Mrs Leo (Claire) Malllet Chicopee Mass and Miss Yvette Tardif Lewiston one son Bertrand Lewbton her mother Mrs Alfred Veilleux Lewbton two sisters Mrs George Lachance Lewbton and Mrs Anton Glasz Rochester three brothers Antonio George and Dolor all of Lewiston six grandchildren and several nieces and nephews Dim At 'Fortians Tardif and ruraral Parkin TO Hanna Stmt Lav na runaral omleoa to ba Arid at SS Pottr A Paul Churrli Tiwadav mnrnlnx at o'clock Hartal la tka family IN SL Pattr1! aaoMtcry Miss Grace Trask CHESTER VI Miss Grace Truk 77 died Friday morning st her residence 22 High St Portbnd 1 llorn'at Chcsterville Oct 24 1876 daughter of Itenry A and Anna Cortona Truk she had heen educated in Livermore -Falls schools1 She went to Portbnd 40 years ago and had been employed by Owen Moore C6 until her retirement in 1946 Surviving are a half-brother Russell Trask Reading Mass and a nephew NED At Hnrtlaod Afrit at bar law Tatid-nra 123 High mrt Waa Oraea Train Fnnaral ftiDday a ft moon at 1 at T4S Coflgnaa sum Pactlaaft Committal praftra and tnumwnt la Jar Hill Crow-wry Jay Mr Tar-day aftamooa af o'clock yialtimr hour Saturday aflrr-noon and avaning at T4S Couama atrmt Portland RalaUrra and frWoda aw wU Ena Brown MECHANIC Ezra Drawn died Thursday afternoon at Hicks Nursing Home In Fiyeburg after nearly three Illness Born to Poland Oct 4 1877 realize that "detection and prnscru-tinti of Communists hae been and will continue to be the greatest defense against Intern'd subversion and deportation for Communists is far hrtter aa far as internal security concerned than spectacular hearings and (he grabbingof he declared Humphrey Atws (ten Humphrey (D-Minn) said quite obvious the attorney general believes the responsibility for our internal security rests with the executive branch and in that concur" always Humphrey added "that the FBI was much more effective than some of our investigative committee would lead us to I Sen Gone (D-Tetm) Mid that while he finds no disagreement with the aims Brownell announced "speeches will neither scare nor control the activities of the "Some successful prosecution by the Justice Department would be more fruitful" he observed Brownell told hll radio-television audience- that when the Communists heard he was going to make a speech their leaders scattered and went into hiding see what FBI Data In praising the FBI Brownell Mid the agency had given him information February 1953 that Premier Stalin of Russia was ill and that he would be succeeded by Georgi Malenkov if he died lb Mid thb wu a month before the Russians announced March 4 Stalin wu ill The attorney general uid that in 1944 the flu had pbnted agents among a group of musicians in a studio adjoining Communist meeting and they had recorded the entire proceedings of the conference lb called FBI infiltration of Communbt organizations a major weapon in combatting subversion adding that "tha success of the FBI in this regard has been so outstanding that the Communist party In thb country know which of its Communbt nfcmbAv to "I assure you that makes their conspiracy a very hazardous he added Brownell said the Justice Department continuing prosecutions of party leaders under the Smith Act He said a new federal employe security program protecting against the loss of government secrets to the Communis ti "so far humanly A program of deporting alien Communists and denaturalization of naturalized members of the party will continue he Mid Arraigns Virginia Woman On Arson Murder Charges FAYETTEVILLE Va -Mrs Gloria June Vandall '23-year-old wife of a coal miner to be arraigned today on charges of arson and murder after she confessed starting a Are that claimed tha lives of three children April U19S3 Describing herself aa one who haa "lived in for nearly a year Mrs Vandall first told her story to Justice of the Pesce A Harrah at nearby Mount Hope Fpyette county prosecutor Howard Carson Mid the woman told him that two of the own were a A niece of Mrs was tha third victim Carsoo said the woman told Mm he wu unmarried at the time of the fire and was living In the upper flow of a twatory house she occupied with her sister Mrs Ver-nli Gill Mrs Vandall had illegitimate twin sans David and Daniel She told Carson she started the fire and then went downstairs and waited for the fire to start burning When Mrs Vandall attempted to rescue a niece she Mid the flames were too intense for her to reach the bedroom Authorities had ruled the Are ac-drinatal 1 Mrs Vandall since married her coal miner husband Re-Elects Officers BATH iB-The Malm Council of Church Women closed a two-day convention by re-electing ita officers headed by Mrs Chauncey Wentworth Of Orono as chain man at Wesley Methodist Church here yesterday Tiic other officers are: Vice chairman Mis Charles I bynea of Guilford recording secretary Mrs Stanley MrKniglit of Portland Irraaurrr Mis Frank Banks of Bangor area directors Mrs Chesley take nf Hnulton Mrs Jesse Mills of Southwest Harbor Mrs Wilmer Hussey of Vassal-borough and Mrs Louis A Dob of Bath Notes From-Research On Tobacco By HU BOYIK NEW YORK Did you know that at one time you could get your head chopped off it you were caught puffing on a pipe? 1 Doctors disagree today as to whether smoking is a cause of cancer and massive research Is under way to settle the matter But tobacco has been both praised and denounced by well aa kings arid poets ever store Sir Walter Raleigh brought the weed to1 Europe from Amcrira Civilization introduced the Indians to firewater and the Indians Introduced civilization to surely one of the great Mexican standoffs of history With the help of a foamed friend a cigarette man himself we have gone Into the background of the rollercoaster controversy over tobacco Here are a few tidbits: Tidbits In 1604 King James of England called smoking branch of the to of drunkenness" and described it custom loathe some to the eye hateful to the nose harmful to the brain dangerous to the lungs and in the black stinking fume thereof nearest resembling the horrible Stygian smoke of the pit that But the custom spread European physicians prescribed tobacco to close wounds and treat ailments and diseases ranging from corns to halitosis and tetanus Later English kings tried to suppress the cultivation or use of tobacco for smoking Pope Urban VUl ex-communicated all who took snuff to church Christian IV of Denmark had all smokers and snuff-taken publicly whipped Punished Hmokrra -In Japan and China for a time the rulers punished smbkers by whippings and maimings and the Russian rulers cut off their noses The Turks stuck pipes through the noses-of smokers and exhibited them In public Later Turkish King Amurath even beheaded anyone caught smoking 1 In Colonbl America tohaeeo was often usedr as money But to 1798 Dr Benjamin Rush the famous American physician Mid smoking and chewing provoked drunkenness Dr Joel Shew 'to the 1830s listed smoking and chewing as agents of sexual perversion lnv potency and cancer Warned Women When the cigarette was intro-dured into the US to the 1850s anti-tobacco reform groups warned women that cigarette smoking would cause them to grow a masculine mustache develop tuberculosis become Merita and suffer a general colfopse They also said cigarette papers were produced chiefly by Chinese lepers and that only suicidal people or idiots would smoke them It was also broadly hinted that cigarettes were made from cigar stumps collected from gutters by tramps and ragpickers Until 1880 it waa Illegal to smoke them in the streets of Boston The 'orm wave reached its peak 1909 when 12 states banned the cigarette entirely Unmlp Telegram Henry and Thomas Edison are among the famous Americans who attacked tobacco But to 1864 Abraham Lincoln sent a telegram to Gen US Grant saying: on with a bulldog grip and chew and smoke as much as The American public contributed 11000 cigars to Gen Grant after he took Fort Donel-aon Charles Lamb called smoking evening comfort my morning Statesman Benjamin Disraeli said the tomb of But Rudyard Kipling countered with woman bonly a woman bit a gwd rigar is a moke" Oliver Wendell Holmes poet and a doctor smoked a nfpe and called 'tobacco great vegetable" In summary it looks as if tobacco belongs in the mme class with love liquor money and the protective tariff Some' feel it's good for what aib and some Idle For 20 Years-IIow Come? GOLDEN Cola Sheriff Ctrl Enlow of Jefferson County was recalling the bottlrgging days of the prohibition era yesterday A citizen called hb office to report he'd located a atm to a hidden cava south of Morrison The sheriff and his men investigated and found a 20-galkm brass can rubber hose and a maze of coils But before destroying the moonshine device Enlow concluded It hadn't been used for 20 yesrt Mass Man Killed When Thrown In Front Of Own Car BRIDGEWATER Mass (H -Warren Bumpus 35 waa killed yesterday when 'police Mid a passing automobile sideswlped hb ear and hurled him through the windshield into the path of his own McCarthy Returning For Public Hearing WASHINGTON Iff Sen McCarthy (RrWto) returns today from Arizona to prepare for the televised Senate public 1 hearings railed to determine the truth in his bitter controversy with high Army of-fieisls McCarthy has declared he will on the right to cross examine the Army people with whom he is feuding and has offered to let their counsel cross examine him But the Senate Investigations subcommittee which will run the probe has served notice It hopes to arrange some other procedure The issue could become explosive McCirthy has stepped aside as the subeommltteSN ylrati matt for the duration of the inquiry letting Sen Mundt (R-SD) serve Its temporary head Vt request the' subcommittee voted yesterday to postpone for one to April the start of the public hearings to allow time for him to make a scheduled Texas independence Day speech to Houston Tex( April 21 Mundt Mid Ray Jenkins the subcommittee's new special counsel at bene to Knoxville Tenn hying groundwork for the hearings lid charting recommendations on important preliminaries the subcommittee will handle behind closed doors at meetings starting Monday morning The subcommittee ordered Its Investigation after: 1 An official Army report alleged that McCarthy and Roy Cohn subcommittee chief counsel had sought to win special fa von for Pvt David Schlne a subcommittee consultant who wu drafted 2 McCarthy and Cohn hccused secretary of the Army Robert Stevens and John Adams Army general counsel of trying to use the drafting of Schine as club" to blackmail the subcommittee into dropping ita Investigations of Reds in the Army McCarthy said to a news conference In Tucson yesterday he tab tends to discuss publicly the charge he' made Tuesday night that the United hydrogen bond) research was 18 months McCarthy said then to a nationally telecast talk the deby was deliberate and he asked why ft occurred there were no Communists in our government" O'Brien Counsel Objects To Questioning BOSTON ID Atty William Koen had little success today to efforts to question James Mellen who testified yesterday George O'Brien "always seemed to be winning a lot of with horse bets O'Brien 44 of Quincy on trial before a Federal District Court Jury charged with theft to the bo-ceny eg 6681700 from an unattended armored car two yean ago in Danvers Square Several of Koen'a questions were objected to fay defense counsel Paul Smith-and the objections were sustained by Judge George Sweeney who at one point suggested to Koen "why don't you call another witness' Smith told the court in one of hb objections "Your honor this a government witness and they are trying td Impeach Sweeney commented at another point after sustaining a Smith ob Section don't like thb Idea of going over testimony at night and then trying to correct Koen was attempting to question Mellen about some of his testimony concerning hone betting Yesterday Mellen told of going to Lincoln Downs and seeing O'Brien betting 61000 on a horse that paid 610 or 612 for 62 Mossadegh Threatens To Go On Hunger Strike TEHRAN Iran Ex-Premier Mohammed Mossadegh nviklng his second appearance before a military appeals court threatened a hunger strike today unless more people show up at the hearings The former dictator who wu ousted bst summer by a Royalist coup led by Premier Fazollah Zahedl Is appealing a treason conviction and three-year sentence to solitary confinement Mossadegh has quit eating before in protest demonstrations but only for a few hours The aged politician knows however a hunger strike In earnest would be a real challenge to the Zahedi government Mossadegh's death to Jail wuuld make him a martyr among Zahcdi'a widespread but still disunited opposition At today's session Mossadegh wagged a bony finger at the court chairman Gen Reza Jvadl and shouted there are no spectators I'll not defend myself I'D not eat any food from today on" Picked The Right Time To Forget NEW YORK IB-Sometimes It pays to forget Every Friday for the past 18 months Victor Martinez 17 employed by a Greenwich Village rub her casting firm has been under orders to cash a weekly payroll check at a neighboring bank and then pick up coffee and sandwiches for fellow employes Yesterday the boss forgot to give Martinez the check so the youth just headed far the food shop A stickup man cornered Mtr-tines and demanded "the pevroll" Martinez gave him what he had in his soma change and the sandwich orders £2 -50 Cold Piece Sold For $6000 NEW YORK (JO The "Little Princess" 62-50 gold piece minted In Phibdelphta to 1641 was ld yesterday for 66000 The price was paid by an anonymous purchaser at an auction of tha optnooUecttcBd the lata Haniy Chicago Man Slain Brother Is Wounded CHICAGO One man waa killed and his brother- an ex-con-vlct and alleged leader of a 10-mil-Hon-dollar parcotici ring wu seriously wounded to A gangland style hooting early today The assassins fired barrage of bullets At the brothers they droveIn their auto along a West Side The number and position of the bullet wounds and bullet holes found to the car police uid indicated they were shot by two men riding in the back seat The sbin man waa James Pape 36 identified aa a post office employe who was shot three times in the back of the head amf neck His brother Anthony Pape 40 was shot nine times in the head back and arms and was reported in critical condition at Garfield Park Hospital 1 Polict identified Anthony as the alleged leader of the narcotics ring and presently free on 120000 bond pepding a court hearing French Italian British Military Units Going To Turkey IZMIR TUrkey IR-The govern-ment-0 Anatolian News Agency uid today French Italian and British military personnel will come to Turkey In a tew weeks to soil since the Allied occupation of the dismembered Ottoman empire after World War FUNERALS EUGENE KIMONEAU Friday morning SS Peter and Paul Church Rev Antoin Dionne was celebrant at Requiem High Mass Bearers were Leo Fournier Romeo and Aime Simoneau Napoleon Coulombe Emile Roux and Antoin Bcaudette' Esther Dionne read committal prayers at St Peter's Cemetery Pinette Funeral Directors ALBERT GRENIER Friday morning Holy Family Church with Rev Justin OFM officiating st Requiem High Main Military services were conducted by Lewiston Post American Legion Color Rearers Albert tagasse Omer Ouellette color guard Arthur Audet and Mathtas Joseph Bugler Reginald Guay Chapbin John Robertson Firing Squad National Guardsmen Bearers Ca-milly Parent Joseph Tardif Joseph Caron Maurice Gilbert Emile Michaud Victor Carney Father Roger Ouellette read committal prayers at St Peter's Cemetery Pinette Funeral WASHINGTON Atty Gen Brownell says the FBI the Justice Department and the courts are ever vigilant tart the nation needs more stringent laws to dig the Com munists out of hiding Brownell did not mention by name Sen McCarthy (R-W1 whose Senate Investigations sub-rommittee had done much of Con greaa Red probing But the attorney grneral left the strong impression in a nationally televised speech bat night that he believes the law enforcement agenriea of the executive branch and the courts ere cepeble of desling with the Red menace at home And he said the operation of a law already on the books might in effect mult in outbwlng the Communist party through its own aria Brownell's report to the nation undertaken at the direction of President Eisenhower brought expressions of approval for his objectives from both Republicans and Democrats In Congress But there were no dear indications the attorney re-quests for new -legislation would generate action in the form he suggested or- In some cases any action at all Mass Against McCarthy lib speech wu regarded In some quarters aa an effort to takethe play away from McCarthy's controversial Communist in govern-nmt hunt Brownell said: FBI the Department of Justice and the courts are your agents In dealing with thb Communist conspiracy All are vigilant in their readiness to meet any move or emergency which the Communist party in America might precipitate1' He said new laws are needed however "to destroy by legal orderly processes the Communist party in thb country" The attorney general said the country needa laws "to eliminate Communist control of any indu-trial organization or labor union In vital sections of our national economy" Ho proposed the imposition of the death penalty for peacetime as well wartime espionage In his program to meet the Communist to our safety" he outlined also these proposals: Permission for an employer to dismiss from defense planb during a national emergency any person whose record shows he likely 'to engage in sabotage or espionage Measures to prevent witnesses from pleading self-incrimination as an excuse for refusing to testify There have been proposals for law that would permit the government to grant Immunity from prosecution to witnesses who could then bo ordered to answer questions Though their testimony could not then be used against themselves It might help catch Legislation on tha use of wire-tapnt evidence Taking away the citizenship of anv person found guilty of advocating violent overthrow of the 1 government Eliminating the statute of which prevents prosecution for crimes after a number of in espionage cases --a- bffl to permit use of information obtained by wiretapping aa evidence hi federal courts has been approved by the House However Instead of providing for the wire tapping operations to be performed on the authority of the attorney general the provision favored fay Brownell it would require a federal court order The issue la expected to come up again when the Senate considers the measure but Republican Leader Khowland of CalifornU said yesterday there had been no sounding of sentiment yet and he had no plans for early consideration of the WU Chairman Ferguson (R-Mich) of the Senate GOP Policy Committee author of a bin to declare that Communists who retain their party affiliation would sacrifice citizenship approved suggestions Would End Communist Party Ferguson who introduced his measure yesterday with Sea Margaret Chase Smith (R-Me) as cosponsor uid It would "mean the end of the Communist without outbwlng that organization aa Mich Brownell In his speech did not comment on thb bill but outlined another way in which he said the Communbt party in effect might be outlawed: 1 Under the Internal Security Art nf 1950 the Subversive Activities Control Board held that the Communist party of the United States is under the control of a foreign power and pledged to overthrow nf the government by force The finding now on appeal Would Bring Affair la Open If this bw Is upheld by the Brownell said Communist party and its front organizations will soon have to make public the source of an their finances and account for all their expenditures The Communist party win have to list all its members "The Communist party has announced that If the law Is upheld It win not register and individual communist will not register If the Communbt party and the organizations they control carry out their throat and wilfully disobey the bw tha Communist party and its individual members will themselves for all practical purposes by their own acts outbw the Communist party" Chairman Alexander Smith Ot-NJ) of the Senate Labor Cbm-mtttee applauded BrowneUi suggestion for a bw to combat Communbt control of bfaor unions or Industrial organizations "If wo could get that kind of a general bw It would eliminate the Communbt oath (required of union officers) to the TaftrHartley Art Smith observed Sen Monroney COOkb) who has been critical of McCarthy's fav avatigativs methods said ha was glad to see that Elsenhower admin istrsjn art somieg to 1 nr ofJoseph Bndb attached to NATO's southeast Mary Toble Drowit He wu i res- Europe Und headquarters com-(dent of Mechanic Falb for 46inand here years coming hero from Minot Surviving besides hb widow Btancti Smith Brown a is a daugh It would be the first time officers and soldiers of time three countries hare served on Turkish Britain To Open OH Ncgqlialioiw With Iranian IjONDON Britain announced today a mission representing eight Western oil companies will leave immediately for Tehran to open negotiations for the restarting of the billion-dollar Iranian oil industry A A Foreign OUice spokesman told a- news conference the oil companies including five American firms have reached agreement on a bn to resume operations of the oil fields were idled after Iran nationalized the British-owned industry three years ago The spokesman Hid the mission would leave tonight by air for the Iranian capital on the "warm invitation of the Zahedl government" Officbb were optimistic that the negotiations between the newly organized oil combine and Iran will reftult In -the reopening within a few months of the vast oil fields and the giant refinery at Abadan The United States haa pressed strongly behind the scenes for some kind of an oil settlement wMch would start oil revenues pouring once more into the almost empty treasury of strategic Iran IUice Demands Stronger ROK Armed Forces SEOUL A highly pieced South Korean government source Mid today President Syngman Rhee has told President Eisenhower the United States must promise to greatly strengthen ROK armed forces if South Korea to attend the Geneva Conference This source who refused to be quoted by name said the denvind wm made in a letter which Rhee sent Mr Elsenhower two days ago Asked if the letter was a demand or merely an appeal for military buildup assurances the source Mid it was much stronger than an appeal The Geneva Conference is to open April 26 It will discuss Korea and Indochina Verniojit Hrolhcrs Arrested On 4 Auto Violation Giargcs ENFIELD COnn lff)-TWo White River Junction Vt brothers were arrested on an assortment of charges here today after a cat to which they were riding overtui and skidded 75 feet on- its tor Neither Leslie Clough nor his brother George was injured ously to the acident which demolished the automobile Police Chief Earl Reynold Mid the automobile was reported stolen Thursday at White River Junction by Mrs Evelyn Faucheux Its owner Leslie Cough wm charged with taking an automobile without the owner's permission driving while hb license was suspended and reckless driving George Clough was charged with bring a material witneu Reynolds Mid the case will be referred to the Federal Bureau of Investigation under the federal bw wMch prohibits the driving of a stolen car across a state border Exercise Raindrop War Games To Continue Sunday At Ft Devens FORT DEVENS Mass UV-About I800 officers and enlisted men of the regular Army Reserve and National Guard units from New England New York ind New Jersey took part today in war games which will continue through Sunday The hit the 1st Army with four simulated Atmbs as it Id a theoretical line from Saar-hnirken to Strasbourg in Western Europe The 1st Army gave orders to hold the line and no withdrawals were 'permitted The and war the brgest planned exercise to the 1st Army area since World War II Charge Stokowski Crossed Musicians Picket Line NEW YORK (fft-Condurtor Leopold Stokowski has been called to appear before the executive board the AFL Union here to answer a charge that he went through a picket Tine A union spokesman said the noted symphony director crossed a picket line bit Monday to front of radio station WOR although he twice was cautioned against ft The union and WOR are having a' dispute over the number of music 'ina the radio station should employ A representative of the conductor Mid Stokowski had no idea why British Call Off Search In Plane Crash NAPLES Italy-JP-Britaln foby called off the search Iqr Ha Mediterranean fleet for additional i bodies and wreckage of the Comet Jet airliner to which 21 persona including three Americana lost their lives Adm Lord Mountbatten Allied commander in the Mediterranean aid five bodies and debris" had been recovered He-aid the rest of the wreckage undoubtedly to 3000 feet of water beyond reach of divers The British-owned South African-operated airliner plunged Into the sea about 150 miles south of Naples Thursday night on a flight from Rome to Cairo The bodies- till and the wreckage were recovered off the Calabrian villages of Paota and Aman tea south of Naples With the entire Cbmet fleet pride of British air travel-grounded until further notice first clues gave evidence that the plane exploded not long after ft climbed away from Rome's Chmpino airport Xi Cmdr'Jgmes Cerium of Greenville SC one of the search pilots said the Comet apparently exploded and hurtled along its course for several miles dropping off fragments until It finally plunged Into the sea He said mall bits of wreckage were seen floating along the Comet's course for at 'least 40 miles Thought Reason Good Enough for Di8charge CHEYENNE Wyftll) A 68-yearold parolee appeared before the State Board of Pardons at Rawlins seeking discharge from hb parole Gov- Rogers a member of he board seeking re-election said he understood the man had some- thing to say about his case answered the parolee was Just thinking that if you give me back my eitizenship-I won't be abb to vote for you this The man wu discharged Todays Social News WLU Garden Chib members' who traveled to the at Togus yesterday were Mrs Bessie Sullivan chairman of the hospital -service of the club Mrs Raymond Philbrick Mrs Frederick Dick and Mrs Ernest I Hodgkins Transportation wm provided by Miss Angie French The Merrill Hill PTA members will elect officers at ita meeting next Thursday evening Mrs John Murphy la riialrman of the nominating committee which Includes Mr and Mrs Allen Callahan Mrs Elton Wing Mrs' it d'f-e-ir yMMaMaMMaaMbaMy liaUUr rates apply "IN MEMORIAM" Roncti ter Mrs Mary Record Mechanic Falb Durleigh Ortlway TOPSHAM Durleigh Ord-way 63 died at his-hone Friday Afternoon Son of David and Emily Moody Ordway he wu born at Camden Feb 17 1891 A resident of Pe-Jepscot 31 years he had been employed at Pe Jepscot Paper Co many yean Surviving are hb widow Velma Woodbridge Ordway four sons Vesper Topsham Burleigh and Kenneth A Pejcpscot and David Army Germany four daughters Mrs Emily Ajjan Harpswell Mrs Geneva Caron and Mrs Ruth Desrosicrs Brunswick and Doris Ordway Pejcpscot a brother Guy Canjden a sister Mrs' Sarah Sleeper Portland 21 grandchildren and one greatgrandchild Dwiglit Webber FARMINGTON FALLS -Dwight Parker Webber 20 died Friday at Maine General Hospital Portbnd where he had been a patient 12 (toya He was born at Chcsterville April 5 1934 son of Seth and Doris Smith Webbdr Surviving besides hit parents are eight sisters Mrs Virginb 'Pond Mrs Gladys Harris Beverly Adis Edith Betty Florence and reggy all of Farmington Falls three brothers Airman 2c Stephen of Mount Home AFB Idaho Lawrence and Donald: two nieces and two nephews Graves Jr who paid 65150 for the gold piece There an only five of the coins in existence The other four are to the handa of collectors I mistreated word la oo seosft a Hosted void Becsoae aojbody caa k-bn fcw ho ta tiihs So corns dooro to fcitk oamsk Is odor words: Hsdnig with ompta'who koov Am Slinnenola Fugitive Nabbed III Des Moinetl robberies was captured at gun-DES MOINES UV-Murl Russell mint today aa he drove up to the Jarvis 29-year-old fugitive wanted Farmers Savings Bank at the near- for trial fa two- Minnesota bank I by town of Mitchellville Thomas Nichols and 1 Mrs John Murphy She Really -Want To Miss It PHOENIX Arlz ill Delegate Carol Lindsey hurried up the state capital building steps to attend the annual YMCA model legislature Then she stumbled and broke leg She was token to a office where the bone was art Undaunted Carol returned Jo the proceedings wearing a cast and on crutches want to miss a minute of she Mid Velde -(Continued From Page One) man Robert a Chlperfield of the Foreign Affain Committee rich Joseph Meek And in the Velde congressional district a majority of political experts picks Joseph Meek to top a nine-man field In the Republican senatorial primary The victor will tackle Democratic Senator Paul Doughs in November's general election Allison hammering Velde on all aorta of Issues but soft-pedalling the way he rum the Un-American Activities Committee It strictly on committe operations thit Velde has opposition from among the clergymen It goes back to the time Velde tint said he thought the committee should search out any subversives even In the clergy and subsequently questioned several clergymen Velde's own pastor thellev Joseph Albrecht of the First Methodist Church at Pekin still stands by a statement he made af the time that it was a thing to have Representative Vslde even suggest such activity for hb The statement Is being distributed by organization backing Allison YOUR 'Card of Thanks (Uko tks mpta below) will appear In ail editions off THI SUN and THI JOURNAL for only $125 cub or re axis' Wa (book aw laiiilws (Honda aa-woTtan anS whaw of tha Lai far tta SMS nsoikf Wj bw Miaw alaa So Wo SosbUfal Pnwl tnsutaa Mro ewy Moofe yee Oh ftps? Osip (Utter Ire er Jaaraal) the Cm Is IMt ors wordo ar riggateres sro rqiW Uwre so addlttooal okaria based oo spssd SssdoA Cosh Must Accompany All Orient -ADVERTISING be was being summoned by the vehicle which pinned him against union of which he a member tree but that i he would comply Police Chief Elmore Moore said Stokowski had gone to the radtolBumpua waa alone to his car when tatiofi to appear as a guest jit was hit by the otjter vehicle celebrity (which did not atop A' I I opteasa.

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

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Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.